Fox News Celebrates International Women’s Day

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011

Fox News’s Megyn Kelly asked this question on Twitter yesterday:

The answer to this question is are you f’ing kiddin me? NO, HELL NO.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    WHat was she doing looking for a parking space? She sounds like slut to me. Case dismissed.

  2. Geezer says:

    The trouble with pandering to assholes is that you constantly have to jack up the crap quotient.

  3. Newshound says:

    Megyn Kelly is one of the very few non-biased newscasters out there, bar none.

    First off, you followed Rachel Maddow’s stupid lead.
    Second, it’s obvious to anyone who knows social media that a ‘staffer’ used twitter to drum up some interest in Kelly’s 1 pm to 3 pm time slot.

    Ever heard of a ‘tease?’

    Nearly every newscast uses this marketing technique. In the end, Kelly said the right thing. Of course Maddow tried to lump Kelly in with two ridiculous (yet funny and colorful) statements made by the King of one-liners these days, Alan Simpson.

    What an inane post!

    Btw, I still hear crickets from Obama regarding the Simpson-Bowles Commission recommendations on debt reduction. I only hear Dems and Reps incredulously amazed at the minuscule amount of budget cuts proposed by the Dem House and Dem Senate. Under $7 billion? Really!? Hold the presses! Our debt in one day in the month of February ($223 billion debt in 28 days – a record) is more than what Obama and Dem Congress wants to cut this year!

  4. MJ says:

    Newshound – don’t you ever tire of sounding like a jackass?

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Megyn Kelly was the Fox host who claimed that there were no instances of Fox personalities calling anyone Nazis.

    Which Jon Stewart thoroughly debunked. With video of the incidents.

    Kelley works for the network that sends out memos to their anchors telling them to repeat the day’s GOP talking points:
    Iraq War
    Public Option
    Global Warming

    And repeating the talking points is all Kelley is even capable of. They are likely delighted to have viewers like NH, who hear the talking points and bias repeated and hear their world views confirmed. Not much thought or analysis involved in that, of course, but we do know that NH isn’t exactly doing that — especially if the defense of the day is for the lying Megyn Kelley.

  6. socialistic ben says:

    i figured it out. Newshound is a conceptual performance artist. It is doing a piece on tbag commenters on political blogs and intentionally says the most moronic thing possible to help us stay on our toes when arguing with idiots.
    thank you newshound.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Yes, Megyn’s a tease….to all those cowardly men and Stepford wives who watch FoxLies religiously.

    Just another blonde shiny object to help them with their masturbatory fantasies of being important and strong!

    Sucks for her to be so young and knowing that the chance to work in legitimate news is gone forever, soiled with no hope of professional redemption. To be trapped in a world where the narritive she is required to push, which overrides any ounce of integrity that may still reside in her, must make her weep while trying to sleep at night, no matter how big her bank account may get.

    Sad, I almost feel sorry for her now. But hey, she may just be a sociopath. She certainly has that crazy-ass look in her eyes and all that absolutist rhetoric to go with it.

  8. Geezer says:

    “Megyn Kelly is one of the very few non-biased newscasters out there, bar none.”

    And you call Simpson a comedian! You’re so modest!

    Also, I thought you said you didn’t listen to such “news” sources.

  9. skippertee says:

    Megyn Kelly is just another instrument of the Devil, a whore of Babylon.
    She pitches continual war:War on the middle class, war on fellow women, war in the wider world for our young innocents to fight.
    Her pimp is Roger Ailes, who works for the Republican party keeping their house propaganda organ up and running 24/7, 365 spewing the BIG lies.

  10. Newshound says:

    So, let’s see. You all our obviously blind to the fact that Center for America Progress (via its ThinkProgress blog), Media Matters for America and the White House itself doesn’t feed MSNBC the daily talking points?

    Just look at the daily postings at the aforementioned sights (along with HuffPo, TPM and DKos, among others) and you’ll see a fascinating pattern.

    Kelly is a solid, hard-working, intelligent (law degree) newscaster. She’s tough, she doesn’t back down from intimidators or those who try to get away with shenanigans.

    Contrast that with the misogynistic rants and abject bias for Barack Obama and all other items deemed liberal of one Chris Matthews. If Matthews was on either CNN, ABC, CBS or Fox, he would of been sternly disciplined and/or fired for his outrageous and contemptuous behavior.

    To wit:

    “Megyn Kelly is just another instrument of the Devil, a whore of Babylon.”

    “Yes, Megyn’s a tease….to all those cowardly men and Stepford wives who watch FoxLies religiously.”

    “Just another blonde shiny object to help them with their masturbatory fantasies of being important and strong!”

