FYI: The Gift Kids Really Wanted

Filed in Delaware by on December 21, 2009

Brandywine, Christina, Red Clay and Appoquinimink School Districts have canceled classes for the rest of the week.

Winter break begins NOW!

According to my kids:  BEST.  GIFT.  EVER.

UPDATE: As of now, Christina School District is closed today (12/22) but is scheduled to be open tomorrow.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (11)

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  1. Rebecca says:

    Sounds like a good idea now, but wait until you’ve had them home for 16 days running. Phew! That’s a long winter break. Have fun.

  2. pandora says:

    Luckily, mine are teenagers/preteens so they’ll just sleep late and avoid adults. 😉

  3. MJ says:

    Cape is opening 2 hours late on Tuesday

  4. John Young says:

    Whoa, Christina is canceled tomorrow only at this point. As of RIGHT NOW, Christina is scheduled to have classes on 12/23 as SCHEDULED.

  5. pandora says:

    Oops! Sorry, John. I’ll add the correction. I checked all the websites yesterday and must have misunderstood Christina’s.

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Rebecca–I’m with you–my tics are starting already :)–and 2 college kids to add to that lil’ gift!!!

  7. Rebecca says:


    Do you run the vacuum under their beds while they are sleeping late? Every Saturday morning the dirt under my bed had to be attacked with a vengence. I never figured out where all that dirt came from. In fact, it was invisible to me. But Mom had to clean it out every week at 8:00AM on Saturday. ;o)

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    Too funny Rebecca–I was and remain a night owl. We were a Saturday AM chore family growing up. You could pick from the “list” 2-3 things then be on your way for the day–oh and every bed was stripped. Guess who got left w/ the bathrooms and making up the little kids top bunks every week? To this day–I have no trouble letting teens be teens and sleep till noon on Saturday. Mine go strong all week–if they can catch a solid 10-12 hrs. I let ’em—they’re good for it on the other end. We’re not milking any cows around here:).

  9. pandora says:

    I kinda like my quiet mornings, so I let them sleep. However, when they get up today, my little elves are in for a big surprise. They might end up wishing they were at school. As much as I liked the snow, it really messed up my holiday schedule.

  10. Rebecca says:

    You are such good Moms! Happy Holidays to you and your kids.

  11. pandora says:

    Ha! Don’t think I’m not stealing that clean under the bed idea – because I so am!