Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on June 12, 2010

Welcome to the weekend! So far it’s looking to be a beautiful day.

Vote! The Stonewall Democrats are selecting 10 candidates to support in November.

We generated a list of 30 pro-equality federal candidates deserving of our support (those are their smiling faces above and below). Of course, there are way more than 30 qualified candidates running for Congress, but this final 30 stood out, and are running in races where we know we can make a difference.

Now it’s time to narrow the field so we can focus our efforts on the candidates our community supports the most. Voting will be open until midnight on June 18th. You’ve got ten votes, so use them wisely!

Delaware’s Chris Coons is one of the choices.

In South Carolina, Rep. Jake Knotts, of “f%cking raghead” fame, has been censured by the Lexington County Republican Party. His reaction shows the divisions are really opening up in the Republican Party.

South Carolina state Sen. Jake Knotts (R) has been officially rebuked by his county Republican Party for referring to a GOP gubernatorial candidate as a “raghead.”

The State reported the motion passed by the Lexington County Republicans also asked Knotts to resign, but he refused Thursday night.

Knotts used the term on an Internet radio show last week to describe state Rep. Nikki Haley, the front-runner in the state’s GOP gubernatorial primary. Her parents are Indian immigrants.

“This is not a Republican Party, this is a libertarian party,” Knotts said. “This is nothing but politics. I’m not resigning. I could care less.”

It looks like the division between the social conservatives and the libertarian conservatives is starting to open up. Religious conservatives must be feeling ignored. Will it be enough to keep them home in November?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (46)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    1:1 tie agaist England is a win for the USofA. Suck it limey BP oil spilling, fag smoking bastids.

  2. Jason330 says:

    That Coons thing should have its own post.

  3. anonone says:

    12 year-old New Jersey girl left home alone for a week with plenty of food and a parent’s friend checking-in on her daily. Mother arrested.

    16 year-old girls borrows daddy’s yacht to sail around the world alone and almost kills herself. Parents not charged.

  4. Miscreant says:

    There are profound differences between the two examples, but they obviously evaded you. Not at all surprising.

  5. delacrat says:


    There are striking similarities between the two examples, but they obviously evaded you. Not at all surprising, given your choice of username.

  6. “It looks like the division between the social conservatives and the libertarian conservatives is starting to open up.”

    It’s definitely opening up, and it’s a good thing. It’s high time that the statists in control of the Republican Party are kicked out; if only there was a movement to turn the Democratic Party aside from its authoritarian agenda, the country would be much better off. Both parties have evolved into big-government monstrosities, essentially advocating fascism on the one hand and communism on the other. Both are wrong.

  7. jason330 says:

    Nobody likes big government until an oil company dumps billions of gallons of oil in their front yard, or the food supply is tainted, or we want the biggest, best equipped military in the world, or we want affordable college loans, or we want beach replenishment (David Burris I’m looking at you) or we want to beat the Russians to the moon, or we want decent bridges, airports, schools and prisons… then it’s all – WHaaa! I want my big government!!!

  8. anonone says:

    On to more important Boobgate news: Palin announces that her girls bounce naturally.

  9. Jason330 says:

    ..and she is very credible.

  10. Miscreant says:

    “There are striking similarities between the two examples, but they obviously evaded you. Not at all surprising, given your choice of username.”

    OK, name them.

    Thought so…

    16 – 12 = 4 (years)
    Abandonment vs. Consent (by parents)
    16 had a choice – 12 did not

    Perhaps you used the 16 year old as an example is because you resent her accomplishments, and the fact she has bigger balls than you? You extreme lefties clearly, and frequently, telegraph your fear of accomplished women.

    “On to more important Boobgate news: Palin announces that her girls bounce naturally.”

    You’re scared to death of those ‘girls’, aren’t you?
    I hope I dumbed this down enough for you to understand.

  11. Geezer says:

    Oh, there’s seldom a chance of anything you post not being dumb, Miscreant. And the next thing you post that isn’t smug will be the first.

    I doubt anyone thinks letting a 16-year-old male pull the sailing stunt would be any different from letting a female do it. “Accomplishment” is going to have to be something we disagree on the definition of.

  12. anonone says:

    Um, miscreant, under the law, minors are not generally recognized as being mature enough to make certain choices – and responsible parents don’t let them. So some parents let their 13 year olds endanger others and ultimately kill themselves trying to fly solo across the country without any legal repercussions while other parents get arrested for leaving their 12 year-old home alone with food and supervision.

    Taking Daddy’s yacht and getting stranded at sea is not an accomplishment – most 16 year-olds could do that pretty easily. Allowing your 16 year-old to seriously risk drowning in the open ocean for a stunt is something most responsible parents would not let their children do.

  13. Ishmael says:

    June 12,1987

    ” Mr. Gorbachev,open this gate, Mr. Gorbachev,tear down this wall!”

  14. jason330 says:

    Someone posted these shots of 1957 Wilmington to Youtube. Apparently there was full employment because it took three people to gas up a car and Wilmington had thriving Donut and dry cleaning industries. I don’t recognize anything other than St. Anthony’s (of course I’m not a genuine Delawarean).