    “And repeating the talking points is all Kelley is even capable of. They are likely delighted to have viewers like NH, who hear the talking points and bias repeated and hear their world views confirmed. Not much thought or analysis involved in that, of course, but we do know that NH isn’t exactly doing that — especially if the defense of the day is for the lying Megyn Kelley.”

    “i figured it out. Newshound is a conceptual performance artist. It is doing a piece on tbag commenters on political blogs and intentionally says the most moronic thing possible to help us stay on our toes when arguing with idiots.”

    “Newshound – don’t you ever tire of sounding like a jackass?”

    “She sounds like slut to me. Case dismissed.”

    And to think, suppossedly elected officials and others read this blog. They must be proud of their progressive bretheren here. I believe someone on here recently hoped that he/she wished Chris Christie should’ve died of a heart attack instead of that ‘Big Grill’ guy.

    Your progeny (if you have any) must surely be proud of your unabashed colloquy’s here.

  11. Aoine says:

    A Law degree does not equate with intelligence… school is an endurance test, not a sure measure of intelligence….

    I would know….of course no offense to my many attorney friends….

    and I also know a lot of dumb lawyers too….

  12. socialistic ben says:

    “Kelly is a solid, hard-working, intelligent (law degree) newscaster. She’s tough, she doesn’t back down from intimidators or those who try to get away with shenanigans.”

    but those americans who are protesting a thugpublican government are inconsiderate jerks…. so if a hot blonde conservunist is spouting lies and promoting violence against women, its ok. If thousands of people who are angry that they are having their wealth redistributed to the rich decide to make their voices heard, they are impolite and wrong.

    once again, you arent even close to an original thinker.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    Kelly is a solid, hard-working, intelligent (law degree) newscaster. She’s tough, she doesn’t back down from intimidators or those who try to get away with shenanigans.

    She is a spokesmodel for an organization that substitutes the GOP talking points of the day for actual news or analysis. As the links I posted definitively show. She’s there to confirm your own biases, certainly not to present anything representing news. As you already know, since you are expending a great deal of energy trying to deflect from this post’s topic.

    And to think, suppossedly elected officials and others read this blog. They must be proud of their progressive bretheren here. I believe someone on here recently hoped that he/she wished Chris Christie should’ve died of a heart attack instead of that ‘Big Grill’ guy.

    Not like you actually care about this. I mean, really, if you were concerned about how this blog looked to other people, you would have decamped long ago. Because your wrong and misleading contributions are the embarrassment here.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    Thanks for your, er, um “concern”, NB! It means oh so much to us!

    The slut comment wasn’t even about the talkin head and it was dripping with sarcasm anyway but YOU try to twist it into something else entirely. If you missed it, that’s ok, it is not your fault. Doctors do say that it takes a certain level of higher intellect to catch sarcasm. That’s not a slam on you, NB; it’s just a fact.

  15. Newshound says:

    “A Law degree does not equate with intelligence… school is an endurance test, not a sure measure of intelligence….”

    Uhmm…actually it does. One’s Intelligence Quotient is directly correlated to the type of questions presented on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). According to every study ever done, IQ is separate from ‘other’ factors such as environment, hard work, status, ‘endurance, etc. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Indeed, heredity, environment, education and other factors account for a lot of a person’s overall awareness and rote learning; however, IQ is distinct, in and of itself (of course a high IQ does not mean someone is ‘street smart’). Many Mensa members lack common sense (e.g., the ‘nutty’ professor paradigm).

  16. Von Cracker says:

    Hey! NB’s almost right for once, except that I’m pretty sure I produced turds at one time that would have been accepted into Regents. They do call it third-tier for a reason!

  17. Von Cracker says:

    Is Newshound and newsbuster the same puppet? If not, my bad. But the crap is the same.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    While NH might be right that IQ is a measurement that is independent of factors other than intelligence, measuring IQ without those factors is quite difficult. LSAT is worse and not marketed as a substitute for IQ scores, just a predictor for how well one will do in law school.

  19. Aoine says:

    One’s Intelligence Quotient is directly correlated to the type of questions presented on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT).

    Ummmm not its not – Einstein failed math, remember?? I would not say Einstein was stupid – would you?

    Its all about how you take the test, and your ability to take tests..not your level of intelligence.

    the LSAT;s measure some non-IQ related things, like reasoning ability, descretionary thinking, logic etc…

    Sorry – I told you I would know – but don’t believe me – read it for yourself – I cannot type for crap but I can pass the LSATs with flying colors, and I’m not the brightist bulb on the tree – but I can argue, reason, debate and logic – to hell and back

  20. heragain says:

    No. IQ is “separate” because of the way IQ tests are normed.

