If only Wright was White….
I don’t even know why I’m creating a post about this issue. The quicker we drop this shit and talk about issues, the better off we will all be, and by all I mean the country. BUT, I can’t resist when I read an article that says what people like VC or myself point out. That being when idiots like Falwell or Robertson blame 9/11 on aids and queers then hug McCain and he gets a free pass.
But OHHHHH LORDY, (insert Bart from Blazing Saddles) Oh, lo’dy, lo’d, he’s despit! Do what he sayyyy, do what he sayyyy…
So EJ Dionne wrote a nice article saying the same thing. Only without the word nigger and without the voice dubbing to blazing saddles. (Good morning ma’am C’mon, how ’bout a good ol’ nigger work song? what a movie, but I digress…
Two days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Jerry Falwell, appearing on Pat Robertson’s “700 Club,” declared: “I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way — all of them who have tried to secularize America — I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this happen.’ ”
Before Falwell’s death last year, John McCain actively courted his support, and Rudy Giuliani, one of the heroes of Sept. 11, welcomed Robertson’s endorsement of his own candidacy. “His advice is invaluable,” Giuliani said.
And, of course, there is the endorsement of McCain by the Rev. John Hagee, founder of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, who has called the Catholic Church “the great whore of Babylon” and “the anti-Christ.”
Yes, that’s right, I can get away with it. I have a black friend.
You are absolutely correct. There are two sets of rules, just like there use to be two sets of water fountains.
You go Donhoni…those snake oil salesmen from Virginia can spout any kind of racism, bigotry, and ignorance and get away with it. Now the shoe’s on the other foot and there is outrage among europeans.
I’m w/Mascitti on this one….Rev. Wright isn’t saying anything, not a word, that black people have not heard and were not forced to endure….to the surprise of most european-Americans.
If you ever wanted ‘straight talk’ on rascism in USA you now have it. If you didn’t grasp what the Rev. is saying you should watch the ‘tapes’ over and over.
He’s made Andy “Fifteen Minuets of Fame” Whorhol’s Hall of Fame.
It needs to be shown AGAIN!
“You are absolutely correct. There are two sets of rules, just like there use to be two sets of water fountains.”
Wow. You are so profound and dramatic! Yea, holding Obama’s feet to the fire for comments made by a close friend and advisor is exactly the same as the vicious, racist segregation that plagued the South!…exactly the same. What a joke!
Which one of these white crackpots (and they are certainly crackpots) baptized any of the candidates kids, married any of the candidates, was a “mentor” to any of the candidates etc. etc. etc.? Which one of the white crackpots was referred to by a candidate as a “crazy uncle” who could not be denounced?
I agree that there are double standards. But this is a stretch! If this was some whackjob that was simply endorsing Obama it would have been a blip on the radar. However, this guy has been an integral part of the Senator’s life for over twenty years.
Obama realized this guy was a threat to his candidacy from jump street. That is why he was uninvited to speak at his initial announcement.
To equate this to segregation shows a distinct lack of knowledge and is in very poor taste.
Wow! Do you feel better now? False outrage and another ‘stir up’ of the Wright issue. I could also point out that McCain actively went after Hagee’s endorsement and did a complete flip flop on Falwell… but these guys don’t count. Right?
I listened to some of Wright’s interview at the Press Club. I thought he sounded pretty good. He ran through the history of his church and its roots in providing aid to the downtrodden from Amistad to Nicaraguan torture victims. It sounds to me, from this brief exposure to Wright, that he’s worth a couple hundred Falwells and Grahams.