Q: What Do John McCain and Dave Burris Have in Common?

Filed in National by on April 2, 2008

A: They both love lobbyists.

And yet another lobbyist joins Team McCain. And this one is the head of a lobbyist firm, no lower-level lobbyists for Mr. Fake Integrity.

Davenport’s new position is certain to precipitate complaints from rivals that McCain is packing his campaign with the lobbyists whose conduct he has denounced. McCain’s advisers have said that McCain’s credentials as a reformer are solid and can overcome any optics problem that comes along with hiring lobbyists.

They say that he is unfairly held to a higher standard than Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
“I don’t remember McCain ever saying that making an honest living was wrong,” a senior campaign adviser said last night. “He has inveighed against politicians who value relationships with lobbyists and donations more than the public interest.”

(h/t kos & God Bless Duncan Black)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    I’ve seen the Delaware lobbyists hanging out in Dover drinking establishments with their worn, black sneakers and crumpled suits too tight at the waist and neck. Don’t know if I’ve ever run into a ‘national’ lobbyist. Do the national lobbyists appear any less seedy and desperate?