Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 4, 2010

It’s Thursday and boy has this week flown by fast. It’s more than halfway over now! So, are you ready for your open thread?

Sarah Palin may not be Vice President but she soon may be unavoidable. She’s reportedly shopping a Palin reality series around those Hollywood liberals:

With Mark “Survivor” Burnett in tow, the former Alaska Governor has had every door open up in front of her this week in L.A. as she supposedly has been pitching a high impact, big vistas look at her home state. Reports say Palin’s been to ABC, Fox and NBC on Wednesday and will visit to CBS on Thursday

I guess Fox doesn’t have Palin under exclusivity. I’m sure Sarah Palin will approach a reality show with as much dignity as she’s approached everything else. Oh, by the way, she’s writing another book.

An investigation by NPR revealed that Toyota is not the only car company with sudden acceleration problems:

The just-released NPR report details consumer complaints to federal regulators regarding accelerator issues have also been problematic for Volkswagen, Volvo and Honda, among other manufacturers.

The analysis covers about 15,000 complaints filed over the past decade, covering cars back to the 1990 model year. The complaints were filed with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) which regulates auto safety.

In 2009 models, for example, NHTSA identified 251 complaints alleging sudden acceleration and related problems.

Full NPR investigation can be found at this link. I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn that these problems were not addressed earlier in some part due to failure to enforce existing regulations.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (49)

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  1. MJ says:

    Speaking of St. Sarah, I got this in an email this week:

    Tea Party Nation

    A message to all members of Tea Party Nation

    Conservative documentary filmmaker John Ziegler has created “Media Malpractice… How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted,” which tells the real story of the 2008 election and its aftermath. The film features an exclusive, news-making interview with Governor Sarah Palin from her home in Wasilla (the uncut version of which is a special feature on the “Media Malpractice” DVD).

    John has appeared on the Today Show, The View, The O’Reilly Factor, Glenn Beck, Hannity, Greta, CNN, MSNBC and many other outlets and created quite a stir in his quest to correct the historical record with regard to how the new media influenced the election of Barack Obama and the destruction of Sarah Palin’s candidacy.

    “Media Malpractice” has ben called an “Absolute Must-See!” by the Media Research Center. You can hear Sarah Palin herself praise the film by clicking here and listen to Rush Limbaugh do the same here.

    Now, as a member of Tea Party Nation you can get your own copy of this highly informative and entertaining DVD (which includes the famous “Obama Voter Video” as a special feature) for the incredibly low price of just $7, plus shipping.

    Even better than the low price is that for each DVD you purchase, $2 will go directly to the Tea Party Nation! It’s a perfect win-win for conservatives.

    To order, GO TO THIS LINK and make sure you use the discount code: TPN

    Order now here!!

  2. delacrat says:

    Speaking of vice-presidents….”Joe” just can’t let the Iraq war go.

    Biden Vows Ongoing US Combat Operations After Pullout!

    On Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden said the US would continue military operations after the deadline, saying the majority of remaining troops “will still be guys who can shoot straight and go get bad guys…We’re not leaving behind cooks and quartermasters.”

  3. anonone says:

    Exactly, Delacrat. Another of Obomba’s lies. HCR. Gitmo. Iraq. Lies, lies, lies.

  4. Yes, the Roberts rumor is flying around the interwebs – it got tweeted by Drudge.

  5. anon says:

    OMG, was Roberts the guy in the car with that California legislator?

  6. Jason330 says:

    Christine O’Donnell campaign showing more signs of life. She is speakng at some KKK meeting in Bear according to the NJ.

  7. anon says:

    Our Tom Carper

    Carper in a statement Wednesday commended President Obama, saying he’s “especially pleased” to see a medical liability reform provision in the latest version of the measure.

    I guess the secret is out – all those Republican ideas were put into the bill to appease Blue Dogs, not Republicans.

