Delaware Undiluted Episode 2 – El Somnambulo

Filed in National by on March 8, 2011

A word of caution, children, before we discuss the arcane ways of the redistrictor: some mysteries were not meant for man to understand. Redrawing election district lines is cartographic devilry of a black and necromantic sort, dreamed up by the twisted designs of sinister vote counting gods, existing purely to tempt and destroy mankind with its elusive secrets.

– powered by, Introduction by Daniel Casey

Tags: El Sonambulo, Al Mascitti, Mac Davis, Austin, Nashville, Texas Swing, Asleep at the Wheel, Senate Redistricting, stat freaks, Tiny Tony Deluca, Judges, University of Delaware, University of Michigan System, incumbency, Wayne Smith, Charles Copeland, Wilmington, Sen. Bob Marshall, Middletown, Bruce Ennis, Harris McDowell, Margaret Rose Henry, Minority Majority District, Stephanie Boulden, Patty Blevins, Mike Katz, Gilligan, Bonini, The Deluca/Bonini Deal, Delaware Liberal’s effect on Bonini, Chip Flowers, Delaware Democratic Sweep in 2012, Teabgaz about to take over the DEGOP this April, one party state, Paul Clark, Karen Weldin Stewart, The Republican Party not acting in good faith, Republican standard bearers; Simpson & Wagner, Alumni Relations Director at the University of Delaware cush job, Greg Lavelle, Debbie Hudson or Manolakos district going away? Dennis Williams, Patronage & City of Wilmington, Senator Coons continues to impress, Matt Denn grasps what it means to be a Democrat, Jack Markell Successor, Tom Carper Father Time is coming for him. I credit Father time (50%) for taking out Castle.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    El, I just listened to your interview. Since youve been through redistricting twice, will Lavelle be powerful enough now has Minority Leader to avoid being put in another R district? Will he have the clout?

  2. Don’t think so. However, what the D’s might do is give the R’s an area in NW DE (western side of 202 to include Greenville, Chateau Country, Hockessin, etc) and say, You’ve got 4 reps here and room for only three districts. YOU draw the lines. If not, we’ll have no choice but to draw them for you. Essentially, you would have eliminated a D district in the city and an R district in their stronghold, more than a fair trade-off when seats must shift southward.

  3. BTW, too many ‘you know’s’ from …you know. I will seek to reduce them next time.

  4. Auntie Dem says:

    Thank you both for doing this.