O’Donnell Strategy Takes Shape

Filed in National by on October 2, 2010

[ ] Big Out of State Funders,
[ ] Big GOP PR Guns from VA,
[ ] No Local Media Access,
[ ] “Fly at 30,000 feet” and
[ ] “Carpet Bomb” With Negative Attacks

Here is the NJ version of Yesterday’s “Where Has O’Donnell Been?” story from the AP. While the AP soft soaps the O’Donnell strategy, NJ’s Ginger Gibson practices, practices some actual journalism.

Here is a link.

I thought it interesting that the experts were very much undecided on the question of the possible effectivness of the O’Donnell strategy

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. “It’s like she’s a hermit,” said Delaware State University political science professor Sam Hoff.

    The “local” news media that she vowed to seek have mostly been ignored. Her rare appearance Friday before local reporters was by invitation and RSVP only.

    I don’t understand her plan to win without opening herself to conversations with voters other than the ones that already like her. Is she trying to do a big make-over? Is it even possible at this late date with so much info out there on her.

    “If she’s got the money she says she has, she can fly at 30,000 feet and just carpet bomb with media ads,” Mell said. “This election is about slogans.”

    Does that work in a state like Delaware, where people are used to questioning the candidates in person and expect to see them at events? I thought that was one reason why O’Donnell beat Castle – she made it seem like he was out of touch and unavailable. Maybe there is some oppotunity there – while O’Donnell is well-defined Coons probably isn’t in the eyes of a lot of voters.

    “Chris is well aware of the type of negative and personal campaign that Ms. O’Donnell and her tea party supporters ran in the primary,” McElhatton said. “We will not allow her to define Chris in that type of way.”

    Yes, I doubt that the Coons campaign will take the hands-off approach that the Castle campaign took.

    At that point, reporters’ requests were being handled by campaign manager Matt Moran or staffer David Hust, who has been responsible for her website and social media. Now, inquiries are routed through Shirley & Banister, whose partners have promoted conservative icons Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.

    Local reporters’ requests routed through Virginia have generated little response.

    Yep, she’s avoiding the media so she won’t have to answer uncomfortable questions.

    Voters care very little about whether a candidate is available to reporters, said Rutgers University political science professor David Redlawsk. If a candidate has enough money to reach voters through paid channels, he or she can approach the press with a “take it or leave it” attitude, he said.

    “My sense is that not talking to the news media actually can be a good strategy for a candidate who feels the media will only reinforce her negatives,” Redlawsk said. “Especially being well funded, she should be able to define herself.”

    How is she going to turn around the perception that she’s a liar and a crook? How will the media-avoidance strategy do this?

    I guess we’ll see. We’ve been waiting for the deluge any day now. So far the attack lines are “bearded Marxist” “he raised your taxes” and “Unified Development Code.” I hope Chris has answers for these.

  2. pandora says:

    I’m divided on the tactic, as well. IMO, the less she has to talk about issues, the better for her.

    Go to her campaign website and click on Why Christine?. Talk about vague. Except for social issues I have no idea how she plans to turn her beliefs into functioning reality. (other than endless tax cuts) Her “issue” page is full of sound bites, and it’s possibly the sparsest issue page I’ve ever come across. There are no specifics, and I think that’s the point.

    I would absolutely love if she was forced to explain these sound bites. When she says “I’m for Liberty” or that she “Supports a market-based approach to energy solutions that will keep competition high and energy prices low” it would be great if someone asked specific questions.

  3. I think her strategy is to avoid specific questions. However she has agreed to 2 debates, the CNN debate and the Widener debate.

  4. pandora says:

    Debates are only as good as the moderators. If they ask a specific question and she provides a non-answer will they let it slide?

  5. Delbert says:

    You Dems better get in your bunkers and get ready to be carpet bombed from 30,000 feet. She’s got a top notch campaign firm. This should be entertaining. There won’t be much for the Upstate Rag to report because they’re being left out, as you can see.

  6. We haven’t even talked about this NYT profile of O’Donnell. Her childhood nickname was Chrissie the Pooh and her father played Bozo the Clown.

  7. jason330 says:

    Celebrity is a wild card. “While Ms. O’Donnell is trailing the Democratic nominee, Chris Coons, by double digits in recent polls, no one can reliably predict her level of support,”

  8. Brandywine Pete says:

    Don Mell? when was the last time he was relevant to anything. If he is the voice of the GOP brain trust then the party is already dead.

    Mell was the guy who failed to get Lee elected and Mell ran for GOP chairman in 2001 and finished dead last of five.

    Can you say, who cares?

  9. A commercial I’d like to see Chris Coons make is to take a lot of her nutty statements from debates (on recent issues) and put them together. You know, like building a border fence on the Canadian border, etc.

  10. Boxwood says:

    The Widner debate will be broadcast live on WDEL Oct 19th at 8am.

    No word yet on whether O’Donnell will appear at the candidate forum Oct 9th. in Newark.

