Vincent White joins Insurance Commissioner’s Race

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011

Vincent M. White, a New Castle County realtor who owns a Newark real estate agency, Provest Realty Associates, and who serves on the Delaware Real Estate Commission, has announced that he will join Mitch Crane and challenge Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart for reelection.

In the News Journal article about his announcment, White appropriately criticizes Stewart’s cozy relationship with insurers in the state, and he questioned Stewart’s decision to seek a waiver from a federal health reform rule requiring health insurers to spend at least 80 cents of every premium dollar on health care.

But in an article for Delaware Black, White makes some troubling statements taht I think need clarification. For example, White stated that the next few years are critical as President Obama’s Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act is implemented. White said he “intends to be certain that the reforms do not interfere with the patient-physician relationship and these reforms do not interfere with the Insurance Commissioners ability to oversee the insurance marketplace.”

Right away I don’t like the sound of that. I want the law to interfere with the business as usual in the insurance market. I want the Insurance Commissioner to implement and execute the law, not interfere with it to make sure it doesn’t upset the insurance marketplace. Further, Mr. White states that “while it is imperative that the Insurance Commissioner have a good, solid working relationship with the [insurance] industry, it is more important that everyday families and individuals know that they are going to get a fair deal when buying a policy, and will get timely and equitable benefits from premiums already paid when disaster strikes.”

Yes, it is more important that the people be protected than the insurance industry be coddled. In fact, it should be the IC’s only concern. The IC is a regulator, regulating a business and a market place. Yeah, it is nice if everyone is friendly and gets along, but it is not a concern, and it is definitely not imperative, especially when the business actively seeks to harm the consumer at every opportunity.

I hope Mr. White clarifies his vision on what the IC office is, and his quotes here, because we already have Karen Weldin Stewart shilling for the insurance industry. We don’t need to elect another lackey.

Otherwise, I welcome him to the race.

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  1. Valentine says:

    What qualifications does White have for the IC position? I am sick and tired of unqualified people getting elected.

  2. MJ says:

    He’s a realtor and has run for office twice, and lost. We don’t need anymore career politicians in the IC’s chair.

  3. JustSomeGuy says:

    Welcome to the race, Vincent. You are off to a great start. You have been vilified for your profession and for the fact that you are a “career Politician” Running for State Rep and City Council apparently makes you that. I know that you are respected businessman and a leader in not just the black community but the community at large. But fear not the “powers” at DL have found you wanting. All in all probably a good thing amongst the voting public. Good luck!

  4. Geezer says:

    “You have been vilified for your profession”

    Please point to what constitutes vilification in your eyes. Noting that a career in real estate does not constitute expertise in insurance is a basic description of fact.

    “career Politician” Running for State Rep and City Council apparently makes you that.

    You’re right, that’s the wrong label. “Two-time loser” would be more accurate.

    “I know that you are respected businessman and a leader in not just the black community but the community at large.”

    In what sense is he a leader? What has he led? That’s a serious question, not snark.

    “the “powers” at DL have found you wanting. All in all probably a good thing amongst the voting public.”

    I’m sure Velda Jones-Potter would agree.

  5. MJ says:

    What was the vilification of him being a realtor, JSG? Someone asked a question and it was answered. Geesh. You must think there is something wrong with being a realtor.

  6. JustSomeGuy says:

    All I see from you open minded folks is , Realtor, Career Politician, Two time loser, Any Discussion of his Civic Activities, His leadership in his Profession, being Successful Businessman??? I will assert that the gentleman will get no fair hearing at DL but hey that could be great! BTW I am on same team re VJP:)

  7. cassandra m says:

    I wouldn’t worry about JSG — he is so accustomed to playing the victim card for his girl, that he’s trying that same shtick here. What you say doesn’t much matter — just whether he can construe someone as being victimized for it. Or in other words — this is practice for JSG.

