Live Video of the KWS Hearing
This may or may not work, but hopefully there will be a live stream of the hearing for Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart. My fingers are crossed…
Tags: Bryon Short, Delaware legislature, Insurance Commissioner, Karen Weldin Stewart
I see the video but I don’t have the sound on yet.
LG with his golf announcer voice…. Is this stream being saved? If not I’ll look for a way to capture it.
LG Rocks!
Can you turn up the microphone?
Can make out some but not everything KWS is saying.
I can hear the questioner well, who is it?
Catch me up–who’s speaking?
It is a success by Liberal standards. Something is better than nothing right. Ok, well keep up the effort. It will pay off. Take care of that cough though.
The hearing started by the committee by asking Perky to stand up and then they noted for the record that she doesn’t look at all like her mug shot, I mean, picture.
I can actually hear now with the speakers all the way up. Good show, way to keep at it.
Bye geek! Great job! That experiment worked well, now we need to invest in better equipment. 🙂
If you can do this why aren’t you broadcasting my TV show- The half-assed Homeowner ?
I fix stuff around the house the way normal people do, with butter knives instead of screwdrivers and curse words instead of thoughful planning.
yeah, not bad for an iPhone. Drew Volturo joked that it would have been funny to walk over and give me a cough drop… 🙂
Hopefully next time I’ll be better equipped, and healthier.
You even struck a deal with Lysol Nura Air to sponsor this. Impressive!
Geek, you are amazing!