Where’s Mike Castle?
The House has begun its recess — officially known as a district work period — and won’t return for legislative business until after the July 4th holiday weekend. – via kos
Is the geriatric avenger holding any town hall meetings that anyone knows of? And I don’t mean those fraudulent “tele-conference” town hall meetings that he keeps trying to pass off as actual town hall meetings.
Maybe he is with Bill Lee.
In Pete DuPont’s Chopper.
He’s usually at the Hockessin Fourth of July parade.
I think the congressional three are getting their beads ready for Canal Day tomorrow. They are together, practicing taking their shirts off.
The long-time residents of S. Chesepeake City must get together for a voodoo curse ceremony every year at this time.
I went (by mistake) three years ago and it was a freakshow of the first order.
Prediction…at least five drunken accidents closing down the Summit Bridge, already down to one lane, each direction Saturday night into Sunday.
Where the hell is Carper? any itinerary for him over the holiday?
I want to show up with a sign,
Carper swears to uphold constitution twice,
votes against it twice!