  15. Miscreant says:

    Sadly, most everything has to be explained at an elementary level here. I’ve published seven technical and training manuals and written some PSA’a and numerous informational pamphlets, and a basic rule of thumb is to write at about an eighth grade level. I have also drafted several pieces of legislation and summaries (most of which passed unedited). I usually had to kick that up a notch so it could be understood by an eleventh or twelfth grader.

    Typically, I write in a “smug” (I prefer rude) manner because rudeness, and intellectual immaturity, is the prevailing attitude on DL. I simply play to the level of the crowd. If you don’t like it, feel free to go fuck yourself.

    My point, for the intentionally obtuse, about the 16 year old was that she did something that took a rather high level of skill and courage (for any gender), with her parents encouragement, while the 12 year old was simply left at home alone with some food, which I find stupid and neglectful, but not necessarily criminal. Four years in age difference is also significant. Hell, the ages of consent in most states is 16, and you can get a drivers license.
    See the difference?.

    I’m sure you can rationalize, and collectively pull something out of your asses, but there’s NO valid comparison, and it is bordering on idiocy for some misogynistic, resentful (keeps mentioning her “borrowing her daddy’s yacht”) dumb-ass to advocate the two cases be treated the same.

    Rude enough for you?

  16. Jason330 says:

    You are the one entertaining A1. So who is stupid?

  17. Miscreant says:

    Apparently, you are, Jason.

    I only come here to be entertained, and to occasionally entertain. That’s always been on the table, little man. And, we both know A1 is somewhat socially retarded, and is a hoot to ridicule. Actually, so are you.

    Thanks for the dance. Bring some wit, and more comfortable shoes, next time.

  18. jason330 says:

    This thread begs to differ.

  19. Geezer says:

    Wow, you’re easily impressed. Especially with yourself. Training manuals! Golly gee!

    As I said before, your idea of “accomplishment” is, thank goodness, not universal. That applies both to you and to the 16-year-old “accomplish-tress.” And you can go fuck yourself, too.

    To paraphrase Macca, in the end, the wit you take is equal to the wit you make.

  20. Miscreant says:

    Only used as an example of how to write to the simple-minded, certainly not to impress (although, I think the topic of the manuals may impress some, but definitely not here in the land of the hyper-sensitive and the cowardly).

    “As I said before, your idea of “accomplishment” is, thank goodness, not universal.”

    No shit? Of course not, dimwit, ‘ideas’ are very individual. List some of your accomplishments (aside from living near that intellectual oasis that is… Wilmington, so you could be around people, and bask in the glow of culture). In order to set a baseline for the conversation.I’m sure you can reveal some significant accomplishment. In the event you’ve lead the existence of an oxygen thief, list an impressive accomplishment of another. Surely, you know someone…

    “To paraphrase Macca,…”

    As I suspected, you have absolutely nothing substantive to add, so you are left to paraphrasing others…

    At least, try to add something to the topic, please.

  21. Miscreant says:

    “This thread begs to differ.”

    This… from the guy who was cowed down by the stinging wit from that paragon of intellect… DV, and then ran away from his own blog?

  22. Geezer says:

    “As I suspected, you have absolutely nothing substantive to add, so you are left to paraphrasing others…”

    That’s it? That’s the comeback from the wittiest troll on the site? You’re not even as funny as David the Republican. And the next idea you add to a discussion here will be the first.

    You really are lame if you think anyone but your mom would be impressed by a training manual. What happened, they found you cheaper than outsourcing it to Bangalore?

  23. jason330 says:

    You can tell that the training manual typist typed his last comment through his tears. Poor guy.

  24. anonone says:

    Letting a 16 year-old girl borrow her Daddy’s yacht (what, you think she bought it with her own money?) so that she can risk her life and the lives of the people who had to come to her rescue is bad parenting.

    Far better to have smart parents raising children into smart adults than it is to have stupid negligent parents letting their spoiled children risk their own lives and others’ lives in the name of a meaningless stunt.

  25. I wrote a dissertation. That’s when I earned the pseudonym “Unstable Isotope.” Remember those TimeLife book commercials that said outlaw John Wesley Hardin killed a man just for snoring? That’s sort of what I was like at the time (without the deadly force). Massive sleep deprivation will do that to you.

  26. Geezer says:

    “Far better to have smart parents raising children into smart adults than it is to have stupid negligent parents letting their spoiled children risk their own lives and others’ lives in the name of a meaningless stunt.”

    Careful, A1. You shouldn’t flash that fancy-pants upstate smartness too much. Miscreant might write a training manual on how to dismantle you with his smug, salt-of-the-earth downstate wit.

  27. Miscreant says:

    “And the next idea you add to a discussion here will be the first. ”

    Still waiting for yours, coward.

  28. anonone says:

    “Obama: Oil spill ‘echoes 9/11,’ will change America’s course”

    “The White House announced Sunday that the president will hold a televised address to the nation on Tuesday evening to discuss the oil spill.”

