Afghanistan Was Awesome According To Mike Castle

Filed in National by on July 13, 2008

While campaigning in the friendly environs of Châteaux Country, and working hard to convince rich Delawareans to support George Bush with their money and votes, Mike Castle famously said:

“We are more secure today than we were two years ago. The Taliban no longer rules Afghanistan…”

– Michael Castle September 7, 2004

Mike never mentioned what our plans were for Afghanistan in 2004 because, as it turns out we didn’t have any. What a disgrace the guy is, and what a disgrace our local media is for having such a short memory.

Someone let me know if Castle ever gets asked about his support for Bush or if he still thinks that we are more secure today than we were in 2002. I’ll refrain from holding my breath.

Meanwhile we have news today that the Taliban attack on a remote US base near the Pakistan border has had deadly consequences for US forces.

Attack on US base in Afghanistan kills 9 Americans

U.S. officials say militant attacks in Afghanistan are becoming more complex, intense and better coordinated than a year ago. Monthly death tolls of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan surpassed U.S. military deaths in Iraq in May and June. And last Monday, a suicide bomber attacked the Indian Embassy in Kabul, killing 58 people in the deadliest attack in the Afghan capital since 2001. – via kos

It may fall to father time to remove Mike Castle from the public stage, but I honestly don’t know how Mike Castle can live with himself. He is a truly a coward and a low life for the work that he did to elect George Bush – and all the more loathsome that he continues to pretend that he made the right choice.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Dominique says:

    ‘It may fall to father time to remove Mike Castle from the public stage…’

    That may be one of your best phrases ever. What a gentle way to put it. Excellent writing, Jason. 🙂

  2. Truth Teller says:

    Look a bit off the subject for a moment. If you folks really want to get pissed check the cover of the NEW YORKER. Story and pic. on the Huffing ton Post see if you think it’s satire