Comment Rescue: Andye Daley (Tom Kovach’s Campaign Manager) Sets The Record Straight

Filed in National by on January 14, 2011

May I chime in here guys? I am not sure who Republican Dave is…But I know who I am, I was Tom’s Campaign Manager and I could not be further from the Tea Party. I (as is Tom) am a moderate Republican. We had very little support from anyone from the “Tea Party” and Far right wing. A few members of the Kent County GOP came up to help with some lit drops, and a parade, and some calling, but the majority of our campaign was not from that sect of the Delaware GOP. We welcomed help from anyone on our campaign, I’d D’s and R’s . Our objective was to fix a broken and unbalanced County Government, nothing more and nothing less. Moreover, I do not know Evan Q, even if I fell over him. Glen U. had Tom on one radio talk show he was subbing for and I need to check , but I am pretty sure we did not cash the check from Christine. If you have any other questions, I will be happy to answer them.

“I could not be further from the Tea Party. I (as is Tom) am a moderate Republican.”

I’m feeling better already.  🙂

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    David will read that to mean that the Downstate Teabag Republican Jesus put Kovach over the top. He and all the teabagz are at war with reality, so why should his take on this race be any different?

  2. orestes says:

    I agree with most of what Andy Daley says. This win was 95% New Castle Republicans and they deserve most of the credit. There were downstate Republicans who traveled north and contributed mightily. They were the usual suspects who work hard in every special election and deserve honor within the party. These dedicated folks would have been there with or without the Tea Party.

    I don’t quite get why Andy Daley is making this point on this site. No offense to Delaware Liberal but this point would be of significant value on Delaware Politics as the Republican debate there is going on. Her input would be very valuable.

    Last but not least. Of the 7 Special Elections in Delaware since January of 2007, this is the first time I have heard of Andy Daley.

  3. jason330 says:

    While Daley (and presumably Kovach) might not think that the Teabagz made any real contribution, I don’t think we should expect a Republican politician to go to DelawarePolitics and poke the Teabagz in the eye for the hell of it.

  4. Newshound says:

    Andye is female and she moved to DE about 3-1/2 years ago. She started the Middletown Corridor Coalition in response to DelDOT’s 301 Bypass project (did a pretty good job keeping DelDOT officials and other regulators ‘honest’).

    She then ran unsuccessfully in a Republican primary in 2007 against James Weldin (R) for the Senate’s 14th District. Bruce Ennis (D) won the general against Joanne Christian (R & I). The seat became ‘open’ upon the death of James Vaughn.

    Daley recently lost in the general election on Nov. 2, 2010 against William ‘Bill’ Powers for the 6th district for County Council. Daley ran unopposed in the primary. She recently met Kovach and liked his leadership. Since she has ties to NCC’s ‘below-the-canal’ demographic, Daley suppossedly became a campaign staffer for Kovach (according to her words posted on here).

    This so-called ‘Tea Party’ connection stuff is simply liberals making noise because they either fear or highly dislike the TP.

  5. MJ says:

    The only thing people “fear” about the teabaggers is that they all have guns and like to use them. That and they talk about “2nd Amendment solutions and taking back their government by any means necessary.” Yeah, nothing to worry about.

  6. Outside Observer says:

    Some minor corrections on Newshounds post. Daley was defeated by Weldin in the 2008 republican primary for the 10th senate seat. Ennis defeated Christian in a special election in 2007 for the 14th senate seat.

  7. pandora says:

    Newshound, Delaware Politics drew the connection from Kovach to the Tea Party.

    Republicans from all factions of the Party campaigned for and supported Tom Kovach. Christine O’Donnell’s campaign sent the maximum donation allowed from a former campaign to support Tom Kovach.
    Tom Kovach declared himself a tea party candidate at the April 15, 2009, tea party protest in Wilmington, Delaware:

    Kovach said that the tea party was the reason why he (Kovach) got into public service.

    Kovach also declared that the tea party would form the back-bone of his Republican administration in office.

    So… it’s not liberals making noise. Also, the statement I posted was not written by a liberal.

    You have an interesting habit of not not responding to what’s in a post. If this is your attempt at spin, please stop. You aren’t very good at it. Sorry.

  8. Pretty sure Andye’s been here longer than 3.5 years. She’s been president of her maint. corp. for at least 5.

  9. Dr. Strangevote says:

    Newshound has his facts slightly wrong- Daley and Weldin were in a primary to replace Amick- that is not the Ennis seat.

    Andye is one of the New Castle candidates betrayed by Anderson and the Tea Party and the other writers at Delaware Politics. O’Donnell destroyed any chance she had at beating Bill Powers. Also, it appears she is Jewish. I’m sure she loved Glen’s remarks on the seperation of church and state and O’Donnell’s comments about Anne Frank. The wonder of it all is that she is still a Republican.

  10. pandora says:

    I give Andye a lot of credit. She’s speaking up and drawing a line between the Tea Party and the GOP that most GOP moderates were, at first willing to exploit for their own gain, and now cower in fear against.

    Attention Moderate Republicans: This is how it’s done.

    The downstate Tea Party revolution is doomed – not because they don’t have a consistent message but because they don’t have the message to get the money out. They can’t trash Greenville and NCCO in one breath and ask for their money in the next. Let them take over the party and watch them fizzle.