    Something that he should have done many weeks ago, but better late than never. Unfortunately, his rhetoric usually doesn’t match his actions, but even my hope springs eternal (yes, that is a cliché).


  29. Miscreant says:

    “Letting a 16 year-old girl borrow her Daddy’s yacht (what, you think she bought it with her own money?) so that she can risk her life and the lives of the people who had to come to her rescue is bad parenting.”

    According to you, perhaps. Are you even a parent? Although it varies by degree, neglecting your child can be the very definition of bad parenting. As someone who was paid for decades to put myself at risk to assist others in danger… first, I was paid well for it. Second, no professional is compelled to to give their life/limb for another. It’s still a choice. Didn’t SpongeBob cover that?

  30. Miscreant says:

    “You can tell that the training manual typist typed his last comment through his tears. Poor guy.”

    Although that was a limp-dicked comment, it exceeded my expectations from you. You continue to prove my points.

  31. Miscreant says:

    “Something that he should have done many weeks ago, but better late than never. Unfortunately, his rhetoric usually doesn’t match his actions,…”

    At last, we agree on something. But don’t expect too much support on this issue at DL. They typically avoid criticism of, but at times feel compelled to defend their significant investment (albeit, misguided) in getting our current President elected.

  32. anonone says:

    Looks like maybe the villagers are starting to understand that the oil spewing from the Gulf gusher may be even more of a catastrophe than the Government and BP have been saying:

    “Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL): Andrea we’re looking into something new right now, that there’s reports of oil that’s seeping up from the seabed… which would indicate, if that’s true, that the well casing itself is actually pierced… underneath the seabed. So, you know, the problems could be just enormous with what we’re facing.

    Andrea Mitchell, MSNBC: Now let me understand better what you’re saying. If that is true that it is coming up form that seabed, even the relief well won’t be the final solution to cap this thing. That means that we’ve got oil gushing up at disparate places along the ocean floor.

    Sen. Nelson: That is possible, unless you get the plug down low enough, below where the pipe would be breached.”


  33. jason330 says:

    I’m shocked that it took Fox News so long to blame organized labor for the gusher.

  34. cassandra m says:

    And these are the same people at the head of the fear brigade over Mexican trucks coming into the Southwest. Go figure.

    But the world needs more people who think that the President of the United States can give this well a spanking and send it to bed early so it will just stop gushing.

  35. jason330 says:

    Wade is Out. I guess Rollins will pick up his nine supporters.


    Republican Congressional Candidate Wade Withdraws
    WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) ― Republican congressional candidate Kevin Wade is withdrawing from the race.

    Wade’s campaign announced his decision in a news release Sunday.

    Greenville businesswoman Michele Rollins and Sussex County developer Glen Urquhart are expected to face each other in the Republican primary this fall.

  36. anonone says:

    This story only gets worse: “Abby Sunderland’s dad had TV deal as girl risked life at sea”

    “The father of teen sailor Abby Sunderland told The Post yesterday that he’s broke and had signed a contract to do a reality show, “Adventures in Sunderland,” about his family of daredevil kids weeks after she set off on her doomed and dangerous solo sail around the globe.”

    Nothing like risking your kid’s life to try to make a buck. This guy should be arrested. Still think this is good parenting, miscreant?

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/sail_kid_parents_set_cour_for_tv_crGRuKCVBcBCM5v3s23ULK#ixzz0qpgVUao8

  37. Miscreant says:

    First, thanks again for dancing for me. You too, Geezer and Jason.

    You have yet to convincingly articulate how this compares to a parent neglecting a 12 year old. Now, you resort to the New York Post.

    The same Post…?


    Do carry on, please.

  38. anonone says:

    Miz wrote “You have yet to convincingly articulate how this compares to a parent neglecting a 12 year old.” How does it compare? It is much worse than what that New Jersey mother did. Unless, of course, you view deliberately risking your children’s lives to make a buck as admirable.

  39. pandora says:

    Hmmm… why must we compare? Why can’t both situations be uniquely neglectful?

  40. anonone says:

    They can be…only the mother of the 12 year-old was arrested but the parents of the 16 year-old have not been arrested. Personally, I think that the parents of the 16 year-old were beyond negligent – I think that they were willfully endangering their daughter’s life.

  41. Geezer says:

    I don’t think the situations are comparable, except they’re both examples of questionable parenting. Obviously, to you and I at least, the situation with the 12-year-old is more irresponsible. But I’m not defending the original comment — I’m attacking you, and your contention that the 16-year-old’s “accomplishment” is somehow to be applauded, and the typically nasty tone in which you expressed yourself.

    I offer comments and suggestions on many, many issues. You offer insults of the people who run this board and congratulate yourself for being liberal toward gays and lesbians. Who’s the coward?

  42. Geezer says:

    “As someone who was paid for decades to put myself at risk to assist others in danger… first, I was paid well for it. …”

    Sounds like either law enforcement or military, which would explain the conservative leanings and puffed-up self-image.

  43. Miscreant says:

    Rude, irreverent, blunt, doesn’t take herself seriously, hot…
    Perfect woman.

  44. jason330 says:

    I liked her style too.