Governor Jack Markell on Morning Joe

Filed in Delaware by on June 24, 2011

A clip of the Governor’s appearance on Morning Joe this AM is up and here for you to check out (this is about 9 mins long):

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Not In Delaware says:

    I’ve been out of the look for a little bit. Did Jack actually give the banks more taxes or tax the richest 1% in Delaware? Did I miss this news?

  2. Jason330 says:

    The thing that comes across to me is that the whole panel seems to really like Markell.

  3. Selander just forwarded a tweet from Joe Scarborough saying that everyone did really enjoy having Jack Markell on the show but they especially liked Mrs. Markell. 🙂

  4. Michael Steel forcing Markell into an answer to prove a point to a douchebag in a overly flashy suit. WTF.

    Markell represented Delaware proudly. Good job, sir.

    Such a completely different attitude from top-down governing between Delaware and New Jersey. Markell’s style is very welcoming, friendly, warm, team building attitude. Christie’s is very New Jersey. Hit it with a hammer until it bends in place.


  5. cassandra m says:

    Nice observation of the difference between Markell and Christie, Brian.

    Steele trying to get the Governor to answer the question about who creates jobs actually creates another question — especially for the so-called Party of Business wingnuts. And that is — if you are so certain that the government has no role in job creation, why are you so quick to advocate for and send taxpayer money to said businesses for *job creation*? Would LOVE to hear the answer to that question.

    And it looked to me that the panel really liked Mrs. Markell even better than the Governor, too!