Nothing to see here…couple hundred thousand missing emails…please move on to your daily business, thank you.

Filed in National by on May 7, 2008

The Bush administration has not found disaster recovery files for White House e-mails from a three-month time period in 2003, according to court documents filed this week, raising the possibility that messages sent before and after the invasion of Iraq may never be recovered.That period was one of the most crucial of the Bush presidency. The United States launched the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003, and President Bush declared the end of major combat operations on May 1.

So as I sit here and read a book about Lincoln and see the rows of historical books, I can’t help but think how important to our nations history something like this might be. How it might shed light on this administration and how they lied their way to war. Sickening and disappointing at the same time. And you wont see any R’s standing up for this. Conservatives my ass…..

This is way worse than a couple of missing minutes of conversation, but b/c this administration is so F’d up there is only so many things you can try to persue…

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hiding in the open

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  1. Rebecca says:

    War criminals covering their tracks.

  2. kavips says:

    There are indeed some good Republicans. But for the entire party to pay for the sins of its leader, will have one redeeming attribute.

    Forever it will remain a lesson to any future president, from any political party…..

    Don’t do what #43 did.

    As well as a lesson for any political party…..
    Don’t ever let our leader do what #43 did to our party………

  3. cassandra m says:

    The entire party paying for the sins of its leader?

    GOP Rallies with Bushco at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    Pleasepleaseplease let there be pictures!

  4. Brian says:

    You should see the controversy over Winston Churchill’s “forged” documents…. and the extreme right wing blaming it on a sick old teacher becuase they are convinced that the end of civilization is right around the corner. Rewriting history and eliminating all opposition and their positions is what an empire does.