  8. Vince is a nice guy who has/is chairing the DE State Realty Assn but it was fascinating to see how both WDEL and NJ headlined him as Ethics leader. Check out his votes on the NCC Ethics Commission. In at least one decision he was the sole standout as a Paul Clark supporter. Embarrassing. Who put those blinders on Vince that he couldn’t see what the entire rest of the Board saw in voting Clark unethical? I don’t know the extent of his votes RE: Clark but if the one was an indication, I would bet that he is consistently a DEM HACK for the NCC crowd.

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    Nancy, the Delaware Black story reads like it is either an interview or a copy and paste job from a press release from his campaign. It was there that I saw him described as an Ethics leader. So WDEL and NJ might be doing the same thing, just describing him as he describes himself. I chose not to describe him that way in this post, I just went with his occupation.

    Whether it is true or not I will defer to you and other county-knowledgeable commenters.

  10. This is probably good news for KWS. A split primary like this generally means the incumbent wins, because the opponents split the anti-incumbent vote. Not sure if this will apply to Stewart, she’s not a longtime incumbent and probably doesn’t have a large legion of supporters. However her name recognition is much higher than Crane or White.

  11. jason330 says:

    “This is probably good news for KWS. A split primary like this generally means the incumbent wins,”

    My first thought as well.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    And given Nancy’s comments about his possible hackery on the county level, his history of running for various offices and losing, and his supportive comments about the imperativeness of coddling the insurance industry, I half wonder if he is an industry plant to divide the vote.

  13. jason330 says:

    That was my second thought as well.

  14. capesdelaware says:

    Don’t know if you can view it as BAD news for Mitch .Sometimes a officeholder is so bad the choice is obvious . Primary voters are a smart motivated bunch .

  15. anon says:

    It’s obvious Mitch Crane has his attack dogs out in force attempting to smear the new candidate in the race. I don’t know White, but I do know I will no longer vote for Crane after this immediate smear campaign of a candidate not here to defend himself. Doesn’t Crane know dirty politics turns off Delaware voters and reveals Crane’s character?

  16. MJ says:

    Anon – no one has smeared White. You’re grasping at straws. My guess is that you had no intention to vote for Mitch in the first place.

  17. Delaware Dem says:

    I have no affiliation with Mitch Crane. All I want is KWS out of the IC office and a real consumer advocate and regulator in.

  18. anon says:

    When someone with no insurance or legal background runs for insurance commissioner, my immediate question is: Why?

    White has not made a single compelling argument for why he should be elected. And with his serial losing, he comes across like a candidate in search of an office.

    So who’s really behind him?

  19. anon says:

    Do you know that White has no legal or insurance experience? And candidates that have run for office mutiple times before winning are numerous. Biden, Carper, etc. It takes running and name recognition to get elected. Maybe White believes in public service. The point is many here are making assumptions, assertions and possible outright misrepresentations about a guy without checking out the facts or asking him.

    @ Delaware Dem, “All I want is KWS out of the IC office and a real consumer advocate and regulator in.” So do I and that includes listening and considering all the candidates first and saving the criticisms for after they have been heard and answered the hard questions. I expect Mitch Crane would want the same consideration.

  20. MJ says:

    Anon – Biden has never lost an election, his first being elected to the NCCo Council in 1970. Carper has never lost an election, his first being elected State Treasurer in 1976.

    And my guess is that Tom Gordon and Vince D’Anna are behind White’s candidacy. Just a hunch.

  21. Geezer says:

    “Do you know that White has no legal or insurance experience? …The point is many here are making assumptions, assertions and possible outright misrepresentations about a guy without checking out the facts or asking him.”

    It’s his job to explain that experience, not ours to seek it out. If he has such experience and didn’t mention it, well, maybe that explains why he’s a two-time loser.

    “And candidates that have run for office mutiple times before winning are numerous. Biden, Carper, etc.”

    You are the one trading in misrepresentations. Both Biden and Carper won the first races they entered.

  22. I’ll defer to other city denizens, but my experience is that someone who can’t get elected to Council in Wilmington has next-to-no political base, and will be little more than a footnote. Somewhere, Dwight Davis and Paul Falkowski are gearing up their not-inconsiderable political machines. Not.

