Navarro Gets the Democratic Nod

Filed in National by on July 22, 2010

After months of wrangling, last night the New Castle County Democrats endorsed Trinidad Navarro for New Castle County Sheriff.  This marks a huge victory for Navarro, as his primary opponent, Michael Walsh, has been New Castle County Sheriff since Ronald Reagan was first elected.  It will be interesting to see if Walsh stays in the race.  This has got to be considered a slap in the face.

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  1. Rebecca says:

    Remember, Sheriff Walsh got the City’s endorsement. So at this point they each have some portion of the County behind them. It’s going to be a tough race.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    The city notwithstanding, this is a huge setback for an incumbent that has had the position for 30 years. I just hope that I live to see the day that Carper’s primary opponent gets the party endorsement.

  3. AQC says:

    I wish there was a third choice!

  4. Belinsky says:

    Tom Gordon’s errant-boy gets a pat on the head.

  5. ronh says:

    don’t really follow county stuff…but surprised that a long term incumbent wouldn’t get the party’s nod….

  6. Geezer says:

    The phrase is “errand boy.” And this isn’t a surprise given the disastrous appearances Walsh has turned in at public events. It’s time for him to step aside. Just because he expects to leave the job feet-first doesn’t mean we have to let him.

    If you’re worried about the Gordon influence, you can always vote Republican in the primary.

  7. Geezer says:

    Oops. Meant in the general.

  8. Knowing Belinsky’s sense of humor, I’d bet she was making a ‘funny’semi-homonym.

  9. nemski says:

    I so want to add this image as the story avatar.

  10. jason330 says:

    “Fat Tony is a cancer on this fair city! He is the cancer and I am the … uh … what cures cancer?”

  11. John Tobin says:

    Any word on what the vote breakdown was?
    Was it a close endorsement vote or did Navarro win by a wide margin?

  12. anon says:


    It was 13-12. Erik Schramm cast the deciding vote after seeing how the district reps voted (11-7).

    Actual details are at TNJ:

  13. John Tobin says:

    Thanks for the update. A close vote. I wonder if that foreshadows a close election?

  14. To Get My Vote says:

    I think it’s going to be a very close election. My question is why endorse when the race is that close? Why not just stay out of it and wait until the primary is over?

  15. Geezer says:

    In other words, committees should only endorse candidates when the public has already made up its mind clearly? I could be wrong, but I don’t think most people who get involved to that level do so in order to rubber-stamp the obvious. I think they’re interested in influencing public opinion, not following it.

  16. Rebecca says:

    You nailed it Geezer.

    There was a motion not to endorse and it did not carry. The District Chairs and their committee members work long and hard, and while they certainly respect all Democratic voters, they put in the time and effort to earn the right to recommend the party’s candidate. They spend a lot of time with the candidates before making that recommendation. Much, much, much more time than the average voter.

  17. Rebecca says:

    Oh, by the way, everybody who serves the Delaware Democratic Party is an unpaid volunteer, from the State Party Chairman, to the lawyers who advise us, to the Election District Representatives. The State Party does employ paid staff to guide us on political strategy and keep the place running, but they are fastidiously neutral until a candidate is endorsed.

  18. Been There,....... says:

    Rebecca….BULLSHIT! (I have had a seat on ‘the committee’. Seen up close what goes on.)

    You are a shrill shill for DannyBoy….we know you sold out a couple years ago. Good thing you are unpaid or your comments would be known as ‘paid to lie.’

  19. Geezer says:

    How does one “sell out” without getting paid? Coward. Mugging people from behind a mask says more about you than about Rebecca, who at least attaches her name to her remarks. You? Just another anonymous pile of crap trying to spread his essence.