  11. Auntie Dem says:

    If the tea party buys our Senate seat I’m going to be so, so, angry.

  12. Perry says:

    You know that Sussex County is Christine O’Donnell turf, right?

    Yesterday afternoon at 3:15, the Dem Headquarters in Sussex County was officially opened. Pete Schwartzkopf was the MC. Present and speaking were Beau Biden, Chris Coons, John Carney and several others.

    I don’t have to tell you that these candidates are highly qualified, and good, decent individuals ready to continue serving. It was all positive. This was an inspirational rally for me.

    But here is my main point. The crowd was huge, spirited and motivated. In my ten years as an activist here, I have never seen anything like it.

    We Dems here in Sussex County understand very well how crucial this election is, and we are ready to act on this incentive, immediately!

  13. Perry,

    That’s great news for Sussex County. I have to add that I’ve seen a lot of excitement on the Democratic side, especially for Chris Coons.

  14. Grania says:

    Please give me some reasons to vote for Coons! Having Paul Clark at the County Executive position is a HORROR! I nearly lost my home due to the tax increases he imposed. I couldn’t vote for O’Donnell if God came down and told me to because she isn’t fit to run for any type of office – and I believe she has perpetrated a fraud on all those people who donated or latched onto her simpleton rhetoric. She has no ideas – Coons on the other hand is a decent fellow I believe, but what will he bring to Delaware? What happens to the illustrious County Government – also run by a bunch of democrats? Seriously – I have significant problems with both candidates and the aftermath if either is elected. I haven’t heard a WHIT of ideas or solutions from either of them and Paul Clark just sits in the wings with his lovely developer-loving wife, poised to bring ruin to New Castle County. County Council is one of the sickest environments I’ve ever seen. I’m seriously considering writing “NEITHER”.

  15. jason330 says:

    My “concern troll” warning lights are blinking, but if that is honestly how you feel you shouldn’t vote. Coons gave himself a pay cut and balanced the NCC budget at a time when it was being financially raped by the downstream effects of Bush economic policies. He has clearly articulated what his priorities will be in the Senate ( http://www.chriscoons.com/issues/ ) and his record shows that he can get shit done.

    What record is O’Donnell running on? She has no stances on any issues that go beyond her three wingnut bullet points.

  16. Grania says:

    No need to think I’m a troll. I’ve been involved in politics all my life – you know, when they actually had Committemen who came to your door and brought your concerns to the local politicians. I read as much as possible. You are correct that O’Donnell is as loopy as they come and has NOTHING to bring to anyone except her right wing religious crazies. How everyone can cow-tow to her winning of the primary and just “suck it up” is reprehensible. Coons, on a personal level is a good man – and someone who has a great interest in those less fortunate. The tricke UP from his move to Senator is what will personally have repercussions on my life – and my kids, which as of right now sucks the big one – I couldn’t sell my house or move if I wanted to – as with most underpaid do-gooders around this state. I know he is a world-class debater and am looking forward to hearing clear-cut solutions from him before November. I enjoy your site – keeps me thinking and aware. I encourage you to keep digging deep because there are a lot of people who are on the brink out here.

  17. heragain says:

    Grania, I don’t think you’re alone in worrying about NCC and the exec position. There’s muttering.

    But County Exec isn’t the Supreme Court, thank heavens. We have elections for it, frequently. And the out of state tea party isn’t going to be dumping 2 mil in to confuse the issues.

    Christine O’Donnell’s political identity, such as it is, is as a culture warrior. She delights in telling people what they may or may not do with their personal life. Because she’s never been elected to office, we can’t judge her on her elected record, so we have to judge her on her personal record and her party affiliation. Here’s what those say.

    Personally, she has failed to pay bills or staff on time. She has neglected necessary paperwork. If that was translated into governmental terms it would mean a DESTROYED bond rating, unlike the bond rating Chris Coons has maintained in county government, which is outstanding. A destroyed bond rating means that we pay more taxes to pay our debt to foreign lenders, negatively impacting our whole economy in the process. The declared Republican intent is to bring government to a halt… that’s what they say. The outcome of that, to you and me, is that the security forces of the US would be risked. The VA program and VA hospitals would be even more understaffed & unable to provide care. Christine O’Donnell suggested, in my hearing, at the JCC forum that the age for collecting Social Security benefits be raised. that has the potential to throw the care of our elderly back on individual families, using resources that would otherwise be supporting the economy and educating our next generation. If you know anyone caring for an elderly relative now, you know how hard it is anyway, picture it with less SS money. And remember, SS is THEIR money, they worked for it.

    Chris Coons is more than a nice guy. He’s a guy that’s ready to govern. His issue pages are clear, and you can read them at his issues page, here : http://www.chriscoons.com/issues/ but in my opinion Chris is at his best when he’s synthesizing ideas, which you see on the home page of his website, here: http://www.chriscoons.com/site/.

    I hope this has helped.

  18. jpconnorjr says:

    the less she has to talk about issues, the better for her.

