Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on August 4, 2010

Welcome to your Wednesday open thread. I’ve had a lot of trouble getting on today so this might be short.

Apparently Ann Coulter wannabe Laura Ingraham wrote an imaginary diary of Barack Obama and it contained a lot of offensive racial stereotypes. Stephen Colbert tore her apart.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Laura Ingraham
Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News

Calling Ingraham a “banshee” is racism now. Yeah, I don’t get it either.

OK, I’ll admit that Sharron Angle so far wins the most crazy Republican candidate contest so far (the competition is fierce):

Nevada journalist Jon Ralston unearths an interview that Sharron Angle did with Christian radio that is perhaps her most eyebrow-raising contribution to the conversation yet. In it, she says that government expansion under Obama and Dems is an effort to make government into our “God.”

In case you’re tempted to dismiss this as a figure of speech, Angle makes it clear that she’s being literal, adding that our dependence on government is “idolatry” and that this is a “violation of the First Commandment.” Here’s the key bit:

“And these programs that you mentioned — that Obama has going with Reid and Pelosi pushing them forward — are all entitlement programs built to make government our God. And that’s really what’s happening in this country is a violation of the First Commandment. We have become a country entrenched in idolatry, and that idolatry is the dependency upon our government. We’re supposed to depend upon God for our protection and our provision and for our daily bread, not for our government.”

Cue the Blues Brothers, she’s on a mission from God.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (20)

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  1. MJ says:

    Oh, I have an even crazier candidate to enter into the contest – Republican/Teabagger Dan Maes who’s running for Governor in Colorado. Accoring to Maes, providing bicycles to rent to get people out of their cars in Denver is a plot to place the country under the control of the UN. So I guess that entire 3 week Tour de France is a UN plot to hynotize us into wanting to become citizens of the world. Wow, I never knew Lance Armstrong had an ulterior motive. Maes is seriously delusional.

  2. anon says:

    providing bicycles to rent to get people out of their cars in Denver is a plot to place the country under the control of the UN

    After we have first prepared our youth for socialism by indoctrinating them in soccer. It is all clear now.

  3. Brooke says:

    Wow. I guess all that “render unto Caesar” biznez isn’t in the Bible she’s using. I wonder what is?

  4. Aoine says:

    Banshee – I was not aware that that was a protected class under the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    I will alert the Irish/Scottish and Welsh Consulates in case we have any Banshee asylees

    there goes Colbert – giving away his ancesteral heritage again

  5. anon says:

    My entry is Basil Marceaux, who is running for governor of Tennessee–google him!

  6. Joe Cass says:

    My boy Basil
    You won’t see him in heels!

  7. I love Basil Marceuax dot com. He lost, though. 🙁

  8. Miscreant says:

    “… “converting Denver into a United Nations community.”

    “This is all very well-disguised, but it will be exposed,” …”

    I know it’s early, and Colley and Brooks haven’t aired their shows yet, but this jackhole is a good candidate for “Asshat of the Day”.
    In my opinion, the US would do well to promote and encourage bicycling for many reasons. It’s the future of urban transportation, and fuck the car dealers if they can’t wrap their heads around that.

  9. Miscreant says:

    “My entry is Basil Marceaux, who is running for governor of Tennessee…”

    Holy Sheepshit! My cousin Steve from Orlando, FL went missing about two years ago. I’m just glad to know he’s alive and well, and is now involved in the Tennessee political scene.

  10. I second Miscreant’s nomination of Dan Maes as Asshat of the Day.

  11. MJ says:

    So, did anyone understand anything Basil said or wrote? Maybe we can get Alfalfa over at WGOP to explain it to us.

  12. anon says:

    A caller on NPR just pinpointed something I noticed in the MSM but couldn’t put my finger on:

    How come Republicans get ethics “hearings,” while Democrats get ethics “trials?”

    I had never heard of ethics “trials” until recent coverage of Rangel and Waters.

    I checked a few old news articles, and it held true. In many articles Jim Wright had an ethics “trial,” while Gingrich and Delay had ethics “hearings.” A few articles mentioned Republicans as having “trial-like hearings” or “trial-like proceedings,” but never a “trial.”

  13. a.price says:

    the right wing is going to claim hateful thoughts and speech as their “cultural heritage” and say the civil rights act protects THEIR right to be bigots…. it is like some version of political correctness if Hunter S Thompson were tasked with taking the logic to a savage and twisted conclusion.

    Congrats Right wing, you have invented Gonzo P.C

  14. cassandra m says:

    So where have you been, a. price? The right wing bigots have been railing against what they call Political Correctness for those exact reasons for a very long time.

  15. cassandra m says:

    That Colbert clip is hysterical. I don’t get the banshee thing, either. It is some Irish mythological thing, so where the racist BS comes from, who knows. I suspect that they think that if they can accuse enough people of it, sooner or later it will stick to someone. Pity none of them have a clue.

    Yesterday I was listening to Radio Times where they were talking about TV news. Someone asked how it could be that Colbert and Stewart could be so effective and so good at what is basically fact-checking and the traditional media was not. Neither of the talking heads on had a good answer….

  16. Aoine says:

    Banshee – Gaelic (Ban=female Sidhe=fairy) – she who cries – from Celtic culture

    the Banshee is attached to certain Irish families and wails at their death – usually heard at night – a woman’s high keening at a death – also in Welsh and Scottish and Orkney cultures

    similar to La Llarona -she who cries

    so basically he’s calling her a mythological screamer – don’t think the civil rights act exactly covers that one….

    but a screamer – she is……..

  17. a.price says:

    I bet Keith Olberman could share some insight on that one.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    The Colbert clip was classic. What the hell did she expect?

  19. Miscreant says:

    Since Thursday’s Open Thread isn’t up yet…

    Threats, WGMD, NASCAR, Volunteer Fire Companies, a pagan believer, it’s all there.

  20. xstryker says:

    Good stuff.

    Note to my brother: Remember how you made it very clear to me that I’m a pagan believer by going to NASCAR races and getting into my hot tub naked with my wife in the privacy of our own back yard…

    “NASCAR pagans” are the new “abortion bikes”. 😉