Look at me with all this egg on my face

Filed in National by on January 11, 2011

I should not have jumped to conclusions. It has now been confirmed by multiple sources that Jared Loughner was a raging liberal all whacked out on the hate message that streams out of the liberal media 24/7. You’ve heard that right?

Whenever I think that, at long last, Republicans will be forced to confront their sickening malfeasance….
Whenever I think that the other shoe has finally dropped…
Whenever I get the feeling that reality has caught up to and busted up the greedy, stupid, lying, violent, acid trip, dreamworld propped up by the right media…
Whenever I thnk that sanity and reason have a glimmer of a chance of prevailing in this dystopia….

I just have to wait 24 hours and the media narrative will be fixed. When it comes to fixing a narrative, there are no lies that could make your modern Republican blush.

There is no contrived bullshit that Republicans will not hold up as a pristine truth.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (20)

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  1. Publius says:

    What a stupid post by Jed Lewison (the writer of the post you link to). Talk about bad logic. Let me see if I get this straight. Huckabee points out what the media is now generally reporting, that Loughner is not some right wing conspiracy theory type, but a deeply disturbed individual who many friends do indeed claim was a leftleaning liberal. Huckabee then takes to task those on the left who want to use the shooting as an opportunity to attack those on the right (presumably that’s because Giffords is a democrat, one wonders, of course, what the left would be writing if it was a republican who was shot, but I digress…).

    Lewison, in a brillant piece of logic, then attacks Huckabee for criticizing the left, claiming that Huckabee is doing the same thing that the left is doing (trying to make political points out of the shooting) and therefore argues that Huckabee is engaging in hypocrisy. Oh, now that Lewison points it all out, it is so clear. NOT.

    Huckabee is doing two things. First, correcting the record. Second, taking the left to task. None of this would be necessary if Krugman and others hadn’t decided to blame “right wing rhetoric” for the shooting rather than placing the blame squarely where it belongs: on a single individual, who is deeply disturbed, and, coincidentally enough, does appear to be left-leaning in his politics; or, put another way, rightwing rhetoric has nothing to do with this.

    From now on, I suppose every shooting in America can be blamed on “right wing rhetoric” against the oh so pure left, which is never wrong and never engages in extreme rhetoric itself.

  2. pandora says:

    First, I would be saying the same damn thing if a Republican were shot. In fact, I have.

    no one is safe from a crazy person, and the odds that Ds and Rs will be hurt increases when we keep preaching to the crazy.

    Please notice that I said Ds and Rs. I realize that doesn’t fit into the little corner you’ve painted yourself into.

  3. Geezer says:

    What would Republicans be saying if Sarah Palin had been shot? This is no idle question; she asked for protection from a 19-year-old stalker who has imagined they have some kind of relationship.

    Are they really going to pretend they aren’t the sort of people who jump to convenient conclusions for politcal gain?

  4. socialistic ben says:

    “What would Republicans be saying if Sarah Palin had been shot?”

    ask brother glen. He hopes there would be a bloody civil war if anyone hurt $t $arah

  5. Polemical says:

    Well said Publius! By now, it is abundantly clear that what ‘some’ profligate media types have done, literally hours after the shooting, was both opportunistic and shameful. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Hopefully, President Obama will not go near the ‘blame’ game during his forthcoming speech in Tucson, AZ later today. I believe he’s too smart to fall for such gutter tactics and thus won’t fall for the ‘bait.’

    Btw, as to the above commenters. Indeed, it does not matter who may of been shot (politician, or other high-ranking official, regardless of political affiliation). Those who aren’t happy with where their respective party is as to winning the current policy debate, have to find a way to lash back; a way to try to ‘turn the tide’ or the ‘momentum’ that the GOP seems to be having now with the American public.

    After all, never let a ‘[G]ood crisis go to waste.”

    It’s analogous to if someone like Chad Ochocinco of the Cincinnati Bengals was shot. And because the New England Patriots were winning so much the Bengals and the rest of the NFC fans find a way to blame Bill Belichek (sp?) or Tom Brady, et. al.

