Pre-Snowgasm Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 5, 2010

Well, it’s Friday and we’re all watching the skies waiting for the snow to start. I’m ready to dash out of here the minutes I start seeing snow flakes. I hope you all have bought your bread, milk and eggs so that you can make French toast during the storm – apparently that’s really important. So let’s open this thread.

Fox News’s Chris Wallace got called out on some sexist remarks he made on Don Imus’s show:

Yesterday during an interview with Don Imus on Fox Business, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace was promoting his interview this week with former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. When Imus randomly asked whether she will “be sitting on your lap” during the interview, Wallace replied, “One can only hope.” This morning, Fox and Friends host Steve Doocy asked Wallace about his comment. Co-host Gretchen Carlson was flabbergasted by the exchange between Wallace and Imus, and asked, “Would you ask that of a man?” Wallace was silent for a few seconds before stumbling over a response and changing the subject to whether she would sit on Brad Pitt’s lap during an interview.

Lame! Will Sarah Palin call for Wallace to be fired like she did for David Letterman? In my opinion what Wallace did was a whole lot worse.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anonone says:

    Can we elect Al Franken President, please?

    “Sen. Al Franken ripped into White House senior adviser David Axelrod this week during a tense, closed-door session with Senate Democrats.”

  2. anon says:

    After hearing the media hysteria and US government investigations of Toyota – who still says the US doesn’t have an industrial policy?

  3. Jason330 says:

    SC Gov. Mark Sanford now says he changed his mind and would like stimulus money. Sheesus. Republicans are so stupid. I swear they would never get elected without the help of our crappy media and our crappy Democratts.

  4. Well, Sanford doesn’t have a chance to be president, at least not in the 2012 cycle. He might as well take the stimulus money.

  5. a.price says:

    OOOOOOOOOOO Stewart Smally did something ballzy. good philosophy aNONE, fall in line behind whoever seems toughest at the moment.

  6. V says:

    Come on A, you’re being unfair. We don’t have to disagree with EVERYTHING a1 says. Franken’s pretty much been kicking ass and taking names for a brand new jr. senator. I like him.

    I thought republicans were the ones who abandoned ideas when someone they didn’t like thought it was good. Don’t be one of “them”.

  7. Brooke says:

    I love Al Franken as a Senator. He “exceeds expectations” every damn time.

  8. Lizard says:

    the corpse-men were sent to haiti to deal with the zombies,right?

  9. Jason330 says:

    Facts schmacks:

    The United States and Turkey are now the only NATO military powers that do not allow gays to serve openly, but Israel and other countries have shown that the participation of gay soldiers in combat units presents no risk for military effectiveness. What’s more, acknowledging their presence improves unite cohesion.