  23. anon says:

    I don’t expect to know everything about a candidate after one article in the paper or expect reporters to cover everything I want to know. As a voter it is our job to seek out the information we need to cast an informed vote as well as the candidate’s job to keep us informed and provide answers. There is a year to find out more about both candidates and hear what they have to say.

    Neither Biden or Carper won every race they ran for and both have put that out there publicly many times. That said, I am not here to defend White and do not know who I will vote for in the Primary -the origional point was it degrades Crane to have his surrogates immediately attack White, a tactic saved for when a candidate is on the defensive and believes he can lose, ususally closer to the election. It raised the question for me; What does White have that Crane is afraid of? It would have done Crane well to talk about what he was going to do and attack later if he still felt the need.

  24. anonone says:

    If “Biden has never lost an election” then he would have been President already.

  25. Delaware Dem says:

    We’re talking about local elections here, not his quioxitic runs for President in 1988 and 2008. And technically, he really didn’t lose those elections either, since he dropped out long before the elections. Indeed, in 2008, he contested and Iowa Caucus and then dropped out, never having his name on the ballot in Delaware. And in 1988, correct me if I am wrong, but he was forced from the race before any ballots were cast, correct?

  26. What race did Carper lose? Something in junior high? Not saying that it didn’t happen, but I don’t remember it happening.

  27. JustSomeGuy says:

    Carper has never lost an election, nor has Biden the 1988 thing involved no votes cast but I guess you can count Iowa ’08, sorta. But in actual elections Biden has a perfect record dating to County Council ’70. White Lost a state rep primary and an at large Council race not the stuff of a “serial loser” . Why not let this play out? See if he raises money? See who his supporters are, “hunches” notwithstanding? Sure, hold his feet to the fire on the issues and his existing public record but see what the guy has to say before you brand him a “hack” and a loser, just sayin’

  28. Mitch Crane says:


    While I am honored to be mentioned so positively by people blogging on DL, I do not know who these people are and have not asked anyone to attack KWS, let alone Mr. White. I do not believe in personal attacks. Some should recall I actually defended KWS when people were attacking her for what they thought she meant by some of her statements concerning me. It is a right-wingtrait to say: “If so and so said something…”and then fein anger at what may have been said. I do not know Mr. White, but we do have some mutual friends and I am told he is a pleasant person.
    I believe my job as a candidate is to point out what I believe the purpose of the Insuance Department is and how I believe that purpose is not being well served currently. If people agree with me that the incumbent is not doing the job that should be done, they should look at the alternatives. When considering alternatives people need to look past what they say they will do and look at what they have actually done! I have stated my belief on the job of the Insurance Commissioner and what I would do repeatedly-it is on my website: I believe I am the only candidate with a website.
    The question before voters in the 2012 election is whether or not they believe the job of the commissioner is putting the consumer first; whether or not the incumbent is doing that and, if she is not; who among her challengers has the training, experience and track record necessary to not only know what must be done but also how to do it.
    I ask people supporting me or supporting someone else to concentrate on those questions and not on personal attack and innuendo.

  29. Delaware Dem says:

    Very well said, Mitch.

  30. Geezer says:

    “As a voter it is our job to seek out the information we need to cast an informed vote as well as the candidate’s job to keep us informed and provide answers. There is a year to find out more about both candidates and hear what they have to say.”

    Yes, there is. But this tactic of blaming White’s opponent for something that didn’t even reach the level of mild criticism is a hint that Mr. White has exactly nothing to run on.

  31. JustSomeGuy says:

    He’s a realtor and has run for office twice, and lost. We don’t need anymore career politicians in the IC’s chair.

    Hey Mitch you might want to see tat this gentleman gets your memo:)

  32. Geezer says:

    JSG: When a person has lost two elections, in what way is it inaccurate to call him a “two-time loser”?

    By the way, I don’t know Mitch Crane from Adam. But I do wonder why Mr. White, with no experience in the office or even in the field, sees fit to challenge an already announced Democrat who DOES have experience in the office. Any ideas?

    Also, you have not backed up your claim that Mr. White is a “leader.” Care to?

