Science Fact Catches Up to Science Fiction As We Speak
By the time you read this a scientist somewhere will have pulled some wild ass shit out of the magic hat of science. When you scanned the words “magic hat” just now, some scientist just invented a robot rendering magic hats so obso-fucking-leet that it gives me the chills.
Sure, America is falling behind in science because we suck and spending money on science is a mugs game. But Sky dad will protect us from our failing infrastructure and anyway, it is the infrastructure’s job to fall on our heads, because Skydad planned it that way, so shut up pinko fag.
Anyway…. this is interesting. One minute I’m reading this science fiction story by Steven Newton (which is about as doused in blood as you’d expect a Republican’s science fiction story to be) wherein people can read other people’s thoughts and memories like they are watching the Sean Hannity Show. That is to say, it is mostly nausea inducing. Then an hour later I read about how scientist have worked out MRI decoding to the point where you can kinda read people thoughts like you are watching the an underwater version of the Sean Hannity Show.
Pretty neat. Living on the edge of the end of civilization is fairly entertaining.