Obama Wears Sandals, Armageddon Ensues

Filed in National by on January 6, 2011

You know who else wore sandals? Jesus.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. cassandra m says:

    At least he wasn’t caught wearing honest-to-god clown shoes.

  2. stephen says:

    he has a right to wear what ever he wants to when he’s on vacation. He’s the president, what would YOU wear on the beach?

  3. stephen says:

    He can wear whatever he wants to. What would you wear to the beach? He’s on vacation. Give him a break. Aren’t there bigger issues to worry about?

  4. reis says:

    Flip flops are civilized. Not only are they comfortable (once you get the callous between your big toe and the next one), but you can take them off easily before entering the home. That way, you only have to sweep and mop every six months instead of every five.

  5. JBH says:

    I don’t care that he wore flipflops. I care that they look chintzy and don’t fit his feet well.

  6. Capt.Willard says:

    I have a toe fungus issue.
    Does the avatar mean it’s OK to paint my nails now?
    I’m just a he-man kind of guy,you know.
    I did jog home from my vasectomy.