  33. JustSomeGuy says:

    Elected President of his professional organization of 4,000 members, Chair of the regulatory body of his profession, County Ethics Commission, Successful minority business owner. What was the the last (pre KWS) IC’s insurance experience or the last 3 for that matter? Just askin’. The list of current office holders that have lost 2 elections is long. Other than as a perjorative whats the point?

  34. anon says:

    Mr. White is not the brightest bulb in the box and he has zero experience in insurance. Why would we even think of putting anothe no nothing in that office. Mr. White a leader of what is the best question yet.

  35. JustSomeGuy says:

    what exactly is a “no nothing” or do you in fact “know nothing” :)? Oh, and whats your wattage? And who puts bulbs in a box? Real Estate Brokers are by necessity well versed in several areas of insurance.

  36. MJ says:

    And how would you know what realtors are well versed in JSG?

  37. reis says:

    I wonder what the ‘teabag’ take is on insurance regulation. I would presume no coverage for pregnancy difficulties to start. And minorities will be treated as in teh rest of the teabag dogma.

  38. JustSomeGuy says:

    Wow it is tough to deduce that in the transaction of real property insurance coverages are required on those properties and in the case of commercial transactions this facet can become complicated. Mr White trades in both residential and commercill properties. It is fair to assume he has a working knowlege in this area as we have established he is a leader in his industry. The NAR (National Association of REALTORS) has an entire department dedicated to insurance issues as well. They are involved in the use of credit scores to determine premiums, flood insurance mapping. health insurance for the self employed, etc.

  39. MJ says:

    Ah yes, using a person’s credit score to determine how much their premium should be. I thought that was illegal. The only thing about health insurance on the NAR website is a page that has information on a Realtors Core Health Insurance Program, which is a health insurance policy that they offer, not instructions on how the self-employed can get insurance. That and a page with some links to their take on HCR.

    You’re really reaching JSG. Strike Two with your misinformation.

  40. JustSomeGuy says:

    Actually there is a members only part of the site that one does not have access to unless one is a member. It does in fact contain specific information you did not see if you did not have access. It deals with flood and many aspects of property and casualty.Credit score use in premium determination is a major issue in many parts of the country and has been extensively debated here in DE. I am merely pointing out that the gentleman has at least some legitimate insurance knowlege base. You seem to wish to show us the results of your doctorate in condescension with which home runs are hit daily:)

  41. anon says:

    Elected President of his professional organization of 4,000 members

    What organization is that?

  42. JustSomeGuy says:

    Delaware Association of REALTORS. 2005 or thereabouts

  43. MJ says:

    oh yes, the super, secret, part of the website that no one has access too unless you know the secret handshake. Sounds a bit like being on double-secret probation. Keep trying, JSG, you’ll get it right one day.

  44. JustSomeGuy says:

    You know what, pretty much any professional organization has a member portal. And since when did perusing a public site of a 2 million member organization constitute the last word on their activities? There is a state organization in each state. even little Delaware has 3 local organizations all of which have sites. Outside of the official sites there are Inman, Trulia and national corporate sites and more all of which discuss legislative and other matters affecting the industry which would include insurance issues. Keep it up oh Dr. of condescension:)

  45. Aoine says:

    Sounds like JSG is actively against Mitch Crane for some reason, and schills for anoyone that may be an opponent

    What I find disturbing is “anon” casting aspersions and making claims that somehow Mr. Crane or some of his supporters are out there trashing any opponent to his running for office. This is a serious and cowardly charge, either done by the right-wing to damage both or any D’s in a primary OR someonelooking to support the incumbant as these are the only folks to benefit. Note that I do NOT blame the incumbent or any candidate for these behavious – only looking at the motivations of the person actually doing the dirty deed.

    Mr. Crane is a smart man, as such would welcome an opponent, as having an opponent allows a good candidate to showcase their platform by open discussion and debate. As a former Judge, Mr Crane can certainly debate and certainly hold his own in any open forum.