  11. Dr. Strangevote says:

    “The downstate Tea Party revolution is doomed”

    Agreed. Losers are good at one thing- losing. Examine our local Tea Party activists and you will find… a bunch of people for whom life didn’t quite work out. They are mostly professional (and often social) failures, underachievers… most are not very well educated. They are the permanent outsiders. That is why they are so suscpetible to the wild theories deployed by talk radio to string them along. It also gets to the core sources of their resentment.

  12. anon says:

    Andye Daley is a bad ass and is becoming a strong leader in NCCo politics. She calls it like she sees it and will tell you to your face when she doesn’t like what you’re doing (just ask Priscilla Rakestraw).

    The TEA Party originally stood for “Taxed Enough Already”. Many of us (including Kovach) went to those original rallies because we were concerned with the financial issues (high taxes, wasteful spending).

    Many of us (including Kovach) lost interest when segments of the TEA party people started bringing the social issues and Obama’s birth certificate into the mix.

    Call us “moderate” or RINOs or whatever. We care about the social issues but they don’t keep us up at night – fiscal responsibility and development/land use are at the top of the list for NCCo republicans.

    BTW, I hope Kovach runs for county exec in 12 and brings Andye in as his CAO. She would clean house. You thought county employees were scared of Sherry Freebery? Wait until they meet Andye Daley.

  13. Geezer says:

    anon: County employees were scared of Sherry Freebery because she was a sociopathic autocrat. You don’t sound like a RINO, you sound like an asshole.

  14. anon says:

    Geezer, you sound like an overpaid county employee.

  15. Newshound says:

    Nancy W. wrote:

    “Pretty sure Andye’s been here longer than 3.5 years. She’s been president of her maint. corp. for at least 5.”

    Your Delawareway reference only quotes an earlier candidate (Bob Gilsdorf) having dialogue w/ Amick in 2006, not that she was physically here then. Small detail, but a factual one.

    And aside from being a personal ‘friend’ of Andye’s, there’s other facts.

    Read below link from Daley’s own bio. Read halfway down page. I added 1 yr. to her Jan. 2010 start.

  16. anon says:

    Andye and her husband moved to Delaware in Late April 2005 Check NCC website under here given name Andrea. There is your proof.

  17. anon says:

    Definitely April 2005…. I was there! Hehehehe The Bio above was from her 2008 run, so add 2 1/2 years.

  18. Que Pasa says:

    Drawing a line between the “Tea Party” (which is NOT a party) and the GOP?

    How can a “line” be drawn between a broad group of people with similar underlying convictions (i.e. the Party) and a nebulous, undefined entity (i.e. the movement)?

    Do not Democrats come in various stripes — conservative, liberal and middle-of-the-road — with a smattering of insufferable socialist and Marxist sympathizers in-between. Do you dare draw a line between your President and the rest of the Democratic Party?

  19. Geezer says:

    “Geezer, you sound like an overpaid county employee.”

    And yet I’m someone who fought Sherry Freebery tooth and nail, and have never worked outside the private sector. You, on the other hand, still sound like an asshole.

  20. Frank says:

    The description of the Teabaggers as a “sect” is the most telling single word in the post.

  21. Pete Fescue says:

    Tom Kovach said — see him say it in his own words — at the April 15, 2009, tea party demonstartion that the tea party was the reason he got into public service (obviously when he said “this” he meant movements like the tea party, because he was already in public service by then).

    And he said that the tea party would be the “backbone” of Republican Administrations like his.

  22. Pete Fescue says:

    How did we go from discussing Tom Kovach’s favorable comments to the tea party movement to Dr. Strangevote’s gratuitious labeling of people as Jewish?

    Anne Frank? Dr. Strangevote is stranger than we thought. O’Donnell said that she would hope God would provide a 3rd option if she were put in a position of lying about the location of Jews in hiding. She would obviously choose “the greater good” as one of her most frequent themes, but said she would trust that God would provide a 3rd alternative.

    So how in the world would this possibly be relevant to this discussion?

  23. Dr. Strangevote says:

    Ah, the “author” of the petition calling for Tom Ross’s removal pays a visit using a well known alias of a certain Virginia lawyer who once got himself barred from practicing law for a period of time. Tsk Tsk. Those pesky rules of professional conduct can be SUCH a pain. Anyway, you are a well known liar with zero credibility. Chrissy’s comment that she would not lie to protect Jews hiding from the Nazi’s is perhaps the best window into her delusional mind that we have ever been provided. Your attempt to actually defend it earns you the title of Bootlicking Lackey of the year, and perhaps, some sort of leather Gimp suit…

  24. pandora says:

    What is the 3rd option?

    If a threatening ex-husband or wife, with a history of violence, shows up at my house demanding to know if I’m hiding their spouse… I’m lying.

    And that’s the point. Christine’s answer to this question is quite revealing, because the outcome of exposing Anne Frank’s whereabouts are a given.

  25. Dr. Strangevote says:

    Isn’t the “god will provide another option” line sorta like saying “jesus take the wheele” as you are driving down I-95 and then literally letting go? Cuz I know what Jesus is going to do in that scenerio, he’s going to cut you across several lanes of moving traffic and put you in the ditch.

    It also reflects a flippant sillyness, a disconnect from reality.

  26. anon says:

    In Christine’s defense, Jesus isn’t really a good role model for lying to avoid being killed.

  27. Dr. Strangevote says:

    Comment of the year anon, comment of the year!