GOP Civil War Watch: Cain Mutineers vs. Bachmann-Turner-Diary-Overdrives
Herman Cain says that this Bachmann prayer was “The Ultimate Pander.”
I don’t know. It seems like a pretty average wingnut pander to me.
The good news is that if the Cain Mutineers go to war with the Bachmann-Turner-Diary-Overdrives – the country wins.
And if either of these wing-nuts win….
We are all screwed…without benefit of foreplay or lube…
It will be dry..and it will hurt.
I don’t think Cain has a shot at all of winning. He was part of the Federal Reserve and supported of TARP. Once the mud slinging begins, Cain will not be left standing.
As for prayer at an event called the faith and freedom conference? I am just shocked there is gambling in this casino.
Dick “the shrimper” Morris also spoke at the conference.