Remember When O’Donnell Threw Jesus Under the Bus ?

Filed in National by on October 15, 2010

There was some clear testimony during the Coons/O’Donnell debate. Only it wasn’t the kind of testimony Christine’s evangelical base was expecting.

It was when Christine testified to the fact that she is not a religious person. but just a run of the mill vote grubbing politician, just as we all suspected.

From USA Today

‘What I believe is irrelevant’: Christine O’Donnell

Faith? What faith?

Now that her religious beliefs — not to mention the long-ago flirtation with witchcraft — are politically inconvenient, Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell is shutting off talk of her conservative evangelical views.

According to a story from the Wilmington News Journal, O’Donnell told a Republican gathering Wednesday night,

My faith has influenced my personal life. My faith hasn’t really influenced my politics.

That’s a different tune than during the primary when she told the paper that she “heard the audible voice of God,” urging her on and that God “was calling me” to come to Delaware and run for office.

In her debate with Democratic candidate Chris Coons, she insisted she would go to Washington armed only with her passion for the Constitution and, according to her “I’m you” ad campaign, the values of the people of Delaware.

Prayer, evolution, creationism, or a women’s right to choose on abortion are all constitutional issues, Coons replied.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. OpenMinded says:

    I just wish the audible voice of God had called her to someone else’s state.

  2. anon says:

    Actually, in another state she might win.

  3. Joe Cass says:

    She had to dump Jeebus to fit Hannity in her pocket. Understandable.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Any reaction from Shammity on being reduced to O’D’s little bitch ass cabana boy?

  5. CubaLaker says:

    If you visit Colley’s crazy blog you see him ranting about the attack on faith by the liberal media after the debate (he is an oppressed Catholic remember). Of course Colley latches onto the abortion issue, forgetting that the Church opposes the death penalty and divorce (Colley loves the death penalty and is divorced himself…so he is only 1 for 3 on that score). Anyway, the tea-baggers are playing the victim yet again…too bad COD didn’t defend herself from the great liberal assault on white Christians!

  6. Polemical says:

    Given her fundamental religious beliefs, COD would make a great candidate in a Muslim country (I’m sure the Taliban would back her conservative views).

  7. Exhausted says:

    LOL @Polemical.