AIG Doesn’t Want Your Business

Filed in National by on February 4, 2011

The CEO of welfare queen AIG had this to say:

American International Group’s mortgage insurer does more business in Republican-leaning states, where it signs up more reliable customers than those in “more liberal” areas, AIG chief executive Robert Benmosche said.

“All of the states where we’re a leader, where we’re the No. 1 insurer, are red states. All of the states where we’re at the bottom are blue states,” Benmosche said Tuesday at a conference in Washington. “Part of what we found out is that our model is about culture and it’s about the attitude in the public. And what we find is where there’s more of a tendency for people to be more liberal, more that the government is responsible for what happens to me.”

We won’t get a clearer signal than that, will we? AIG has contempt for Americans, even though we saved their asses. I hope we won’t make that mistake again. As Joan McCarter pointed out, perhaps AIG feels more in common with red states because they both accept a lot of government money redistributed from the blue states and like to pretend this is bootstraps.

About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    hm, no surprise there. Those in red states dont have the memory or wherewithall to let a free market function the way it should…. i.e voting against (by not giving them your money) companies that misbehave and hurt people. It is the reason the government is forced to act on their behalf because they vote against their own self interests in the ballot box and with their dollars. I will never EVER give any of my money to AIG because of what they did to this country…. BP either.
    Know what else does GREAT in red states? Wall-Mart. The Tbaggers support Wall-Mart WHILE they are screaming about jobs going to China

  2. pandora says:

    We had AIG insurance years ago, but dropped them because they weren’t competitive with price or coverage. And they still aren’t.

    Every year I shop for insurance to make sure we’re getting the best coverage at the best price, and every year AIG offers us neither – despite the constant mailers/phone calls they keep sending us promising they will.

    Shopping for insurance every year is a time consuming pain in the butt, which may explain why AIG is still making money. My bet is that most people don’t take the time to compare – unless they experience a big premium jump.

  3. Obama2008 says:

    Translation: “We can’t get away with overcharging customers in states with higher education levels. Damn liberals.”

    Benmosche’s statement reflects that insurance companies flock to wealthier regions and drive prices down via competition.

    Benmosche is a carpetebagger preying on red-state Jethros. He is a wuss who is afraid of competition and doesn’t know how to make money in a real free market.

  4. Obama2008 says:

    He is a certified teabagging government-hating wingnut. From wikipedia:

    In mid-2009, Benmosche was appointed CEO of American International Group. He assumed that role on August 10 of that year. During his first meeting with employees, Benmosche stated that Congress was composed of “crazies,” that he would not cooperate if asked to testify before Congress, and that New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who had investigated AIG, “doesn’t deserve to be in government.” He later asked for a personal private jet and said that he might quit over government-imposed pay restrictions.

    Thus speaketh our Titans of capitalism.

  5. socialistic ben says:

    “Translation: “We can’t get away with overcharging customers in states with higher education levels. Damn liberals.””

    spot on

  6. Jason330 says:

    What a douche.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    That guy can kiss my tax-dollars-subsidizing-poor-red-states ass!