Why I am REALLY Delaware’s Hottest Blogger

Filed in National by on July 13, 2008

Soon we’ll be able to settle this question once and for all. But since Donviti is pulling out all of the stops in a last ditch bid to regain the title of Delaware’s Hottest Blogger I guess I should give my pitch for why I am Delaware’s hottest blogger.

First of all I guess we should all agree that being hot has nothing to do with being a stand up guy when you were 19. Are we all cool with that? Good. I think we all agree that being hot means being like Alec Baldwin.

I don’t think it is gay of me to say that Alec Baldwin is the paragon of hotness. Ergo – the more a blogger is like Alec Baldwin, the hotter said blogger is. Now then, for those of you who don’t know me personally, (yet) let me describe a few of the many ways I am like Alec Baldwin.

First of all Alec Baldwin and I are both Aries. Alexander Rae “Alec” Baldwin III was born April XX, 1958. I was born that very day seven years later. (I don’t want to give away the date for security reasons). Alec Baldwin is an Emmy- and Academy Award-nominated, and Golden Globe Award-winning, American actor. I played the lead in my 8th grade musical.

He is also noted for having hosted Saturday Night Live multiple times. I have host this blog since 1971. Baldwin used to work as a busboy at the famous but now defunct New York City disco Studio 54. I worked as a busboy in the famous but now defunct Dover Delaware eatery, The Blue Coat Inn – (where, like Baldwin, I may or may not have had a lot of cocaine and anonymous sex!)

Have a nice night stewing Donviti. I think this post more or less clinches it for me.

Remember to VOTE at a special Drinking Liberally on Thursday, July 31 at Catherine Rooney’s in Wilmington.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. All we all cool with that?

    I can’t remember his name, but some douchebag made fun of my innagural post b/c of it’s grammar….

  2. found the guy…

    3 liberalgeek // Jul 12, 2008 at 2:08 pm

    Good thing grammar, spelling and punctuation don’t count, eh? Nice job setting up the sympathy vote.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    I would like to point out that I, too am an Aries.

    Donviti – You can steal my use of the word “too” to indicate also. You seem to get that wrong quite a bit, so I thought I’d point it out.

    And all I can really say is “bring it, bitches!”

  4. I played the lead in my 8th grade musical.

    Insert over the top gay voice…”HELLLLOOOOOO”

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Let me also point out this Alec Baldwin link:


    Now, I’m not saying that my opponent DID make a threatening call like his BFF, Alec Baldwin, but how can we be sure?

  6. I don’t think someone did the proper vetting πŸ™‚

  7. Jason330 says:

    DV –

    Thanks for the correction. Happy stewing.

  8. Dominique says:

    The Blue Coat Inn is closed?!?!?

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, they kicked out all the kids and they lost all of their business… πŸ™‚

  10. No, they kicked out the kids from the Dover Mall and they went straight to the Blue Coat Inn and demolished it to make way for office buildings.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Hope you don’t mind some questions….and this is why this site needs a contact page!!!

    Which musical did you lead?

    You refer to the 1971 blog start–is that a typo?–or a joint venture w/ Al Gore?

    And how are things in the 14th?

  12. Jason330 says:


    It seems like since ’71. I’m not sure about the exact date. Liberalgeek put all those records on some 8 inch floppy disks prior to Y2K which he was all worked up about.

    The musical was a stage adaptation of My Dinner With Andre. The 8th graders loved it.

  13. Disbelief says:

    He remembers the name of his 8th grade play, but ask him the date of his wife’s birthday.

  14. pandora says:

    Hmmm… I’m an Aries as well. I was also in my high school play. I’m feeling a post coming on…

  15. Andy says:

    The Blue Coat Inn is closed?!?!?
    Closed torn down and gone

  16. anon says:

    You guys are all arguing about who used to be the hottest. You may as well argue about which one of you had the nicest mullet. It’s ancient history. The real proof comes in person on July 31.

    But please gentlemen, in the public interest let’s not start anything as serious as voting on blog hotness until we all have our beer goggles screwed on tight.

  17. I am a fellow fire sign, Sagg. That might ‘splain a few things.

  18. Laser Haas says:

    A hot issue for the hottest website.

    We discovered that the US Attorney in Delaware, Colm F Connolly’s office, was assisting in defeating prosecution efforts against the MNAT law firm.

    We reported this to the CA US Attorney and they shut down the Public Corruption Unit nnd threatened career prosecutors to keep silent about why.

    Then the Region 3 US Trustee over Delaware Resigned.

    The FBI raided the Office of Special Counsel in Washington DC for destroying whistle blower files against government personnel

    Now, the reward for Colm F Connolly,

    he is nowminated for the Delaware Federal Bench and the Wilmington Journal refuses to print this story

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    Sorry for the delay–I was at a conference. Thank you Jason for the clarifications. I will collectively take in consideration the inception of a blog site–w/ your gracious acknowledgement to LiberalGeek; the memorable musical that one 8th grader regales;and who knows may have been the start of tap dancing skills, the olive branch you extended to Hillary’s camp, you are an Aries–same as my BFF since 4th grade, AND your 14th district residency….which in no way should overshadow the meritorious donation of your human trunk as petition paper for OOGA back in January….some serious consideration…but it looks like now LG does want to be considered…I must move on…and ponder…