Kaufman To Run

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 1, 2010

Freshman Senator Ted Kaufman had decided to make a run for the Senate seat he was appointed to, even though, this goes against he back room deal the made with Biden and Miner.

Kaufman has become the darling of the US Senate with the issue of banking reform. He’s shown himself to be one of those guys who says what he means, means what he says — well, except for the “I’m not running” crap.

With his Crusty the Clown looks and, insiders say, Mr. Burns personality, Kaufman has set the Delaware Way into a tizzy similar to a six-grade dance. Word has it that Chris Coons went on a rampage destroying office furniture in the New Castle County Offices when he heard the news. Apparently, the Coons camp has no idea where he is and they deny he’s shacked up in a motel in Rehoboth with Tom Gordon.

We contacted Mike Castle’s office and were hung up on immediately when we mentioned we were calling from Delaware Liberal. We tried to reach Christine O’Donnell, but we were unsure of which staffer’s house she was staying at.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (29)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    This is huge. A primary between Coons and Kaufman? WOW. The Delaware Way must be dead now.

  2. skippertee says:

    If he continues to show the gumption he’s been showing lately, I’m there! BIG TIME!

  3. anon says:

    Nemski is jerking the junk again.

  4. skippertee says:

    You got me,nemski! Got me good!

  5. anon says:

    Oh, you bastard. I fell for it for a second. Nice one.

  6. MJ says:

    I’m checking the motels along Route 1 right now. Coons and Gordon should be easy to spot.

  7. AnonLib says:

    Is this for real or not!

  8. Geezer says:

    Check today’s date and decide for yourself.

  9. donviti says:

    nemski brings the funny

  10. Scott P says:

    And Nancy will be here to decry this as a nefarious Coons-led plot in 3…2…1…

  11. Brooke says:


  12. PBaumbach says:

    There should be a rule that April Fools posts wait until coffee has had a chance to course through one’s veins.

    7am is simply too early

    Nice job 🙂

  13. aqc says:

    I have it on good authority this is an April Fool’s Day joke. A good one.

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    I sure hope someone told Ted.

  15. Perry says:

    I wish it were not a prank!

    Has Nemski actually started a movement with his wily prank?

  16. Joanne Christian says:

    And in the real breaking news according to TNJ–“Selena Gomez to Appear at State Fair”

  17. liberalgeek says:

    I may end up watching that show with my 9YO daughter…

  18. pandora says:

    I prefer Wizards Of Waverly Place to Hannah Montana. Just sayin’.

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    I’m glad you’ve been apprised of her appearance schedule then. Score one for TNJ and it’s breaking coverage. The community remains informed. Even the blogging community.

  20. nemski says:

    LG, we saw Jeff Dunham with my 11 yr old boy last year. Demolition Derby this year!

  21. PBaumbach says:

    the cecil county fair (under 10 miles west of Newark at Fair Hill) typically offers demolition derby–much shorter drive

  22. I am not surprised that liberals would encourage witchcraft and alternative religions Pandora. Wizards is nothing more than PR for the Anti-Christ agenda. Gay days, witchcraft, liberal media– Disney equals evil.

  23. Von Cracker says:

    David, for once, is right about one thing….Disney was a big fan of antisemitism, which is rather evil.

    but there is really zero difference between a wizard evoking a spell of invisibility and a priest turning a cracker into flesh.

    both are hooey resulting in nothing except self-affirming delusion.

  24. pandora says:

    That’s quite a leap, David. But, maybe not. You are part of the group that thinks 24 is real.

  25. 24 is closer to reality than you are when it comes to national security. BTW April Fool’s pandora

  26. scanning says:

    Like Chris but DRAFT KAUFMAN . Sign me up

  27. torque says:

    Good, the more the merrier.

  28. Mike Matthews says:

    Wishing this weren’t posted on April Fools’ Day!

  29. jessie stevens says:

    I agree Mike, Ted would at least have a chance against Castle! Coons’ is unfortunately going to get killed. He seems to realize he has no chance, which is why he’s basically done nothing in the race. Unlike his race for Council President, and for County Executive he can’t just run ads, have paid staff work the ground, and attend a few events. To have a snow balls chance he needs to work like his life depended on it. I doubt he could beat Castle if he worked night and day, but I bet when VP Biden and Beau asked him to run they thought he do more than merely put his name on the ballot. I hate to see Joe’s seat to go to the GOP, but Coons’ chance at winning is similiar to winning the lottery, and that’s if he actually tried! Come on Chris, at least try to win!!!!!