I Am Sick To Death Of Christine O’Donnell

Filed in Delaware by on October 21, 2010

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.

Please continue with your regularly scheduled blogging.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Polemical says:


    I wonder what people will do if Christine O’Donnell WINS the election?

    I’d move to Canada!

  2. Me too!

    I have an opportunity to attend a forum she’s attending tomorrow with Jerkhart and the audience can ask questions. My feelings about it – meh.

  3. TellTheTruth says:

    Jerkhart is as bad or worse than Christine. His comment about
    “church and state coming out of Hitlers mouth”, proves this guy is a complete buffoon. Another ass who can’t comprehend the Consitution, but have no problem tearing it to shreds. How come none of the baggers want to restore the Consitution (re the NON Patriot Act)? Why havent the dems?

  4. Auntie Dem says:

    Driving around this afternoon and listening to WJBR. It was wall-to-wall attack ads on Coons. Some paid for by O’Donnell’s campaign and some by some secret society with a patriotic name. The money dump on the media is becoming apparent.

  5. Jason330 says:

    The NRA attack ad on Coons is nauseating. They are so casual about lying these days that it does make you wonder about the future of our democracy.

  6. pandora says:

    They lie because they get away with it – there is absolutely no downside to them for lying. Just wait until we get a free press… oh, wait.

  7. anon says:

    This is the time of year when I mostly listen to my iPod hooked up in my car and avoid the local news broadcasts as it is just wall to wall attack ads. Wonder how PA’ers and NJ’ers feel about all the ads COD is running? Did I see somewhere someone tying them into a bump up for Sestak? Not sure how that works unless it is just scaring IND’s away from the R candidates….

  8. OpenMinded says:

    I went on Delaware Online recently and her face was in 3 different places on one page. It overpowered the news (such as the NJ can actually call what they do news). I, for one, am so sick and tired of Christine O’Donnell I’ve even stopped posting satirical clips about her on my wall. Of course, I did just lose my job and am not feeling very festive. But I promise to pick up the pace and get back to the issue at hand…making sure as many people as possible see what a bozo’s daughter she is…in the very near future. It’s personal now. I need affordable health care.

  9. pandora says:

    I’m so sorry, OpenMinded.

  10. OpenMinded says:

    Thanks, Pandora. Today ended on a positive note. There may be a silver lining in all this. BUT I STILL WILL NEED TO BUY MY OWN HEALTHCARE.

  11. anon says:

    I see COD blowing up her website and twitter about some poll (I’ve never heard of it) TCJ Research showing she has closed the gap to 7. I call BS all the way. I think Jason or someone alluded to this the other day, that there would be a “poll” showing she is closing the gap to artificially create momentum. I still think the reality is she is down by at least 13 with her numbers staying stagnant. There is just no evidence that people are now suddenly coming around to support her or are switching their support.

  12. The TCJ poll has not been released publicly so I’d view it with skepticism. Does the poll have her breaking 40% yet?

    We’ll have to wait for a public poll to be released. The evidence that nothing’s changing? The NRSC is not investing additional money in the race and I know they’ve been polling Delaware this week. I also don’t see a change in the Coons strategy so I don’t think they’re seeing movement.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    And conservatives donors are also staying away.

  14. JG says:

    I’m with ya Pandora, let’s just vote and be done with it.