Team Castle Confident That They’ve Garroted O’Donnell

Filed in National by on September 6, 2010

They are breathing easier in the Castle war room.

“Christine O’Donnell has pretty much been discredited, so I think the primary is in good shape, and this won’t be another Utah or Alaska,” said Jan van Lohuizen, who is Castle’s pollster.”

Framing O’Donnell as a flake and a nutbag was easily done, owing to the fact that Christine is a flake and a nutbag. Castle has flatly refused to debate her taking away her only real issue and ,while there are still small pockets of Castle hate burning, you can expect the DEGOP’s statements to pivot from combative to chagrined as they hope to cajole at least a few O’Donnell voters to push the button for Castle in November.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. O’Donnell has a new video to counter the DE GOP’s claim that she’s delusional. She has a video showing trackers at various speaking events. Of course, O’Donnell actually accused Castle’s people of hiding in the bushes outside of her home. What is it with these teabagger candidates that they think they should not be asked questions unless they want to be?

  2. jason330 says:

    “Desparate (sic) Tactics” Holy shit. I’m a crappy speller, but when the first thing that smacks you in the face is a huge typo your campaign is in trouble.

    Another sign of campaign trouble.?… your talking points have dwindled down to “I’m not crazy.”

  3. From the article:

    Internal GOP polling conducted last week showed Castle with a margin of nearly 20 points over O’Donnell.

    A senior Republican operative granted anonymity to speak candidly about the race said Murkowski’s defeat was the best thing that could have happened to Castle. “After Alaska, Castle knew he would be next if he didn’t run a real campaign – including defining O’Donnell,” the source said.

    Castle, like Murkowski, was counseled by the national party to go on the attack immediately against O’Donnell, taking advantage of the $2.6 million he had in the bank at the end of July (O’Donnell had $70,000). Unlike Murkowski, Castle listened. He launched radio ads that describe O’Donnell as a “financial nightmare.” Tough TV spots are on the way, according to knowledgeable insiders.

    Murkowski’s defeat was the best thing that could have happened to Castle

    What do you think about that?

  4. O’Donnell might have peaked too soon.

  5. jason330 says:

    Sadly yes. Whoever posted that she could not stand the spotlight had it 100% right. If the tbagz had only done a little due diligence and picked a candidate with a solid business background or something…Urkel say… they could be about to shock the world.

  6. I’m looking for the internal poll Castle talked about but I can’t find it. I wonder why he hasn’t released it.

  7. delacrat says:

    The O’Donnell campaign only appears nutty.

    If you realize that, by comparison, she could make a ham sandwich look moderate, you understand that her role is to enhance Castle’s aura of moderation.

    In which respect, O’Donnell is all too successful.

  8. Rob Tornoe says:

    In the first part of the video, she runs away from another tracker… News Journal reporter Ginger Gibson. Evil Delaware media!

  9. Truth Teller says:

    The fix is in folks Mike who is old and sicker than anyone thought will resign right after the election sometime in Feburary for health reasons then the GOV will appoint Biden to fill the seat, Why shouldn’t Mike play musical chairs with Bo like he has with Carper,and remember Mike was once an AG himself

  10. anon says:

    Internal GOP polling conducted last week showed Castle with a margin of nearly 20 points over O’Donnell.

    That is way too close for Castle’s usual comfort. Anything over the Bush line of 27% is too much support for Christine.

  11. Reis says:

    I love the new campaign slogan: “I’m not Crazy. Reely.”

  12. O’Donnell wouldn’t let Ginger Gibson into a campaign event yesterday. She’s been blacklisted!

  13. Belinsky says:

    Those packed halls bespeak trouble for Castle. Even in his best days, his support was lukewarm – 55 percent in both the primary and general in ’92, back when he was governor and Democrats outnumbered GOP by just 23,000.

    If Castle gets less than 70 pct in the primary, he’s staggering.

  14. The pics posted on Twitter from yesterday’s O’Donnell rally show very anemic turnout. Almost as many reporters as supporters.

  15. jason330 says:

    The main message of these videos seems to be that Evan Quidditch is a dick.

  16. Reis says:

    Isn’t garroting a type of sexual release? Or are the bruise marks on her neck from unpaid campaign workers?

  17. Dr. Crazy says:

    What the heck is so awful about going to a public event and taping it?

  18. Reis says:

    OK, Dr. Go to a Drinking Liberally and video Jason’s rendition of “My Way”. Then tell me about wrongful taping.

  19. Is it wrong if I’m starting to feel a bit sorry for O’Donnell? When the GOP decides they want to destroy your candidacy they go all out.

  20. jpconnorjr says:

    hey if she were a wacko lefty doing similar mischief i would do the same. I am just sorry they figured it out a little too soon. They clearly don’t want another Murkowski:)

  21. Geezer says:

    “If Castle gets less than 70 pct in the primary, he’s staggering.”

    So are you. Put down the bottle. Do you want to wind up like Truth Teller?

  22. Belinsky says:

    Your point?

    [For everyone else: if Castle snuffs her by 70/30 or better, he’s doing fine. If not, get yer tickets.]

  23. jason330 says:

    If O’D gets 30% of Republican PRIMARY voters to vote for her, and they stay home in November Castle is still pretty good if he can hold onto the sleepwalking Dems.

  24. Geezer says:

    My point is that GOP turnout in the primary — both normal and wingnut varieties — will have little effect on the general. Castle can get only 60% in the primary because normal people don’t bother to vote. But he’ll get plenty of Democratic votes in the general, if the non-wingnut polling has any validity. Whereas your contention is backed up by … what reasoning, exactly?

