Civilization is (was?) Awesome

Filed in National by on September 20, 2011

Yesterday I had to drop off some refuse at DSWA’s Pine Tree Corner Transfer Station and the whole experience gave me a warm feeling about civilization and how nice it is to live in a civilized society.

As I paid my meager $8.00 for the drop off, I started to think about how I will one day bounce my grandchildren on my knee and they will marvel at my stories about life in America prior to the Tea Party takeover. My grandchildren will not know a world without discarded dryers and hot water heaters strew about the country side. When I tell them in that back in 2011 you very rarely saw tires and other garbage flung along the roadside I expect they will think I am lying or exaggerating.

When I say that even people who didn’t use the transfer stations paid a little bit of tax money because it made everyone’s life better, they will no doubt roll their eyes. Content in their knowledge that all such confiscatory tax schemes lead to indolence and moral decay.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. John Young says:

    I’m with ya on the $8, but NCC Delaware is one disgusting pigsty of a county. I have lived in NY, AL, IL (2X), MN, OH, RI (2X), SC (2X), PA and DE (2X).

    No contest, this place is the filthiest county I have ever lived in in any state.

  2. jason330 says:

    I find it hard to believe that NCC is worse on trash than any county in Alabama.

  3. John Young says:

    well, I lived in Tuscaloosa County, and it was markedly cleaner than NCC. cant speak for the other 66 in AL, though.

  4. anon40 says:

    @John Young–What area(s) of NCC do you find trash strewn?

  5. John Young says:

    All of I-95, rte 13, most small business plazas (in the rear by the garbage receptacles with illegal dumping), the I-95 “welcome” center, Salem Church Rd, Rte 40, almost every single school (not as much garbage as just awful landscaping (weeds, etc)), most streets in Wilmington (distant second to the violence problem in our largest city being poorly dealt with by the mayor though)….shall I go on?…..

  6. NosyNeighbor says:

    We used to have prison crews out picking up trash along the major roads and highways. I think Minner did away with that. I’ve often thought we need to start it up again. I hate sitting at an intersection and feeling like I’m in NJ because of the trash (and high grasses/weeds) everywhere. It’s pretty sad.

  7. Jason330 says:

    You are probably half right. Budget cuts no doubt account for the high grass and weeds. That speaks to the decline of civilization in Teabag America that I mentioned above and is a harbinger of the rusty dishwashers and dryers that we’ll see lining the roads when the full Teabag agenda is enacted.

    I think what John Young is reacting to is NCC’s wild west approach to land use, zoning and signage. Yes, it looks like we live in a shit hole, because the built environment along Rts 13 & 40 is shithole-esque by design.

  8. puck says:

    Cutting the grass and picking up the trash is cost-prohibitive because of government’s insistence on hiring people legally.

    The requirement to hire workers legally is yet another example of the job-killing regulations that are crushing our economy. If government were run like a business it could hire illegals at a fraction of the cost to the taxpayer.

  9. puck says:

    People who pass through Delaware on the highways all think Delaware is a shithole. There are a lot of pleasant and picturesque communities ranging from quiet green subdivisions to estates on rolling hills.

  10. meatball says:

    I never understood why people would risk a fine for dumping shit that actually has scrap value. I recently took an old gas grill and a couple of push mowers and various other scraps of metal to a salvage yard. I got rid of all that stuff and they paid me $58.

    TVs,too. Don’t people know they can take that shit to any DSWA transfer station for free? Once, on a recycling run, I even picked a TV up off the side of the road and brought it along with me.

  11. puck says:

    You can put stuff on Craigslist or Freecycle and someone will come pick it up for you for the scrap value. Easiest thing.

  12. meatball says:

    Oh, and prisoners still pick up litter along the Sussex roadways at least. Maybe NCC roads are too busy to accomplish this safely.

  13. SussexAnon says:

    The reason for the high grass and weeds is because money for that was used for snow removal last winter. DelDot has an estimated budget for snow removal, when that is exceeded, they take planned money for grass cutting and cut the grass less often.

    Ask Jim Westhoff about it. He fielded complaints about this all summer long. I suggest JY contact Jim at DelDot as well. That is, if the complaint is really justified, or just some annonymous internet blather.