    All that time Obama was pretending to be negotiating with Republicans, he was really trying to placate Carper and his ilk who never stopped swinging their wrenches at Democratic kneecaps.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Carper can atone for a great many sins by supporting Coons instead of Castle. DL should start an email campaing asking Carper to swear off future campaign events with Castle.

  9. Definitely anon. The Blue Dogs desperately want Republican cover. Don’t they make you sick – they campaign on popular Democratic ideas but won’t defend them or vote for them. Their only purpose seems to be to exist as a voice for corporate interests and to get themselves re-elected.

  10. just kiddin says:

    We know Carper is a blue dog. What about Coons? We know nothing about what that guy stands for? Will Chris avow not to take corporate lobbyist monies? Will Chris avow to follow the Democratic Party Platforms? Who is teaching Chris about domestic and foreign policy? Carper?

  11. Another Mike says:

    “Even better than the low price is that for each DVD you purchase, $2 will go directly to the Tea Party Nation! It’s a perfect win-win for conservatives.”

    I thought TPN were not conservatives, they were, well, whatever they hell they were.

    And I think St. Sarah did a fine job of destroying her own candidacy. The more America got to know her, the less it liked her. And I can see New Jersey from my house.

  12. suomynona says:

    Tom Carper does not consider himself a Blue Dog, and does not caucus with them.

    “Will Chris avow not to take corporate lobbyist monies?”

    He will if he wants to lose by 30 points.

    “Will Chris avow to follow the Democratic Party Platforms?”

    Why should he be the first Democrat to do that?

    “Who is teaching Chris about domestic and foreign policy? Carper?”

    I’m pretty sure he’s capable of picking up those subjects without tutoring from the Delaware delegation.

  13. anon says:

    Tom Carper does not consider himself a Blue Dog, and does not caucus with them.

    So he is a misfit Blue Dog.

    Carper’s MO is to wreck the bills in committee until they are Blue Doggy enough so he can vote Yes.

  14. just kiddin says:

    Suo: you kid of course! Carper “doesnt consider himself a blue dog”, but votes with them everytime! Blue Dog ideas, corporate shills makes you a Blue Dog.

    Chris WILL take corporate money? Great so the Delaware Corporate Peter Principle is working again.

    Are you a Coons spokesperson or speaking without his consent?

  15. There is no Blue Dog caucus in the Senate, that’s the House. Bayh kept trying to start a similar “centrist” group in the Senate, but could never get it off the ground.

  16. I just called Carper’s office again. I mentioned his interview with WDEL on Friday and then repeated what Obama said (and others) about the kinds of legislation that have been voted in via reconciliation that is similar to the public option (S-Chip for one) and whether that has changed his mine.

    The aide said Carper would not allow an up or down vote on the public option because it was too much of a ‘sweeping change’ (CODE FOR the private profiteers wouldn’t like it).

    She said the Carper wants to be a facilitator for getting health care reform passed. But that she didn’t know if he would vote for the bill that might go through reconciliation.

  17. Thanks for the update Nancy!

  18. Kind of weird though – he wants to be a facilitator but isn’t sure if he’ll vote for the reconciliation bill? Is he pushing the Republican piecemeal approach?

  19. His WDEL interview indicates that he thinks that in avoiding reconciliation he is avoiding a piecemeal or “swiss cheese” approach. It sounds like he just plain isn’t with the President or his party. What’s new?
    ~ links are on my web site

    Delaware’s senior US Senator isn’t a fan of passing a healthcare overhaul bill using the parliamentary tactic called reconciliation. Senator Carper says reconciliation, which allows bills to be passed with a 51-vote majority, is meant for budget measures, and trying to apply it to the healthcare proposals under consideration in Congress would turn them into “legislative swiss cheese”.
    Audio Here

  20. Yay! Carper had a case of the conscience! It’s called the truth and I’m glad to see at least one of our Senators gets it. Helps me validate why I vote for him. Carper may be a member of the party beign overrun by progressives like the DL crowd but he isn’t beholden to your snivelling. He still listens to the thousands of people NOT named Nancy Willing who call his office ONLY when they feel they need to instead of every 8 seconds. He listens to the MAJORITY of citizens in Delaware who say they DON’T want government controlled UHC…They want government out of the way so we can really get to the heart of the problems instead of creating a system that will lead to inferior care, a bankrupt economy and rationing. Thanks Senator Carper!

