More Republican Bullying — Trying to Shut Down Women’s Voices

Filed in National by on November 8, 2009

Just take a look at this compilation of the bullying behavior by House Republicans while the House Democratic Woman’s Caucus tries to speak on the benefits to women in the Health Care bill:


This is schoolyard chauvinism right here. Not like these fools have any other kind of chauvinism, but the conservative defaulting to schoolyard bullying when they are losing their arguments or just don’t have any arguments to make reflects the mindset of a group of people who have no ideas to bring to the table. Trying to shout down women trying to speak for themselves is very OG chauvinist and certainly not in the category of civil debate. So all of you wingnuts whinging about “uncivil debate” — you need to see to your own house before you’ll ever have any credibility on this issue. (And remember this if you ever get back into power — this was the day you made this kind of behavior Normal.)


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. They should be ashamed, but of course they aren’t.

    I think this video should be wrapped around the neck of every Republican. Should we remind conservative-leaning women that this is what Republicans do when women dare to speak?

  2. Democrats, listen to Rachel. You face problems with women if the Stupak amendment stays around. She’s right, this will be the biggest abortion restriction in a generation and it will have been passed by a Democratic House, Senate and president.

  3. Lon Chey says:


  4. John Manifold says:

    Mikey bends over in obedience to the monsignors:

    “Moderate and bridge-builder”

  5. Look at a 2,000 page bill which cuts medicare, increases taxes and does nothing to increase wellness. Patients won’t see a video when they see Dr’s stop accepting Medicare or for that matter the Public Plan recipients. They will see Pelosi’s 1000 yard stare.

    It is enlightening to see how much liberals and dems hate the American worker and senior citizen.

    All of the complaints you have can and should be handled by the 50 state insurance commissioners but alas they have been colossal failures.

    Mike Protack

  6. jason330 says:

    When I read the absolute BS flowing from Protack and Burris, I almost like the guys like Limbaugh and Beck who are open about the fact that this is all about partisanship.

  7. anone says:

    Of course it is about partisanship. When health care reform passes it will be a historic achievement, one that republicans have fought for decades and one that will show a democratic president and democratic Congress can be far more effective that what we saw from 2000-2006 when the republicans held the WH and Congress. The American public isn’t stupid. They will see HCR for the enormous accomplishment that it is, and one that required leadership and stamina from the the President and from Congress. Unlike the across the board failures of the Bush administration, the democrats will have delivered. That’s got to be a bummer for the GOP.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Indeed it is about partisanship — otherwise why try to make hay out of a small and very flawed amendment to the health bill that only saw the light of day in BoehnerCare. Which didn’t cover that many more people and didn’t save as much money as the Dem bill. This small potatoes stuff is how Castle gets by on the moderate BS — even though this idea doesn’t amount to much at all.

  9. Brooke says:

    Mike, I’m willing to listen to an alternative. Give me one. If something happens to my insurance, what shall I do?

  10. DB says:

    “otherwise why try to make hay out of a small and very flawed amendment to the health bill”

    Wait a second now, Cass. YOU said that Castle wasn’t offering any ideas. YOU were wrong. Setting aside the merits of the amendment, there is evidence that Castle was participating, and the arena he chose to participate in, wellness programs, is not insignificant. The partisanship here was yours. All I did was enter facts into the discussion.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    I’m not wrong on this and the fact that you are working so hard to make it look like the guy was working in some good faith fashion to get his concerns actually dealt with in the bill is pretty good evidence of that. He puts out a very flawed amendment, that contains little by way of costs, that puts the insured in one more bind and then doesn’t fight for it. The only way this even sees the light of day is that BoehnerCare picks it up. That would be No Ideas and No Ideas Worth Fighting For. And No Ideas That Get You More Coverage and Lower Costs.

  12. DB says:

    We’re going to have to just disagree on this one.