Gun Bubble Pops: Firearms Industry Laments America’s Nutjobs Less Pants Wetting

Filed in National by on December 14, 2010

Pandagon relays a Media Matters report:

(T)he right wing-driven gun bubble has burst. Basically, there was a feeding frenzy after Obama was elected, and paranoid white men around the country had to buy some bigger and louder phallic symbols to stave off anxieties caused by the scary new President. (snip)

What was especially interesting in the post was how the gun manufacturers were completely upfront in their reports on diminished sales on what their main sales tactic is, which is to gin up irrational fears to sell guns. Take this quote from Smith and Wesson’s report:

The consumer environment with the fire arms industry appears to have returned to levels no longer driven by fear of increased gun control or political uncertainty. This is supported by our recent research which shows that consumer purchasing today is driven primarily by personal protection and shooting sports. Political concerns are now a distant fourth. This is reflected in our current sales in most firearms categories, which are lower than the record sales last year for both the industry and our company.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    Ironically, with austerity on the way the need for protection is probably increasing.

  2. V says:

    A guy in one of my classes last year said something along the lines of “OB’s takin’ our guns!” and I just turned around and said “you know that the obama administration has pushed absolutely no gun control legislation right? and with the DC handgun decision the legal climate is actually better for gun owners now than in the bush administration right? and that meme is only being propagated by the gun industry to sell more product right?”

    He just sort of stared at me.

  3. jason330 says:

    Ironically, anon, the pants wetting nutjobs are far more likely to shoot their wives, girlfriends, neighbors and children than they are to shoot criminals.

    V, I get the feeling that being duped and manipulated doesn’t bother these nutjobs in the least. Provided they are being duped and manipulated by trusted brands such as Jesus Inc., The GOP, and the NRA.

  4. jason330 says:

    No sooner did I type that than I clicked on Buzzfeed to find the top story about some guy who opened fire on a school board in Florida.

  5. Karl Marx says:

    Maybe the Mercedes Marxists will go to Wilmington and solve the gun problem. Nah, it must be conservatives who are doing all of that shooting.

  6. Capt.Willard says:

    Bullets are for pullets!
    Most of the shock troops on OUR side carry multi-phased plasma rifles in the 40 watt range.

  7. meatball says:

    Facebook made him do it.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Turns out he was a patriotic sales tax protester. Sic semper tyrannis Bitches!!!

    JC. Remember to wear your Kevlar. There are people all hopped up on Glen Beck running around loose out there.