    As a voter, I look forward to seeing and comparing the candidates, and making an informed decision on which one I feel will best serve the interests of the consumer. As every voter should

    Game-playing on this level serves no one and most folks that post in DL OR write for DL are smart enought to see behind the man/womman/small farm animal behind the curtain

  46. MJ says:

    Aoine – I owe you a phone call. I’ll call you tomorrow.

  47. Aoine says:

    yes you do – and yes you better – careful driving!!

  48. Paul says:

    @ Aoine: Well said. I totally agree with you. Mr. Crane is the best qualified candidate for the job and a man of high integrity. JSG is barking up the wrong tree. He is doing his usual shill job for his “girl”.

    As far as Mr. White’s qualifications and his supposed shortcomings JSG felt he needed to bring up, let’s compare him to the incompetent undeducated incumbent:

    1. Two-time loser: KWS lost for IC in 2000 and 2004, plus some nebulous coucil post she made a luke-warm run for in between = three-time loser.

    2. Civic activities: KWS’s as reported by Jacobson are contrived and exaggerated. Plus she stopped doing anything once she got elected.

    3. Leadership in profession: KWS had never had a profession and never led anything but a life full of lies.

    4. Successful businessman: Ditto. Fact: KWS had no employment except six months with RSI, then-subsidiary of Cigna where a friend got her the job, before she got fired for being semi-literate and having lied on her resume. Make that having invented her resume from whole cloth. The job she had in the DOI in the late 80’s until DonnaLee Williams fired her was a no-show one courtesy of her then-boyfriend and IC David Levinson. Her supposed insurance consultancy is a paper incorporation of ONE, herself, that never conducted any business. She couldn’t be more uninformed about anything having to do with insurance, as she’s made abundantly clear in her several ridiculous radio interviews and in the way she conducts herself in the office on the rare occasions she actually shows up.

    5. Legal or insurance background: None. See above.

    I don’t think the candidacies of Mr. White and Mr. Crane are “good news” for Stewart. Her reputation as a total and possibly corrupt failure solidifies more every day. She won’t garner enough votes to trump those cast for both opponents together. And it’s still a year until the primary. A lot can and will happen between now and then.

  49. scottpm says:

    Continued attacks on candidates, particular those who are barely known do more to hurt than help

  50. anon says:

    Look, I’m no KWS supporter, but Paul, buddy – just how can you “know” these things that you claim to be “truth”? Are you omnipotent?

    KWS had never had a profession and never led anything but a life full of lies.

    Prove it.

    Plus she stopped doing anything once she got elected.

    Prove it. Her office has certainly been functioning and making decisions.

    KWS had no employment except six months with RSI … before she got fired for being semi-literate and having lied on her resume.

    Prove it. Do you have copies of her employment file or termination papers?

    The job she had in the DOI in the late 80’s until DonnaLee Williams fired her was a no-show one courtesy of her then-boyfriend and IC David Levinson.

    Prove it. Do you have copies of her employment file or termination papers? What evidence do you have that she and Levinson dated?

    Her supposed insurance consultancy is a paper incorporation of ONE, herself, that never conducted any business.

    Prove it. How do you know her company never conducted any business? Do you have access to her corporate files?

  51. curious says:

    So. Are we decided. Is the job one of experience, passion, or ability to improve Delaware

  52. Geezer says:

    I will base my vote as I always do — on whichever candidate I trust most.

  53. Aoine says:

    Politics, politicians and trust? in the same sentance?? WOW

    maybe Im just jaded. or an absolute realist. 🙁

  54. Geezer says:

    I said “trust most.” As in, it’s relative. I’ve never trusted one completely.

  55. Aoine says:

    OK LOL – then its “trust but verify”

  56. Wheeeeeeeeeeee! In***d is in sockpuppet heaven. Mr. Geezer’s having the tenacity to parry this bonehead bipolar KWS hater is refreshing, as usual. I don’t have the fortitude to keep up.

    There are plenty of things to discuss both positive and negative about the IC office and Ms. Stewart without resorting to the absurd and unprovable lies being put forward by this whack. Could there even be enough meds to settle that brain down ???? Only Protack is comfortable ranting under so many aliases…well, maybe Liz.