  21. Here’s the history of reconciliation in an easy to absorb graph format


  22. Tom gets Evan’s vote…YAY?

  23. just kiddin says:

    Great article in the Nation today re: Chris Dodd and the Consumer Financial Protection Agency seriously flawed. The Agency belongs in Treasury and independent with its own director and budget. That is what Obama wants and thats what the lady trying to collect the TARP funds desires.

    On Carper: If he gets Evans vote, is that no proof postive the Carpetbagger is in the wrong party?

  24. just kiddin says:

    I wonder how many times Carper voted in the past when the repukes brought up reconcilation. Like the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthiest? Out of the 22 times reconcilation was used in the past anyone got any idea how we can find out how Carper voted then?

  25. just kiddin says:

    jOBS BILL PASSED: $15b…..217 – 201.

  26. just kiddin says:

    OH MY! Grand Jury in North Carolina on John Edwards. Edwards faces imminent indictment using campaign funds to cover up affair. Sources say, Elizabeth Edwards will testify against him…now thats some revenge.

  27. a.price says:

    man, he is PHUCKED.

    217-201?! that is pretty slim. i was under the impression it had more support.

  28. anonone says:

    John Edwards interest in poverty just might get a little more hands-on.

  29. Jason330 says:

    Isn’t there ever some Delaware news to report?

  30. Jason330 says:

    That last comment was funnier with the sardonic (end Donvitism) HTML tag that didn’t show up. Still not funny, but less unfunny maybe.

  31. MJ says:

    I met Coons last night. He impressed me. He said he would sponsor the repeal of DADT, he understood the problems we’re having with NRG and the Indian River plant, no BS. He just might do this.

    And is there anyway we can help O’Donnell with her primary against Castle? 😉

  32. MJ says:

    How about some CT news – Linda McMahon is serious –

    Years ago, the GOP adopted a saying in WI – Make Herb spend it all (a reference to Herb Kohl). Well, here’s hoping that Linda spends it all – and loses. Latest polls show Blumenthal with 20+ point leads over all the republicans.

  33. anon says:

    Obama meets with House progressives, tells them “My version of HCR is now too big to fail. So suck it one more time.”

  34. anonone says:

    Good catch, anon. And did you catch this money quote:

    “Obama also apparently pledged to revisit the public option in the future.”

    Still lying.

  35. This is the report on the meeting with House progressives:

    President Obama’s message to progressives who are dissatisfied with the Senate health care bill is two fold: First: Don’t forget about the uninsured. Second: Don’t forget what failure to pass this bill would do to the party and my presidency.

    In a meeting with House progressives today, Obama made the pitch.

    Speaking to reporters in the Speaker’s lobby off the House floor, Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) said the President reminded them that “If this opportunity passes, much of our agenda, on the progressive side…it would be difficult, if not impossible for a generation to get back to this issue.”

    I asked if the message was convincing to those in attendance.

    “It’s pretty compelling,” Grijalva said.

    United we stand, divided we fall. He’s right of course. But progressives have done much more to advance Obama’s agenda than Blue Dogs have. I hope he’s delivering the same message to them. Already cowardly Blue Dogs Kravotil and Arcuri are saying they’ll vote no. It’s even worse for Arcuri, because he voted yes before.

  36. anon says:

    “If this opportunity passes, much of our agenda, on the progressive side…it would be difficult, if not impossible for a generation to get back to this issue.”

    When I first read this a little too quickly, I thought this is what the progressives were saying to Obama about the public option. Actually it makes more sense that way.

