Ladies and Gentlemen I Proudly Present Your Delaware GOP…

Filed in National by on March 16, 2008

No. Your eyes are not playing tricks on you.

It does say,


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Joe M says:

    Give me a break. Every day is Ronald Reagan Day for teary-eyed republicans, depressed and nostalgic, wondering where their glory days went.

  2. jason330 says:

    You got that right.

  3. anon says:

    Can’t we just name the national debt after Reagan to establish a permanent memorial?

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Why not November 6th? The day St. Ronnie agreed to amnesty for then illegal immigrants?

  5. FSP says:

    There’s been a Ronald Reagan Day resolution approved almost every year in Delaware for the last 10 years. This just takes out the having to vote on it every year part.

  6. jason330 says:

    I’d be embarrassed too if I were you.

  7. Rebecca says:

    Do we get and FDR Day?

  8. FSP says:

    “Do we get and FDR Day?”

    Have you tried?

  9. jason330 says:

    I favor the GOP working toward Reagan day.

    Trying to get state holiday for Reagan day is what the GOP should be doing. It lets them have their little meaningless press conferences without giving them the chance to screw up everything they touch with their wacked out political and economic philosophies.

  10. nemski says:

    Rebecca, everytime someone cashes a welfare check it is FDR day.

    Beat you to it Republicans. 🙂

  11. David says:

    Jan. 30th, I believe is FDR day at a national level. Bring it to Delaware. He won WW2 with the help of 100 million other Americans. It would be fitting. I will say that FDR is on the dime. Reagan is not on any money. We are remind about him everyday. It is not outrageous to be reminded occassionally about the President who won the Cold War.

    You folks are just too partisan.

  12. Dana Garrett says:

    I think we should have an “Iran Contra Day” and “Savings & Loans Scandal Day” and “Paying for the Murder of 40,000 Innocent Central Americans by Dictators Day” and “Funding Saddam Hussein’s Chemical Warfare on Iranians and Iraqis Day” and “Greatest Budget Deficit Day” and “Greatest National Debt Day” to celebrate the “great communicator’s” real accomplishments.

    Oh, silly me. the “Greatest Budget Deficit Day” and the “Greatest National Debt Day” would have to go to the Republican George Bush.

  13. Rebecca says:

    Good one Dana!

  14. liz allen says:

    I thnk we should have a “Star Wars Gate Day”. and “astrologers running the White House Day”, or how bout “just say no”, day!…Or Day of Mourning for all the aids patients who died while Ronnie was taking his afternoon nap”!

  15. David says:

    Should we have a Jimmy Carter surrender day? Or a Bill Clinton fill in the blank day? How about an abort your child day? Teach your kids to climb out of primordial slime day? Call Girl love in Day? We could all play those silly games.

    I think it is much more up lifting to bring us together. I am not surprised you don’t. At least Senator Obama is a breath of fresh air for a liberal. Learn something from him.

  16. cassandra m says:

    Reagan didn’t do much to bring “us” together, either. And, frankly, neither did anything you suggested in your post. Perhaps you should take some of your own advice before dispensing it to others.

    One of the first things that BushCo did when he came to office was an Exec Order extending the amount of time the Reagan papers (the ones not already in the Library) continued to be covered under the Presidential Records Act. I think that historians will get those records under a new Dem president and we’ll get the real deal on Iran Contra, the extent of Reagan’s altzheimers and a bunch of other stuff that will further demonstrate that Reagan’s greatest accomplishment was his ideology.