How Does That Work?

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 3, 2008

The Electronic Freedom Foundation has noticed that a footnote in a John Yoo memo that stated that the Justice Department had recently decided that the 4th amendment didn’t apply to military operations within the United States with regard to terrorism. For those of you that forget what the 4th amendment says:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Here’s the important part of the footnote:

… our Office recently concluded that the Fourth Amendment had no application to domestic military operations.

Some days, I really miss the Constitution.

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  1. Lefties like you and me have been screaming this for years only to be hounded and shouted-down by right-wing loons.

    Can’t say I’m surprised.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Is Yoo a Moonie or just sycophantic fucktard?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Would it surprise you to learn that Yoo was a clerk to Clarence Thomas?

    Now, you get it.

  4. Brian says:


  5. Brian says:

    Now do you see why we need civil libertarians? and Libertarians generally?

  6. Brian says:

    I want Jefferson to come back from the dead.

  7. donviti says:

    woooohoooooo, I hope we go back to biblical law now!

  8. Rebecca says:

    Yoo truly is crazy. But then, all of the neocons are certifiable. This is scary stuff. Can you imagine that we’re all saying thank Gawd for the military lawyers?

  9. donviti says:

    the kicker is he is teaching at Berkley. So much for that liberal school thing I guess….

    where’s duffy?

  10. R Smitty says:

    woooohoooooo, I hope we go back to biblical law now!

    Consider yourself smited.

  11. R Smitty says:

    … our Office recently concluded that the Fourth Amendment had no application to domestic military operations.

    Consider this Republican (-INO, as I stand accused) officially disturbed.

    You’re still smited, tho, DV.

  12. Brian says:

    Dear Mr. Yoo

    Please excuse my spelling in this letter, I have a rare lexical disorder triggered by theocrats and people who would pervert the founding documents of this nation, whether through accident, caution or willful manipulation subvert these eloquent testaments intention for human liberty; it typically is triggered by extreme concern.

    I hope Yoo will forgive me this error of conscience and physical disability.

    I hope Yoo understand.

    I recently read yoor decision that the 4th Amendment does not apply to US military operations inside the United States. I would like to express my extreme concern over this finding directly to Yoo.

    I would like to inform Yoo that many of the People of the United States of America have extreme concern over yoor decision and we do not like Yoor ideations and will resist any further encroachments Yoo make through our courts of law.

    Thank Yoo for yoor patience and understanding of our concern Mr. Yoo.

    Did I mention I also have tourettes syndrome:

    Ummm…sorry I meant our lawyers will be in touch with Yoo soon. I hope Yoo will excuse my lack of etiquette, but I forgot my clonidine this morning and sometimes when I hear of decisions like the one Yoo made it triggers my lexical disorder and my Tourette’s disability simultaneously.

    Perhaps I can sue Yoo on those grounds alone. I will seek an opinion, I assure Yoo.

    Sincerely Yoors,

  13. Brian says:

    If Yoo are really upset, have fun-

  14. R Smitty says:

    is aie his web address, or something the masses scream when reading his opinions?


    Viti, I still smite thee.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    It’s been theorized that the footnote was a CYA move for the benefit of the State Dept and the Executive, in case of future legal issues.

    Unfortunately for them, it can be argued that it’s one part of a Conspiracy to circumvent Constitutional Law.

  16. Little Birdie.... says:

    Can Nancy Polosi (cp. sp.) even spell impeachment???

    She has not done a thing to protect out rights…. she should be #10 the list of impeachables.

  17. Brian says:

    I hope Senator Biden has tourettes syndrome when it comes to this issue too. I know he has to be angry.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    An indignant response could get him a V.P. spot. I have heard several people trot him out as an excellent 2nd for Obama.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    I think that Biden would be a great VP for Obama, seriously.

    John Yoo is a real nutcase. I read yesterday that this torture memo — signed by Yoo and NOT Ashcroft — is just another example of the cherry-picking management style of BushCo. Just reach into organizations to get the opinions you want (not too unlike the stovepiping of really bad intel through Douglas Feith’s office over Iraq).

    The thing is, though, Yoo’s behavior here definitely gets him on the repub judicial loyalty list — meaning that if there is an opportunity (please, God, NO) , this guy is going to be nominated for the bench someplace.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    I think that means that we have to make sure that we hold the Presidency for at least the rest of Yoo’s natural life… I’m OK with that.

  21. jason330 says:

    Biden is trading at 4% for veep vs. Webb’s 10%.

    The leader is ROF. (rest of field) aka. someone off everyone’s radar screen right now.

  22. anon says:

    After Dems take over we have to retain domestic surveillance powers long enough to get something on Yoo.

  23. Brian says:

    ROF should be edwards, clinton, richardson, dodd….or even someone more libertarian (my fantasy) but if it is bloomberg I am out of here to Costa Rica or Argentina. I loathe that fascist.

  24. cassandra_m says:

    After Dems take over we have to retain domestic surveillance powers long enough to get something on Yoo.


    Thing is, though, the minute the Dems do really take over, is the minute that repubs finally discover how really bad an idea this is. The freakout will be without irony and totally epic.

  25. Brian says:

    The neo-con wing of the republican party have done everything in their power to crush liberty, what kind of response would democrats offer? Any suggestions?