What a Wuss! Giuliani Decides Against Run for Guv

Filed in National by on November 19, 2009

Mr. Verb Noun 9-One-One has decided that the one thing he fears more than terrorists is–losing.

The New York Times reports that Bernie Kerik’s best bud will not run for Governor.  Why?:

It was not clear what prompted the decision, but the prospect of potentially facing Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo, who is quietly planning his own run for governor on the Democratic ticket, may not have appealed to Mr. Giuliani, who suffered a bruising defeat in the 2008 Republican presidential primary.

Someone get that man a chicken suit!


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  1. Polls have him even with Cuomo. I will see if the NYT is accurate. I don’t give as much credibility to it as I do DL.

  2. By polls you mean Rasmussen, who is doing a good job of trying to ruin their reputation.

  3. Once again, in the past election 2009, they called it. Blast them if you want, but it won’t change that the man knows how to poll.