  25. Dee N. says:

    O’Donnell will win the primary and then she will go on to fill Joe Biden’s seat. People are scared of her because she is real, intelligent, and not afraid of RINO’s who seem to feel a need to denegrate her at every opportunity. That tells me they’re afraid and they’re wrong. Go to and chip in a few dollars to help her get out her message in next week’s primary. I did. Please do it now before you forget. Chrstine needs you today.

  26. jpconnorjr says:

    help this site is being overrun by the delusional, and the just plain stupid:)

  27. Delaware Libertarian says:

    Dee N.,

    Yeah, O’Donnell is so smart and intelligent… it only took her 21 years to complete a college degree. Then she gave two different reasons for why it took so long to complete it.

    I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but I want conservatism to become a presence in Delaware. Conservatism has the policies that can help America and win votes, but it cannot shoot itself in the foot by nominating candidates who can’t articulate and defend them. I mean, would O’Donnell debate any liberals on substance? No, O’Donnell would call them liberal, socialist, and all sorts of other buzz words. She does not have the legislative experience or the policy know-how to convince any thinking independent to come to conservatism and she cannot defend conservatism in front of actual liberals. If she thought Gaffney gave a tough interview, could you imagine what Coons or a real liberal would do to Christine?

    Instead, an O’donnell nomination would confirm every unfair liberal stereotype of us.

  28. Belinsky says:

    But he’ll get plenty of Democratic votes in the general, if the non-wingnut polling has any validity.

    There is indeed some reason for this conventional wisdom. As Jason and others have pointed out, though, Castle has been basically unopposed since 1992, facing a succession of unfunded first-time candidates. Democrats voted for him because they never heard of his opponents, and had little reason to oppose him. Spivack had a message, no $$, held Castle to 56 percent in a non-presidential year. Coons has been elected county-wide twice and has $1M COH. The Phillies’ chances also looked forlorn in August 1980, 1983 and 2007.

  29. Tyrone Biggums says:

    Castle has been basically unopposed since 1992, facing a succession of unfunded first-time candidates…

    Christine has a few dollars and she’s run before. So what? She’s nuts & she lies, even to friendly right-wing radio hosts. She will be her own undoing. Castle might have a bit of a fight on his hands, but he’ll win the primary by a fairly large margin.

    Nothing to see here. Move along.

  30. jason330 says:

    “Castle has been basically unopposed since 1992, facing a succession of unfunded first-time candidates…”

    Makes you wonder what would have happened if Carper had not enforced “the Delaware way” all these years.

  31. Belinsky says:

    Ty: This is about the Castle-Coons race. No question O’D’s whacked, and embarrassing herself daily. I assume she’ll be stuck at 25 pct – same as Protack against Lee in ’04. If I’m wrong, and she gets over 30 pct, and if Rollins snuffs GU, and suppresses winger turnout in Nov, things become interesting.

  32. Tyrone Biggums says:


    Did you seriously think there was a race between Protack & Lee?

    The Protack/Lee race was about as lopsided as a bicycle race between me & Lance Armstrong.

    Protack is the slightly less insane male version of Christine.

    Lee was a relatively unknown downstate hick with right-wing “values”.

    And the alleged “conservatives” wonder why they can’t get their candidates elected to state-wide office?

  33. Geezer says:

    “There is indeed some reason for this conventional wisdom.”

    Yes. It’s called “polling.” I suggest you look it up. Pay particular attention to Castle’s approval numbers among Democrats. It was 47% in the August PPP poll.

    Meanwhile, Castle’s victory margin in the primary will be entirely a product of Republican turnout, which won’t factor into the November vote at all. Coons’ chances depend not on Mike’s standing with Republicans, but his standing with Democrats. If he (or someone else) can’t dent that high standing among D’s, say hello to Sen. Castle.

  34. Tyrone Biggums says:

    If he (or someone else) can’t dent that high standing among D’s, say hello to Sen. Castle.

    Exactly. The (idiotic) Delaware Way.

  35. Belinsky says:

    All correct, but do you really think “Republican turnout won’t factor into the November vote at all”?

  36. Tyrone Biggums says:


    Those downstate republican bitches will fall in line or stay home. A few might write in O’Donnell’s name, like that Crazy Ilene woman who heckled Castle earlier this year.

    Castle wins either way, because no one in NCC is happy with Coons and Mike is Captain Milquetoast, everyone’s friend. Coons did what needed to be done, but he hired lots of expensive “aides” along the way and pissed off a lot of NCC voters.

    And then you have the Gordon fanboys & girls who HATE Coons & will pull the lever for his opponent just because they can. These people are almost all registered Ds. Castle wins again. The man is old, but he’s not stupid.

  37. Geezer says:

    Are you suggesting the O’Donnell supporters won’t vote for Castle in November? You might be right, but in that case the important number isn’t the winning percentage but the raw number of O’Donnell voters. Let’s say she gets 15,000 votes next Tuesday. I’ll grant you, if any of them spurn Mike in November, it’s that much easier for Coons. But again, I think the actual number of votes she gets is more important than the percentage.

  38. No Tellin' says:

    O’Donnell is a serial campaign loser. And everyone knows it and that’s why she’ll lose in the primary. If she gave a hoot about her constituents, she’d stop soliciting for donations, close down her campaign headquarters and withdraw. Of course, then, she’d be homeless…