Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on June 10, 2010

Welcome to the Thursday edition of your open thread. What’s on your mind today?

Newly-crowned California Senate nominee Carly Fiorina cares about the issues. Issues like Barbara Boxer’s hair:

Fiorina, who won a 3-way primary last night, was preparing for an interview with CNN affiliate KXTV this morning and chatting with her aides. In a several-minute chat with the camera rolling that CNN posted online, Fiorina mocks Boxer’s hairdo. Laughing, Fiorina tells her staff that someone had seen Boxer on television and “said what everyone says, ‘God what is that hair?’ So yesterday!” But she also questioned a decision by fellow Republican Meg Whitman to appear on Hannity so soon after winning the GOP nomination for governor.

“I find it really surprising that on the first day of the general Meg Whitman is going on Sean Hannity,” Fiorina said, while reading her BlackBerry. “I think it’s bizarre … I think it’s a very bad choice actually. You know how he is.”

Fiorina alluded to Whitman avoiding the press during the primary, saying, “Why after saying no to all these people would you go on Sean Hannity?” Later she added, “Sean Hannity is not an easy interview.”

She also thinks fawning Sean Hannity is not an easy interview? He doesn’t ask trick questions like “What do you read?”

Money is shaking up the Florida governor’s race. Florida AG Bill McCollum was the presumed Republican nominee until former health insurance CEO, crook and astroturfer Rick Scott jumped into the race. He’s leading now!

The new Quinnipiac poll in Florida shows that former healthcare executive Rick Scott’s right-wing campaign for governor is having a serious impact — he now leads the establishment GOP candidate state Attorney General Bill McCollum, in the Republican primary.

The numbers: Scott 44%, McCollum 31%. The survey of likely GOP primary voters has a ±3.4% margin of error. At the same time, 59% of primary votes who expressed a choice also said that their minds could potentially change, with that number spread evenly across both candidates’ supporters.

Who is this guy again?

The McCollum team is hoping that Scott’s checkered past will stop his well-financed campaign dead in its tracks. While he was CEO of Columbia HCA, the company was forced to pay $1.7 billion in government fines after it was accused of overcharging Medicare. For his part, Scott is willing to talk about the scandal, telling the Times in an interview that “I learned hard lessons, and I’ve taken that lesson and it’s helped me become a better business person and a better leader.”

Scott, meanwhile, has a connection to the party insurgency that would be the envy of many Republicans. As the fight for a public option heated up in the health care reform debate, Scott spent $5 million on the Conservatives for Patient Rights campaign, which ran ads and funded efforts to get protesters to Congressional town hall meetings across the country. On his website, Scott touts the experience, claiming “CPR successfully led the charge to stop the government-run public option plan.”

The Republicans will beat up on each other and the presumed Democratic candidate Alex Sink will be the beneficiary. She’ll either have an opponent who spent $120,000 of state money on disgraced anti-gay activist George “rentboy” Rekers or she’ll go after the millionaire crook.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (13)

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  1. anonone says:

    With Democrats like Obama, who needs Republicans?

    “ACLU chief ‘disgusted’ with Obama”

    “There was a discussion this morning, and there has been generally in progressive circles, about expectations that have not been met. I made the point that expectations were high because the president set expectations very high,” Romero said.

    Asked why he’s so animated now, Romero said: “It’s 18 months and, if not now, when? … Guantanamo is still not closed. Military commissions are still a mess. The administration still uses state secrets to shield themselves from litigation. There’s no prosecution for criminal acts of the Bush administration. Surveillance powers put in place under the Patriot Act have been renewed. If there has been change in the civil liberties context, I frankly don’t see it.”

    More at:

  2. a.price says:

    you cant always get what you want, but if you bitch real hard, you just might find…. well, you just might find
    You need to grow up.

  3. Rasmussen strikes again!

    The new Rasmussen poll of the Nevada Senate race shows Republican nominee Sharron Angle leading Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, in the wake of her big win in Tuesday’s primary.

    The numbers: Angle 50%, Reid 39%. The survey of likely voters has a ±4.5% margin of error. In a previous poll from late April, Angle led Reid by 48%-40%. The TPM Poll Average has Angle ahead of Reid by 45.2%-40.5%.

  4. cassandra m says:

    This is Genius and wish I could remember how to post an image in comments so you could see just one of this great dis. Just click through and let the images load…..

  5. anonone says:

    Dear a.price,

    You might try thinking about whether or not you agree or disagree with the head of the ACLU and respond accordingly.

    Your friend,


  6. anonone says:

    That is funny, cassandra_m. Here is another good Palin story:

  7. a.price says:

    i agree with the head of the ACLU on some issues, but i do not see the world in 100% right or wrong. I also (here is a shocker) disagree with the president on some issues and some of his actions. That however, does NOT mean i am ready to give up and become a troll just because 100% of my dreams werent granted at the expense of what 90% of the rest of the countrymay have wanted.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Nice breasts. I hope Newt does not try to match that campaign strategy.

  9. delacrat says:

    Comment by a.price on 10 June 2010 at 1:30 pm:

    you cant always get what you want, but if you bitch real hard, you just might find…. well, you just might find
    You need to grow up.

    Besides coddling israel, what exactly has Obomba done for you ?

  10. shoe throwing instructor says:

    Little FYI, Having an interesting conversation with wing-nuts over on the dow joes site and it,s turned into a real gotcha moment for me, they way they are always railing against the evils of socialism, my my question to them is how much worse off would our economy be at this very moment if FDR had not passed three very important socialist programs and made them permanent, the three, social security, unemployment insurance, and the federal deposit insurance corporation, the last one, we have already seen over a hundred bank failures in the past year, yet very few depositers have lost money, certainly with-out it we would have had a run on the banks by now, now unemployment insurance would have brought back the soap kitchins, and our elderly would be living in homeless shelters, yet the wing-nuts of roosevelts day swore these programs were the first step towards the sovietizing of america. It,s time now to make the wing nuts that a little bit of socialism is pulling capitilisms chestnuts out of the fire.

  11. Roosevelt saved capitalism.

  12. anonone says:

    “Goat spears Weiner, draws blood”

    Goats and politicians just don’t mix. Jason has been saying this for years.

  13. jason330 says:
