Take this Delaware Energy Survey….I Guess (?)

Filed in National by on May 10, 2008

This is a poorly designed, terribly worded survey that is hard to get to throught the Delaware Energy Office’s cluttered web site. Which I’ll skip and link to directly. You might find it easier to respond to if you ignore their wording “Least Important to Most Important” and think of these items in terms of “Important to Very Important.”

That’s what I had to do.


“State energy officials” are complaining that nobody is taking the survey, but who knew about it – and how could anybody find it on that terrible web site?

State energy officials are encouraging residents to share their views on Delaware’s energy priorities during a month-long survey developed to help draft a new long-range energy plan.

Between May 1 and Friday, only about 180 individuals had completed an Internet version of the survey. The 20 questions range from opinions about the importance of energy efficiency, conservation, land use and climate change to the priority that should be given to transportation issues and types of fuel for energy generation.

Delaware last released a five-year energy plan in 2003, when concern about climate change, energy supplies, fuel prices and the nation’s economy was less acute.

“We’d like to get as many responses as we can, and we’d like to get folks who are local, from Delaware,” said Suzanne E. Sebastian, Delaware Energy Office planner. “We are just getting the planning started, and we want to find out what people feel is important.”

Delaware officials hope to complete the plan in January, but are trailing neighboring states in their plans to deal with energy needs. The survey of public opinions will continue through the end of May.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Rebecca says:

    I took it but I can’t tell what good it will do.