    Terrence Owens (TO) then leads the insurgence against the Patriots and the AFC alike, by tweeting, posting FaceBook diatribes and using cable television to villianize his heretofore foes.

    I know. It’s ridiculous! As is the left’s brazen attempt to score political ‘points’ in the wake of an unspeakable tragedy.

    Let it go. It’s a moral debate that cannot be won, by either side. The winners are those who see it for what it is. A horrific tragedy where six innocent human beings lost their life for no reason.

    Btw, while Sherrif Dubnik went on his suppositional and speculative blame-the-right tour, he failed to mention extremely important information regarding the accused shooter like death threats made days before the incident and the subsequent follow-up by Pima County investigators. Or how Arizona has a unique law, one in only a handful of U.S. states, where a person CAN be taken in for mental evaluation that does not require as strict a standard as other states have. This after Mr. Loughner apparently had interaction with campus police at his community college no less than FIVE times in recent months or weeks before he was kicked out.

    Why did the good Sherrif point any of this out? Instead of doing something so inprofessional and inappropriate that it would surely put most, if not all county or city police chiefs across the country on suspension, if not resulting in outright termination.

    Finally, how can a law officer, the top law officer in this case, so destructively spout off his personal opinions about the reason or motivation of the shooting by giving the defense team material evidence to use against the forthcoming prosecution by ascribing an excuse for Mr. Loughner’s massacre?

  6. Jason330 says:

    Beck and Palin’s assassination rhetoric don’t provide an excuse. They have provided a motive and a large number of apologists like yourself.

  7. cassandra m says:

    Btw, while Sherrif Dubnik went on his suppositional and speculative blame-the-right tour,

    Wasn’t this part of Monday’s Talking Points? Today’s Talking Points are warning about Obama politicizing the memorial event — so that you can come back with tomorrow’s Talking Points wailing about your predicted politicization. 🙄

    Besides, the Sheriff never mentioned the right or the left in his speech. Just the voices of bigotry. Interesting that you would be so quick to take on the blame for the bigotry that the Sheriff was (rightly) deriding.

  8. pandora says:

    Better get up to speed on those talking points! Now, words do incite violence. Sarah says so – but only words against her!

    “If you don’t like a person’s vision for the country, you’re free to debate that vision. If you don’t like their ideas, you’re free to propose better ideas. But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.”

    Got it?

  9. Geezer says:

    Amazing. Pointing out ugly rhetoric is, in Republicans’ lizard-lidded eyes, itself ugly rhetoric.

    What’s most amazing is how adept is the party that preaches “personal responsibility” at managing to avoid taking any.

  10. Ishmael says:

    “Besides, the Sheriff never mentioned the right or the left in his speech.”

    silly cassy, wrong as usual

    “The kind of rhetoric that flows from people like Rush Limbaugh, in my judgment he is irresponsible, uses partial information, sometimes wrong information,” Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said today. “[Limbaugh] attacks people, angers them against government, angers them against elected officials and that kind of behavior in my opinion is not without consequences.”


  11. Dirty Girl says:

    No silly Isshy – Cas is right, as usual – He NEVER mentioned the right or the left in his original speech – and she was referring to that

    Plz – pay attention to timelines and context – I know its diffucult when all your timelines and objectivity blur together so you can prove a moot point.

  12. cassandra m says:

    Actually I’m not wrong, idiot (addressed to Ishy, who I guess has the egg on his face). Dupnik did not mention left or right in his press conference on Saturday — which is when all of you people decided that he was talking about you. The ABC interview on Monday finds the Sheriff specifically responding to Diane Sawyer’s reading of Limbaugh’s bullshit and her asking him what he though of Limbaugh’s bullshit. Limbaugh, I gather, is the entire right now, or somehow representative of you enough for you to get your panties in a twist.