  37. anonone says:

    If this opportunity passes, the blame fall squarely on Obomba who squandered his mandate by his dishonesty, cowardice, and failure to lead.

  38. Phil says:

    I love more of Obama’s change from the last administration.

    “The Obama administration lifted the veil Tuesday on a highly-secretive set of policies to defend the U.S. from cyber attacks.

    “The program is designed to look for indicators of cyber attacks by digging into all Internet communications, including the contents of emails, according to the declassified summary. “

  39. John Manifold says:

    Carper “doesn’t consider himself a blue dog”, but votes with them everytime!

    Not even close.

  40. Phil says:

    And why do you guys keep bringing up schip as an ok for health care using reconciliation to pass it. That was added to the 1997 budget act by ol’ Ted Kennedy. nice, he got something that was vetoed twice added to legislation that needed to go through. right, great job.

  41. anon says:

    JM, we Carper critics have appropriated the term Blue Dog for Carper. It works and we like it. It is true that Carper seems to lack the full-on social conservative thing that marks a Blue Dog.

    Don’t be misled; most of Carper’s blue dog work is done in committee rather than on the floor.

  42. John Manifold says:

    I look at actual statistics, which echo chambers tend to ignore.

  43. cassandra_m says:

    I’m not so clear as to why you think those stats show that Carper isn’t a Blue Dog. He certainly seems to rank in the lower quartile of Progressive Scores — which doesn’t mean he is a Blue Dog (which as UI notes has no formal caucus in the Senate), but does seem to show that he is abit more conservative than his state might actually be able to tolerate or elect. If you reorder this list by vote score weighted by state, Carper would be at the top of the pack for Republicans and at the end of the pack for Dems. In this ranking, even Evan Bayh (by virtue of the fact that he is from a swing state is ranked higher than Carper. He is at the end of the pack (#51) if you reorder the list by lifetime score, right with Bayh, Lieberman, Landrieu and the usual suspects.

  44. John Manifold says:

    On the bottom line, he’s been consitently right in the middle of the pack – ahead of Amy, Stabenow, Mark Warner [a netroot fave], Kay and other good folks, throughout the 111th Congress. He was 28th of the 59-member Democratic caucus – ahead of Patty M – as of last week.

    One must torture the data to put him in the “bottom quartile.” Glad you weren’t my guidance counselor.

  45. liberalgeek says:

    JM – Carper is ranked on your list with Joe Leiberman, politically a traitorous bastard. Carper was also one of the few full-on supporters of Lieberman in his race with Ned Lamont.

    HCR is a pretty good example of Carpers ways… He hasn’t had to cast a vote on a bunch of things because he has been part of a group that has worked to scuttle them (public option, for example). Lieberman hasn’t cast a vote against the public option either, but it would be a stretch to say that either of the two Senators have been particularly progressive about it.

  46. John Manifold says:

    Carper voted for Schumer’s public option.

  47. anon says:

    Carper voted for Schumer’s public option.

    Carper didn’t just vote for it, he and his industry sponsors SALIVATED for it:

    Schumer’s amendment… differed from his colleague’s work in that it did not tie reimbursement rates to Medicare.

    Plus, it was a free vote for Carper because he knew it wasn’t going to pass out of that committee.

  48. romeo says:

    Two tech workers sidelined in Web-cam case

    Philadelphia Inquirer ^ | 03/05/2010 | Joseph Tanfani
    Two information-technology employees of the Lower Merion School District have been placed on leave while an investigation continues into the use of remote surveillance software on student laptops. The two people authorized to activate the software – Michael Perbix, a network technician, and Carol Cafiero, information systems coordinator – were put on paid leave last week while lawyers and technicians examine how the remote system was used, The Inquirer learned yesterday. Lawyers for Cafiero and Perbix said their clients did nothing wrong. Perbix and Cafiero turned on the remote software only when a laptop was reported missing, they said -…