Rachel Maddow in Delaware Live Thread

Filed in National by on October 5, 2010

The Rachel Maddow Show is filming at Newark’s Deer Park Tavern tonight. Use this thread to comment on what you’re seeing. All the pics I’ve seen show that it is really crowded. Ginger Gibson and Ron Williams are supposed to comment.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (38)

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  1. Rachel Maddow: we were greeted by a lot of men in witch hats.

  2. Maddow: the Senate race is riveting the entire country.

  3. Maddow: For COD, do you agree with Jim DeMint that gay people or pregnant single women should not teach school? Do you have a virginity test in mind for single men?

    Maddow reports they could not get one single COD supporter to talk to her.

  4. Maddow: conventional wisdom is wrong that Democrats aren’t thinking big.

  5. Talking to Dr. Gilbert Sloan about Republican deficit hypocrisy. I love this guy!

  6. Belinsky says:

    Gil Sloan takin’ it to the hoop: “Chris Coons actually reads books, as opposed to his opponent, who is as shallow as can be.”

  7. Maddow is saying that the common wisdom that Democrats are not fired up is wrong. The seniors at the Coons event this morning think the Republican ideas are nuts.

  8. I’m loving these seniors at the Coons/Carper event. They are very well-informed.

  9. Now Ginger Gibson and wRong Williams are talking about the non-existent O’Donnell campaign. Williams thinks Republicans may be feeling buyer’s remorse. Williams doesn’t think O’Donnell can win.

  10. After the commercial break – Maddow’s attempts to talk to the O’Donnell campaign.

  11. Diehard Democrat in Rachel’s show: “If Chris Coons were dismembered and in a body bag, I’d still vote for him. He’d do more for Delaware.”


  12. Vicky Bandy was interviewed. She said she wished she lived somewhere where we didn’t have to beg people to vote. She also talked about the importance of getting out the African-American vote.

  13. Grania says:

    Good God – If CC was dismembered and in a body bag, I’d vote for him?? Where do they find these wacked out waggers? Maddow’s herky-jerky facial expressions are hard to watch. Like Dr. Sloan.

  14. Maddow is interviewing Chris Coons, talking about the importance of retail politics. Coons states he wants to talk to as many Delawareans as possible. Dr. Sloan in the background is distracting me.

  15. The video of the Chris Coons interview with Rachel Maddow is worth posting.

  16. Joanne Christian says:

    Dismembered and in a body bag? Good Lord, I hope they checked DNA along with those licenses at that event tonite. Jeffrey Dahmer’s dead right? Guess you’re correct, when you say die-hard Democrat.

  17. Belinsky says:

    Where is that O’Donnell HQ?

  18. LOL. Rachel Maddow finally found some Republican to talk about Christine O’Donnell, the president of the UD College Republicans. He’s actually from Pennsylvania.

  19. Belinsky says:

    He went to Tower Hill.

  20. Venus says:

    He had to be. No self-respecting Delaware Republican was going to take the job.

  21. Good question Belinsky. Is it on the Riverfront?

  22. Dana Garrett says:

    No surprise that the Christine O’Donnell campaign personnel was rude to the staff of the Rachel Maddow show. The tea partiers are often rude.

  23. Belinsky says:

    Boselli blasted COD before the primary. Good looking kid. Handled himself well. Should become a Democrat. I predict he will, within 10 years or so.

  24. Dana Garrett says:

    I thought she ran her campaign out of her apartment. Did she finally get a proper campaign office?

  25. Venus says:

    Did she finally get a proper campaign?

  26. Good point, Dana.

    The UD College Republicans actually endorsed and supported Castle and Rollins.

    Anyone notice how restrained Boselli’s praise of O’Donnell was?

  27. Venus says:

    Like Cheney of his lesbian daughter. You still have to deal with it.

  28. heragain says:

    Dan Boselli University of Delaware College Republicans: Christine O’Donnell implodes in a radio interview with Dan Gaffney. The national media will soon dismiss her campaign, and the Tea Party Express will regret its support of her candidacy. (H/T Matt Revel)
    September 2 at 10:52am ยท Share

    from facebook. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  29. Jason330 says:

    So wait…. Were republicans saying that they were embarrassed by COD?

  30. Dominique says:

    When did the Deer Park crowd become so…geriatric?

  31. a. price says:


  32. As I’ve been saying here for some time Dan and the other leaders of the College Republicans were always Team Castle. He’s not at all behind O’Donnell. The day after the primary I ran into him (I’m the College Dems president) and when I said “The primary was good for us, but I think you guys know that as well as I do” they kind of nodded and didn’t say anything to rebut me. But they’re slowly coming around and they definitely got behind Urquhart, which surprised me.

  33. Just want to say how much I am enjoying watching the whole show in Delaware on Rachel’s website. There is something about your state and its people that made me nostalgic for days gone by and a home I never had. The people really impressed me–seemed so nice, engaged and passionate about the subject of politics and supportive of each other. Who knows, some day I may have to visit! Also, Dr Sloan’s comments were terrific–right to the point with some nice subtle barbs included. If you haven’t already, I hope you all encourage him to run for office there in some capacity. He has that star power. As a man of letters, I imagine he is also on The Web and may find this eventually.

    Best wishes to all Delawareans! And TURN OUT THAT VOTE!!

  34. skippertee says:

    Dearest Dominique,
    I can assure you the “geriatrics” you refer to are not regular denizens of the Deer Park. No, gentle inquirer, they were there to represent our concerned older citizens in our continuing fight against the complete corporate takeover of America.
    I, gentle reader, spent many a night at the Deer Park enjoying the wine, women and song as a lad.
    I DON’T appreciate you calling me a geriatric.
    Yet, it’s true, I don’t go there no more. The lasses are much too young and it depresses me so.

  35. Auntie Dem says:

    I’m just so proud of my fellow Democrats who were on the TV last night. Passionate, articulate, thoughtful, serious about governing. No wonder they call us “elite”. We are the folks who think about problems and solutions. Our candidates talk to us as though we have the ability to reason. Because our candidates can reason. If having the heart and the brains to make America a better place makes us elite then I’m all for it. With all of our gifts America should be elite in the world.

    The COD campaign is the prime example of the dumbing down of American politics. I’m not saying her supporters are dumb but her campaign sure is. Rachel made that point loud and clear.

  36. V says:

    The one thing I’m surprised wasn’t mentioned was the state divide via the canal during the “I can’t find an O’Donnell supporter” section of her show. I’m sure our lower residents are fuming that she didn’t travel past Newark in her investigation of our state. It did seem a little disingenuous (and I mean that with love, I love that woman) for her to not mention that geography plays a huge role in the support in this race. But I guess if she was going to find a OD supporter in Wilmington, the senior center would probably have been her best bet. All the OD supporters I saw at the JCC forum appeared maybe 50+

  37. James Hesselman says:

    Where is the fan page for Dr. Gilbert Sloan?! BRAVO SIR!!!!

  38. Mahogani Jones says:

    Loving Dr. Gilbert Sloan! I’d like to hear more of his views. Does anyone have internet accessible information on Dr. Gilbert Sloan?