Americans Continue To Support Health Care Reform

Filed in National by on February 10, 2010

The Washington Post and ABC News did a poll asking Americans about the current political climate and bipartisanship. The basic result is that Americans are frustrated by the lack of progress on important issues and both parties are taking the blame for this, but Republicans are coming in for more blame. When Americans were asked about health care reform, they saw the following result:

Americans expect Congress to keep working. The election of one Senator from Massachusetts is no excuse to stop. The message about who is to blame for the impasse is also starting to come through:

I hope the message is getting through to weak-kneed Democrats. Failure is not an option, the voters expect you to get things done. Voters also expect their officials to make the hard decisions. I think Obama is doing a good thing with his televised bipartisan health care summit. He’s basically calling the Republicans’ bluff. I feel confident in his ability to sell the current plan and to point out the problems and flaws in the Republican plans.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. jim O'Hare AIC AIS says:

    I want some evidence that I am being represented instead of corporations or the politicians personal interests.

    Pols get corporate money to seek our votes so they can represent the interests of business. The beginning of the end has started.

    look at any great economy thru history- When finance reaches 20% the countries fade away and die. It means they dont make anything anymore.
    See the Dutch, English, Spanish, french etc.

    We need a Roosevelt or Truman or LBJ, sombody to do the right thing despite personal views. Do you think LBJ didnt gag just a little with forcing thru the civil rights agendas?

    We need a hero when we only have Lying moaners and obstructionist thieves.
    Jim O’HAre VP med mal claims PIC florida

  2. Tom S says:

    Washington Post & ABC news…no bias there.