    Tests are designed and “normed.” That is, they give the test to a bunch of people and see where the average is. Scores above average are ‘above average’. 😉

    However, the group that takes your sample test influences the location of the average, and most tests are less accurate at the ends of the range, because there are fewer data points there. In the case of IQ tests, and even more in poorly designed tests like the LSAT’s, the testing groups tend to be fairly homogenous, often lower level college students. As such, they’ve been pre-selected, and so, while they may be fairly accurate when applied to similar populations, they’re extremely inaccurate when applied to different populations.

    Test design is rarely taught. Pity.

  21. Von Cracker says:

    Totally agree, LG.

    I did say ALMOST right. 😀

  22. anon says:

    Its amazing. While the rest of the world are pushing for more women’s rights, women owning their own business etc, the US is cutting workers rights. Womens rights are workers rights. The US is going backward, while the rest of the world is moving forward. We have to be the laughing stock of the world.

  23. Newshound says:

    Kelly is also funny, respectful, altruistic and is not afraid to show defference, when necessary.

    I’m sorry you have to label her otherwise because of what others (and yourselves) say about Fox News. I don’t castigate MSNBC because the majority of their cable news personalities are inherently biased.

    Tim Russert was King; David Gregory is decent and Dylan Ratigan can hold his own. The 7 pm – 10 pm line-up, on the other hand, and IMHO, leave a lot to be desired. And, of course, the (poor) ratings bear that out.

  24. Geezer says:

    “IQ is distinct, in and of itself”

    Yes, and it’s about as meaningful as that sentence. Wikipedia’s entry is a good place to start, as it features 156 footnotes. What it boils down to is that IQ is a very good test of some vague trait dubbed “IQ.” The correlation of “IQ” and “intelligence” leaves a lot to be desired. You can spend a career researching it, but that’s about as much as a layman needs. If you want a good debunking of the nonsense about IQ and race, Stephen Jay Gould is a good source.

  25. Geezer says:

    “Kelly is also funny, respectful, altruistic and is not afraid to show defference, when necessary.”

    And if she looked like the Sea Hag, I’m sure you’d have the same opinion of her (I’m afraid I don’t know the eye-roll emoticon).

    As an aside, WTF does “altruistic” mean in the context of reading the news?

  26. Jason330 says:

    “Kelly …is not afraid to show defference, when necessary.”

    That sentence makes no sense. Learn english please.

  27. heragain says:

    I disagree, Jason. It makes perfect sense. “deference” is code for “not uppity” when applied to women. It means that, unlike Christine Craft she passes the test for broadcast readiness. The focus group that got Christine fired said she was “”too old, too unattractive and wouldn’t defer to men.” the title of her book stated it as ” “Too Old, Too Ugly, Not Deferential to Men”.

    Women in broadcasting, at least, know EXACTLY the kind of ‘compliment’ paid by ‘deference.’ It’s the line between working, and not.

  28. Newshound says:

    the context for deference that I was referring to means showing respect to people who are heroes, wounded soldiers, icons, famous leaders who’ve sacrificed much and people who are elderly, etc. It’s a show of ‘class.’ The very good people in society (men, women and children) display this behavior often.

    There’s no ‘code’ involved.

    Altruistic means what it means…I’m not going to dumb it down for you b/c you fail to critically think (hint: newscasters, one and all, do far more than just ‘read the news’; they interview diverse people, they joke, they provide commentary).

  29. jason330 says:

    It makes no sense to say that someone is not afraid to show deference. Clean up your act.

  30. Newshound says:

    I would fire myself if I ever used Wikipedia as a ‘sourced’ material.

  31. Newshound says:

    “It makes no sense to say that someone is not afraid to show deference. Clean up your act.”

    Actually, you are a very good example of someone who doesn’t use deference. You are the polar opposite of Kelly. But everyone already knew that.

  32. jason330 says:

    Now you are trying to prove that you know what the word means. Too late. Sorry.

  33. Newshound says:

    Did you happen to catch your hero, Michael Moore tonight? He was in rare form. I thought he was going to cry. He’s calling for all high school students in the US to walk out (Friday) in protest to the Wisconsin legislative manuever that occurred tonight.

    How generous of him. Why don’t he put his money where his boca is and give up some of his millions to ‘The People?’ Lol!

  34. jason330 says:

    Not deferential enough? I’m done with you moron.

  35. Geezer says:

    “I would fire myself if I ever used Wikipedia as a ’sourced’ material.”

    Which only shows how stupid you are. Check the footnotes, if you understand how to use them.

  36. cassandra m says:

    But he is proud to use FOX as source material AND to wank publicly over one of its truth-challenged spokesmodels.


  37. pandora says:

    …while he has told us over and over again that he doesn’t watch these programs and all his comments are original thought.

    And the use of the word “deference” is very telling.

  38. Geezer says:

    So is the misspelling of it — along with the misuse of colloquy along with the ‘s to pluralize it.