Hot Stove League: Republican Gains in 2010, Not So Fast

Filed in National by on November 14, 2009

For those political junkies out there, Bob Benenson of CQ Politics has an analysis of the 2009 elections and what they may or may not mean for 2010: GOP Comeback: Not So Fast.

But there’s a significant amount of countervailing evidence [to claims of a GOP resurgence] , not only in the relative handful of election returns from last week but also in the current polling about the national political environment and in the race-by-race assessments of the midterm campaigns for Congress, which by history’s guide will inevitably turn on voter views of the first two years of this presidency.

With a look at exit polls from Virginia and New Jersey as well as an overall look at House and Senate seats, Benenson article is a must read.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Yeah, he’s pretty much saying what we’ve said. The governor’s races we decided on local issues and the economy is playing a big role right now. The Democrats’ fate will be determined by how apparent a recovery is next year.

  2. nemski says:

    It bears constant repeating though. One thing I have learned from the Republicans is to repeat your facts over and over again — though the did it with lies which in itself bears repeating.

  3. wikwox says:

    Don’t forget the infamous Club For Growth, these darlings have poisoned many a Republican well and intend to launch primary’s against any ‘Pub that fails to meet thier standard of Conservatism.
    It’s a looong way until november 2010.