Comment Rescue: Republican Nihilists Unite!

Filed in National by on September 18, 2010

A Republican commenter and accidently said something honest and interesting.

When the election is over this year the slate will be clean. Past races won’t matter whether you won or lost. You either get it or you don’t. You can be a long term incumbent and if you side with the establishment and not the people you are gone also.

They have to burn down the village to save it. What’s the prognosis Doctor?

Nihilism: a doctrine or belief that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility. Origin: German Nihilismus, from Latin nihil nothing

For the record, this is why I think that people and journalists that lump the American left and the American right together as “extremists” are full of shit.

I am confident that the American left is nothing like the right.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. The People Have Spoken says:

    No one is burning anything. The warning is don’t be a liar which is a bi partisan affair.

    The clean slate means the tragedy of the last few years by the Delaware GOP is erased. If you a party favorite of the past it won’t matter and if you have been on the outside, come on in.

    Goodbye Ross Rakestraw Forsten Fleming Wimer, get out now or we will throw you out.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    And being on the “people’s side” means you must be a far right theocratic radical who believes that all taxes and all spending is unconstitutional, except when it comes to providing money for the military and money for religious organizations and schools and money for Big Brother to enforce the Anti-Sex laws that will be passed and money for the wealthy and big business.

    And “the people” are just 30,000 voters out of 885,000 Delawareans. If you are not a Teabagger, your opinion does not matter, and you have no rights.

  3. The warning is don’t be a liar which is a bi partisan affair.

    So, to do that you nominate known liar Christine O’Donnell?