The White House Smacks Dick Around

Filed in National by on December 31, 2009

After Dick Cheney emerged from Potterville to chime in about the attempted terrorist attack on Flight 253, the White House responded on its blog.

To put it simply: this President is not interested in bellicose rhetoric, he is focused on action. Seven years of bellicose rhetoric failed to reduce the threat from al Qaeda and succeeded in dividing this country. And it seems strangely off-key now, at a time when our country is under attack, for the architect of those policies to be attacking the President.

… snip …

There are numerous other such public statements that explicitly state we are at war. The difference is this: President Obama doesn’t need to beat his chest to prove it, and – unlike the last Administration – we are not at war with a tactic (“terrorism”), we at war with something that is tangible: al Qaeda and its violent extremist allies. And we will prosecute that war as long as the American people are endangered.

More of this please.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (27)

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  1. A. price says:

    freakin finally. I dont understand why they dont start prosecuting Dick for his war crimes. he has done enough to be put away for good…. it would also shut him up forever.

  2. Lizard says:

    fcsd n ctns lk ths: S rlss dngrs rnn prx bhnd th mrdr f S trps Lv Wr Jrnl ^ | Dcmbr , | B Bll Rgg Th S hs rlsd th ldr f n rnn-bckd Sh trrr grp bhnd th kdnppng nd mrdr f fv S sldrs n Krbl n Jnr .Qs Qzl, th ldr f th sb l Hq r th Lg f th Rghts, ws st fr b th S mltr nd trnsfrrd t rq cstd n xchng fr th rls f Brtsh hstg Ptr Mr, S mltr ffcrs nd ntllgnc ffcls tld Th Lng Wr Jrnl. Th S mltr drctl mplctd Qs n th kdnppng nd mrdr f fv S sldrs n Krbl n Jnr . W lt vr dngrs mn g,

  3. A. price says:

    ok LIEzard. whatever your paranoid right wing terrorist blogs tell you to say. you stayin in the Klan bunker this new years eve?

  4. Lizard says:

    frm tlgrph.c.k t s xpctd tht Mr Mr wll rtrn t Brtn ftr fw dys f dbrfngs nd mdcl tsts. Hs rls ls cm thr mnths ftr dzns f mmbrs f th Lgs f Rghtsnss, Sh mlt grp blmd fr th kdnppngs, wr rlsd frm prsn n rq. Bt Mr Mlbnd dnd tht dl ws dn wth Mr Mrs cptrs. H sd th rls ws nbld b rq’s prcss f ntnl rcncltn. Mr Mr ws wrkng n rq fr Brngpnt, S cnsltnc frm. Th fr grds hd bn mplyd b GrdWrld, Cndn scrt frm, t prtct hm. Th Brtns pprd n svrl vds ssd b th cptrs, wh clld thmslvs th slmc Sht Rsstnc n rq, blvd t b prt f th Lgs f Rghtsnss. Th bds f th thr grds wh wr klld – Jsn Swndlhrst, , frm Lncshr, Jsn Crswll, , frm Glsgw nd lc McLchln, , frm Crmrthnshr – wr rtrnd t Brtn rlr ths yr.

  5. nemski says:

    Lizard, stay on topic and provide links. Two simple f’ing rules you can’t follow.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    I really wished we could get smarter trolls.

    You are either set free or transferred to Iraqi custody — you don’t get to claim we let someone go when in fact we transferred the guy to Iraqi custody. You people were all for Iraqi democracy and self-determination but now that they are exercising that you’ve found one more excuse to wet your beds.

    And as for Dick Cheney — I do think it is well past time to rethink this not looking back stance as an argument against prosecuting these people. If Dick wants to relive the past and to keep working at justifying all of the failed policies of the Bush Admin then he can do it from a courtroom.

  7. Lizard says:

    I see the collective has fired up Memory Hole 2.0 today.

  8. delacrat says:

    Obama replicates Cheney/Bush “surge” in Afghanistan.

    Taliban says “bring ’em on”

    7 CIA “workers” killed in Afghanistan.

  9. nemski says:

    delacrat, you seem too happy about 7 Americans killed.

  10. delacrat says:


    Don’t blame me. I didn’t vote for Bushama. I voted for Cynthia McKinney.

  11. donviti says:

    they responded via blog?

  12. A. price says:

    delcrat has proven he hates americans and sympathizes not with innocent people in the middle east who have been killed by our pointless wars like iraq, but also every terrorist who kills americans because we “have it coming”

  13. A. price says:

    “It appears that the normal Republican talking points aren’t working. Obama’s approval rating has gone up slightly since the Christmas Day attempt.”

    well, it is OBVIOUS he planned the attack, or at least let it happen so his approval rating would increase… like bush did for 9/11. right delcrat?

  14. delacrat says:

    a. price,

    If you think professional killers are “innocent people”, then you a very confused young man.

  15. A. price says:

    the innocent people i speak of are iraqi children who died in bush’s war. but ANY loss of life is lamentable…. like American soldiers who through no choice of their own get sent to a hole like iraq….. but they are american so they have it coming i guess.

  16. pandora says:

    I’m having a hard time figuring out where delacrat is coming from.

  17. A. price says:

    somewhere between Beckistan and the Code Pink headquarters

  18. donviti says:

    I think he is coming from delaware? nyuck, nyuck

  19. just kiddin says:

    Delacrat: you can bet your ass the people here at DeLIB havent a clue about what is going on with the Gaza Freedom March. There has been a complete black out by the corporate owned lame ass media on a topic all over Europe, Asia and the rest of the world. Not even the papers of “record” like NYTimes or Washpo would even mention it. There is an email campaign going on on the net demanding these so called papers of record actually report worldwide news instead of covering dumb shit by using Tiger Woods as a story we should really give a damn about. Bet they dont know the Sauds, US have been bombing the hell out of Yemen for 3 weeks, and all they all sit behind their computers and blog till the cows come home, wonderin “why they hate us”. As Ron Paul said, Stop bombing and killing them, and perhaps we can have some diplomacy”. Naaah that wouldnt back up the Wall Street gang and those in the White House, Senate and Congress who want to continue to failed Bush foreign policy agenda inspite of the “change and hope” promises.

  20. A. price says:

    the Gaza “lets strap bombs to our kids and send them at school busses full of jews march?” that one? have oyu any idea the tactics of the Hamasians and what their leadership actually wants? no. you dont.

    they dont get attention because they act like Iran when it comes to asking for legitimacy. they whine and complain that they live under constant supervision. Then when they get their way, the celebrate by sending ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN with a bomb strapped to them to kill Israelis. Is THAT what oyu are defending?

  21. just kiddin says:

    A.Price: you haven’t a friggin clue. Since Operation Castlead last year, only 41 truckloads of food, medicine and fuel have been permitted into the strip of millions of starving people. This is an international effort sanctioned and organized by international peace and anti war groups around the world. Leave it to people like you to use the same ole BS to end a conservation about right and wrong. Its wrong to starve people, occupy them with brut force A Price. How humane of you.

  22. A. price says:

    until the Palestinians love their children more than they hate the jews, there will be no peace

  23. donviti says:

    proof that profiling works…just look at how safe people are in Israel

  24. MJ says:

    Delacrat voted for a former member of Congress who assaulted a police officer? Well, he indeed does hate Americans and has no respect for the law. Typical wingnut.

  25. MJ says:

    As Golda Meir once said “I can forgive you for killing my children, but I cannot forgive you for making me kill yours.” JK is the one who doesn’t have a freaking clue.