    So it is you who still is in the Hall of Fame of Wrong here at this site. And you always will be as long as you presume that we are just as illiterate as you are.

  13. pandora says:

    Dupnik’s original statement:

    “When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous,” said the sheriff. “And unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of the capital. We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry.”

    Don’t blame Dupnik if Tea Partiers saw themselves in that statement.

  14. anon says:

    What is truly sad and disgraceful is the fact this kid went through grade/high school and attended a community college, where it appears everyone realized he had mental problems and yet not one of those insitutions took action to get him the help! For too long mental illness has been stigmatized, with everyone turning their backs on someone with an illness to the brain. Since Ronald Reagun dumped the mentally ill out of institutions and on to the streets, the states nor the federal government did anything to bring parity to mental health vs medical health care. The new health care Plan does that. So why arent the legislators in all states looking to hire more school psychologists and therapists to get the treatment, and monitoring these people desperately need. I don’t want to hear the states are broke or any of that crap. This issues is serious and they can always find monies for all sorts of things, why not mental illness. Right now in Delaware we have young kids who are known to be mentally ill and nothing is being done for them. We have prisons and detention centers filled with mentally ill people…useless eaters and non voters is the reason they dont get help.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    I haven’t heard any reports that he behaved oddly in high school. One person reported that his behavior changed after an alcohol poisoning event a few years ago. There will be some good discussion about how we identify people with mental illness that comes out of this.

    I am struck by how difficult it is to properly flag a person that is suffering from mental illness. We don’t want to stigmatize people with mental illness, but it would be good to get them treatment. But what was the school supposed to do? Call the police and say that the guy laughs at inappropriate times? That he gives people the creeps?

    This is difficult. Once we get through all of the overheated rhetoric and the rhetoric about overheated rhetoric, maybe we can see what public policies could get people like the shooter some help before it’s too late.

  16. Jason330 says:

    Well since Sarah Palin has recently decreed that this event occurred in a vacuum, I would not hold my breath.

  17. Paratrooper18 says:

    That is an excellent point. Even health care professionals do not push the issue.

    yes they prescribe these anxiety and depression drugs randomly because the drug companies are pushing them, but should primary care physicians really be prescribing.

    Take if from the viewpoint of a simple case. A person who has a chronic illness, dealing with it is both physical and mental. Mental health professionals should be involved in cases where the person is “constantly sick” or chronically ill.

    It is the flaw of most healthcare systems, there needs to be an integrated care philosophy.

    This is one of those areas where the VA really beats out most health care systems. It is also why alot of vets complain. The VA does not just throw you pills. And they address all sides of treatment, and if you refuse, then they don’t reward you for it.

    My condition at this point requires more mental health treatment than medical. Yeah I know it is obvious from my postings. ha ha.

    But it is not constant pain that gets me, it is changing levels of pain. It is like a very slow torture at times. I used to feel sorry for myself until I read stories from burn victims and the bleach tanks.

  18. Publius says:

    If a conservative Republican had been shot, I’d like to think that most of those on the right might wait a few minutes (i.e., for some of the facts to come out) before blaming the left. That was simply not done here. Krugman had his column/venom out in record time.

    But the best response to the arguments made by the original post here can be found here:


    Much better put than anything I could write.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Fuck commentary magazine. Nothing but a bunch of water-carrying twats.

    That’s like my mommy writing a letter of recommendation to Goldman Sachs stating that I’m the bestest, smartest boy ever and give him a job cause I said so!

    Palin, the fox media outlet, and old white folks who are scared shitless by difference only have themselves to blame. If they didnt think they were so bad-ass, spewing rhetoric based on violence instead of on reality-based intelligence, none of this assessing would be taking place.

    I guess the islamofascist commie hipsters of libtardland made them say that shit in the first place.

  20. Polemical says:

    I propose either Von Cracker or jason330 as Obama’s next press secretary. Their elegant and superfluous language will provide ample inspiration for the nation and allow extra time for the WH Briefing Room media pool to ask more questions of the press secretary.