Who lost the jobs?

Filed in National by on February 6, 2010

Bush did.

hat tip to Oliver Willis on Twitter, who offers this comment: “someone from #tcot or #teaparty called me a n***er for posting this chart on job losses so u should check it out.”

Love those racist Republicans.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I think even the teabaggiest teabagger will agree that Bush f-ed up the country but good.

  2. Bill Dunn says:

    I don’t know Jason…. Some of them seem to be pretty far out there… Then again, that faction are probably Birther’s too.

  3. anon says:

    Did you notice how the conservative movement keeps creating new designer idiots to be its patsies and shock troops?

    It used to be all about jingoism and “family values.” But now teabaggers are pretty much laying off the social conservative stuff, and are pretending instead to be economics PhDs and Constitutional scholars.

    Which tells us what we knew all along, that the corporations and the wealthy were just using the social conservatives as patsies.

    I guess the dream of a social conservative majority died in an airport men’s room.

    By the way, that graph should be tattooed onto Chris Coons’s forehead.

  4. Someone covering the Tea Party convention noted that none of the speeches so far have said anything about taxes. They’ve had speeches about bringing back Jim Crow, Obama’s birth certificate and how much they hate the media.

  5. nemski says:

    Socialism works!