Bristol Palin, Her New Face, and Her Mother’s Baby That She is Raising as Her Own Have a Show

Filed in National by on May 9, 2011

Bristol Palin has scored her own reality series. The daughter of Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska, will star in her own series on a cable channel I’ve never heard of called BIO.

 (Short for biography no doubt, not the satanic science of biology.)

According to BIO, the currently untitled show will follow Palin as she moves from Alaska to Los Angeles with her baby, Tripp. She goes to work at a small charity and moves in with fellow ‘Dancing With the Stars’ contestant Kyle Massey and his brother, Christopher.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (18)

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  1. Miscreant says:

    Slow news day, or are you just that fucking pathetic?

  2. jason330 says:

    Slow news day.

  3. Miscreant says:

    Thought so.

  4. anon40 says:

    Am I the only man who HATES plastic surgery & wonders why so many women feel the need to subject themselves to it?

    Breast implants are disgusting in my opinion. Bee sting lips & chin & cheek implants make these women look ridiculous.

    Meg Ryan is a prime example. She was an aging, but still gorgeous woman. Someone convinced her to have a shitload of plastic surgery a while ago. The surgeon did a good job, but she doesn’t look like Meg Ryan anymore.

    BTW, anyone seen Meg Ryan in a movie or TV show lately? I haven’t. I guess the plastic surgery wasn’t a good move career-wise. Oh well…at least she didn’t get breast implants.

  5. donviti says:

    can’t comment on the before pic as that may be before she was 18?

    but is it me, or does she look like Snooki now?

    Her mother must be so proud.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    She won’t fuck fossils for free.

    Though, these days, any old ass-wart can have their own show. Just happy to see wingnut welfare still is in full effect.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    Is she a missing Kardashian?

  8. pandora says:

    Plastic surgery is more addictive than heroin. No one seems to know when to stop. There’s nothing wrong with a little nip and tuck here, a little injection there, but people take it too far.

    Bristol looks like she’s gone under the knife – or she’s lost a lot of weight. Hopefully she stops whatever she’s doing at this point.

  9. donviti says:

    Plastic surgery is more addictive than heroin

    “Methinks the lady doth protest too much,”

  10. Miscreant says:

    Now that the heavy thinkers have weighed in on… “breast implants, plastic surgery, fucking fossils, the Kardashians, ass warts”, etc. I can see this thread has achieved all the insight and intellect it


  11. Von Cracker says:

    Yuppers indeedy doo

    make $$$ while you can! momma said just like politics.

  12. skippertee says:

    Most of the population ugly themselves up by putting on weight and not practicing good dental hygiene in an attempt to “fit in”.
    Why would she have the audacity to think we’d identify with her and watch her insipid show?
    Hey, give Michael Moore a weekly show.
    I can identify with him and with a few more hoagies and cheese steaks I can look like him too.
    Give me a C,give me an H,give me an I, give me an N! What’s that spell/

  13. jason330 says:

    After initially lying, Bristol now admits to getting a new face.

    Bristol Palin now admits her recent change in appearance was due to a procedure — but not plastic surgery.

    You say plastic surgery, she says it is not my Mom’s baby.

  14. Bristol admits she had surgery but says it was for a deviated septum. Read the comments. People who have had corrective maxillofacial surgery weigh in and say bullshit.

  15. anon40 says:

    I couldn’t care less about Bristol Palin or her family.

    What bugs me is that so many ATTRACTIVE 40-50ish women feel the need to have botox injections, face lifts & (ugh) breast implants.


  16. anon40 says:

    Someone very dear to me had maxillofacial surgery in the not too distant past. Her appearance did not change at all. I call BS on BP.

  17. I guess one of the things that gets me a out this is that she looked really cute before. She’s only 20 years old, why is she going down this road? I just feel bad for her.

  18. anon40 says:

    I guess she’s been swept up in the tsunami that is “Celebrity.” The Olsen twins had plastic surgery before they were 18 yrs. old. Britney Spears has had at least 2 different sets of implants. The first set was installed when she was about 16 years old.

    Bristol looked just fine pre-op. Perhaps a few lbs. heavier than the ridiculous Hollywood “ideal” woman, but attractive nonetheless. I can only guess that she’s a media whore. It seems to run in the family.