Palin’s “I’m the Real Victim” Speech Edited Down to Its Absolute “Poor Me” Core

Filed in National by on January 14, 2011

Palin is more abused by the liberal media than Anne Frank was by the Nazis. If you could not stomach the full length original, this clip captures the essence. It is just her breathing, but oh the humanity!!


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. I love the reflection the TelePrompTer in her glasses. Didn’t she spend the last two years making fun of teleprompters?

  2. jason330 says:

    The good news about Palin is that the jig is up. Everyone, and I mean every sensible person in the country, now knows that she is a complete fraud and money grubbing grifter. As universally praised as Obama’s speech was, Palin’s speech has been universally hated.

  3. mediawatch says:

    Are you saying she didn’t leave you breathless?

  4. Mongo says:

    I think the reflection is a light. There is a studio light that is a big square thing, covered by white material. Any photogs here who can let me know if Mongo is right or wrong?

  5. anon says:

    She claims she is receiving death threats? If so, why hasnt she called the authorities to investigate. CBS is guilty of propaganda as they put her “story” out without checking any facts.

  6. jason330 says:

    I think Palin’s “Im the Real Victim” speech can turn out to be her “I am not a witch” defining moment.

  7. I think so too, Jason. I think it’s ruined any chance she may have had of ever becoming president. That doesn’t mean though, that she still can’t win the primaries. I think that’s still possible.

    What’s more, I think this is the video that turns around on the GOP’s nudge nudge wink wink with eliminationist talk, but it won’t be evident until hindsight. We will see.