    A textbook “bully” strategy
    Throw stones

  19. Of course we should worry about county government as well. That’s why the race for the next New Castle County Council president will be important, and there will be an election for County Executive in 2 years.

    Paul Clark is already in a position of power in the county. Chris Coons’s election won’t stop that.

  20. Brandywine Pete says:

    NCC Government is a wreck and that is Coon’s biggest baggage. If the GOP is serious they had better win this race for President of NCC.

    Weiner wants it but he is such a turncoat, he votes for himself and always for development outside his district but never in it.

    Did he not vote last week to support the liberals in a 3-9 vote? Maybe because his opponent is a union electrician?

    The GOP should already know who they want to run and have them ready. The NCC GOP committee is a wreck so skip anything they propose because Mike Fleming is a total has been party hack.

    Copeland or Protack, figure it out and get it done.

  21. jason330 says:

    “Copeland or Protack, figure it out and get it done.” That has to be the funniest thing I’ve read in months.

  22. young "gun" says:

    check out the video on the right of the article and her quote in the video about people keeping letters from people who now can only give 5000 dollars to her campaign, but before could give 10,000 dollars. she goes on to say how they are really embarrassed that they can only give less and she keeps the letters to remind herself of who is funding the campaign.

  23. jason330 says:

    That is classic. The poor California $10,000 donors. What ever will they do?

  24. cobbler says:

    You up north are more focused on issues; down in Sussex people base their vote on emotions. I hope you all get out the vote for Coons because these idiots down here, Republican, Democrat and Independents are going to pour their hearts out for Christine.
    They don’t realize inside that beautiful wrapped package with the large bow is an empty box and you can’t convince them otherwise.
    Yes Coons will be bombarded with negative ads about the current administration, but she will not air on her ads what the hell she plans to do about it.

  25. PSB says:

    i rode yesterday in the MS150 from Dover to Rehobeth. I’d estimate at least a 5:1 ratio of GOP versus Democratic yard signs (and we weren’t on the highways–they were yard signs).

    That said, I and my team wore Coons shirts, and the fellow riders’ comments were 100% supportive (COD supporters, if present, were silent).

    Also, Urquhart was silent on my shirt (he didn’t approach me, and I didn’t approach him), as he was at the finish, talking to folks, shaking babies and kissing hands. He had a massive Winnebago at the finish with his mug plastered on the side. he also had a campaign bus at one of the rest stops.

    I am very pleased that the DE Dem party opened an office in Sussex, and that the opening was so well attended. We need to get folks like Pete & Jim Westhoff elected, and we need votes for Coons and Flowers and other good Dems from Kent and from Sussex.

  26. MJ says:

    PSB – it’s Rehoboth (o not e). Thanks for riding. I probably saw you leaving town this morning as I was walking the dog.

  27. Puzzler says:

    The current GOP faustian bargain:

    Wealthy underwriters, concerned with lowering taxes and weakening government, pay a cadre of cynical psychopaths, themselves motivated to become wealthy, to stir up fear of commies, homos and muslims in a target population that becomes more nervous, ignorant and detached every day.

    The bottom is not in sight yet, folks.

  28. Perry says:

    The NYT has a great piece by Frank Rich on the Christine O’Donnell candidacy , basically concluding that she is a great gift to Repubs. His concluding paragraph is:

    “They are acing it, these guys. Election Day is now only a month away. The demoralized Democrats are held hostage by the unemployment numbers. And along comes this marvelous gift out of nowhere, Christine O’Donnell, Tea Party everywoman, who just may be the final ingredient needed to camouflage a billionaires’ coup as a populist surge. By the time her fans discover that any post-election cuts in government spending will be billed to them, and not the Tea Party’s shadowy backers, she’ll surely be settling her own debts with fat paychecks from “Fox & Friends.” “

    We must not take anything for granted about this race regarding the election of Chris Coons. With the humongous number of dollars that will come in to our state to support her candidacy, this represents a huge challenge for Chris Coons. We ain’t seen nothin yet!

  29. Well said Perry, “we ain’t seen nothing yet!” What we will see November 2nd is Delaware denying the influence out of state money tries to buy. The greatest gift New Jersey’s own little meatballer gives us will be the straight truth about who peddles what to whom. Sure, the Dems are going to lose some seats. You remember the “Republican Revolution” in 1996. The tea party has no core, aside from being republican; when those they back (Scott Brown, anyone?) legislate against whatever splintered platform they have they claim to own it and vote against it the following election. Their words, not mine. I can tell you that its going to be underwhelming to say “I told you so.” Above all, Delaware will set the example that the Tbangers aren’t as insurmountable as the media makes them appear. We’re the first state for good reason.

  30. aoine says:

    Cyclone….apart from fast cars n loud music and vulgar jokes ….I knew I liked u for.a reason…..

  31. Dr. Strangevote says:

    Castle’s mistake was assuming he was already a defined “brand” in the eyes of all voters here- he took for granted that Chrissy the Pooh would be unable to define him. Big mistake. And the Spawn of Bozo made him pay for it.