Filed in National by on July 14, 2008

Why did God create guns?

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    To fix His mistakes?

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Ding…we have a vvinner.

  3. liz allen says:

    God didn’t, imperfect man did!

  4. anon says:

    Oh yeah, I forgot, God plays this sadistic little game where He gives us “free will” and lets us choose whether to blow our brains out or not, so we can prove how much we love Him.

  5. mike w. says:

    so that certain people would get bent out of shape about inanimate hunks of metal & plastic/wood.

  6. anon says:

    I think I got two “Awesomes” from D*B today… I am fulfulled

  7. liberalgeek says:

    He does have a limited vocabulary. You can feel fulfilled when you get two Grrrr!’s in a day.

  8. anon says:

    no, it’s “fulfulled.” note the malaprop spelling and the lack of caps and punctuation at the end. Anyone can have perfect spelling and grammar like LG, but D*B – speak is an art form.

  9. Linoge says:

    God did not. Man did. Free will, and all that good stuff. After all, these are our lives, to do with as we please, whether that is decorating our living room an odd shade of red-and-grey, or defending ourselves from marauding animals, human or beast alike.

  10. Tom S. says:

    “God created all men equal…but Sam Colt made them equal”

  11. G Rex says:

    Because slaying Philistines with the jawbone of an ass just took too freakin’ long, that’s why.

  12. God did not. Man did

    I thought Man was an instrument of God?

    I’m so confused

  13. RAH says:

    Normal mode for DTB is confusion.

  14. Linoge says:

    No, that is not confusion, that is intentional obstinance, or just outright stupidity. Take your pick.

  15. mike w. says:

    Can I choose both?

  16. Paul Falkowski says:

    I’ll bet the Liberals and Philistines were upset with David and his SlingShot.
    The French got Cross over the British use of the Long Bow.

    How long does it take a cop to come after you dial 911?
    Please, stop protecting criminals… and making their right to steal and cause mayhem, greater than the rights of the rest of us to be safe and secure. Let us defend ourselves.
    If you reject that idea, then I invite you to post a sign that says,–this property is undefended.
    I will post a sign that says, “Go commit your crime someplace safer than at my house. Committing a crime here may result in serious injury or even death. “

  17. liberalgeek says:

    Paul – it’s no use. Murderboy is already taken. You’ll have to settle for some other name…

  18. Paul Falkowski says:

    Self – Defense Person.
    As opposed to Victim, if I can prevent it.

    In strong deference to what is happening in the ‘other’ neighborhoods.
    Defense is not assault,
    Defense is not Vigilantism.
    Defense does not shoot at a school bus.

  19. liberalgeek says:

    Defense doesn’t use lethal force on a 16 year old cutting through the backyard. You make a crappy victim.

  20. Paul Falkowski says:

    I guarantee you, I will make a Horrible victim. I will fight back, and I will get even.

    At some point in time, repetitive stealing and vandalism for a victim, does affect their quality of life, affects their families, and everyone else.

    Have you seen today’s 16 years olds. Their faces are in the police reports, and sometimes in the News Journal. Older, bigger and more dangerous.

    The more you feel sorry for them, the more
    I hope you make a good victim. Hows that?
    I will be awaiting your epiphany.

  21. pandora says:

    Better be careful… shooting someone before they shoot you is one thing, shooting someone for repetitive stealing and vandalism will result in a very long prison sentence.

    Getting even is also asking for trouble. Just a word of caution.

  22. mike w. says:

    “Better be careful… shooting someone before they shoot you is one thing, shooting someone for repetitive stealing and vandalism will result in a very long prison sentence.”

    Agreed. At least here in Delaware you’d better not shoot over property. However it all depends on the jury you get. I’ve heard of instances here in DE where the guy should have been found guilty per the law but the jury just decided there was no way they were going to convict.

    There was one case in DE years ago where an ex-marine had a group of angry folks with bats & whatnot coming up the street towards his house looking for him (I can’t remember why) Anyway he’s in a defensive situation, training kicks in, and he grabs a pistol, hides in the bushes and starts taking them out one by one from down the street.

    His actions were certainly illegal under Delaware law, but the guys, at least one of whom lived, all had long, violent rap sheets. He got a sympathetic jury and wasn’t convicted.

  23. liberalgeek says:

    Paul – You are the reason that people get into these crazy-ass good v. evil no-win fights. Your position is completely indefensible. You are also way more likely to shoot your own 16 year old as he sneaks out to hang with friends.

    I fully expect to see you on America’s Most Wanted some day.

  24. asm826 says:

    To give the weak and otherwise defenseless a way to defend themselves.

  25. Paul Falkowski says:

    Interesting proposition, good vs evil is a no win situation. Is that correct?
    Just like my local politician. He is an expert on popularity, and to him good and evil are not a calculation. there is no right or wrong, just voters, and the impresions they have.
    The 16 year old is 18, thank you.

    And I would rather be on a wanted poster than in the Obit.

    I live in Wilmington, on the edge of INDIAN territory. Anyone with common sense recognizes the presense danger.

  26. Paul Falkowski says:

    Mike W.,
    “”shooting someone for repetitive stealing and vandalism will result in a very long prison sentence.””

    How about shooting someone with a long rap Sheet?
    You all know that the justice system is a revolving door. Juvenile delinquents are just criminals in training. It keeps the police busy until the criminals either are killed by their own or their crimes are sufficiently serious to finally keep them in jail. Meanwhile all of society suffers. Especially in their own neighborhoods.

  27. liberalgeek says:

    Paul – seek professional help or move out to the country where you have no neighbors. You may be a danger to yourself and others.

  28. Paul Falkowski says:

    I am not about to surrender to GL or Pandora,
    or to the increasing danger caused by the “thugs”.

    I have signage that says, “Nothing inside is worth risking your life for. The owner of this property is armed and trained in the use of those arms.”

    It is your philosophy that I believe encourages criminal behavior, by protecting them over and above the damage that they do.

    Think very hard about what and who you are protecting.
    In Wilmington, in particular, it is not people with my philosophy that are spreading the violence.

    I am a part time DIY homeowner and Mechanic. There are many tools that I am adept at using. I am also a retired Army Infantry Officer, and I have said frequently that after having the responsibility to defend my country and to lead others I am not about to give up my right to protect myself, my family, my possessions and that of my neighbor – with his full permission to do so.
    You make some scurrilous decisions about the danger that someone poses. Yet YOU totally ignore the KNOWN Violence and 16% deaths in Wilmington.

    Let me laugh while I consider the proposition of moving. Would you say that to people that live next to an Airport or next to the Delaware City refinery, or areas near factories on Wilmington’s East Side, to simply move because of the health threats and social irritations?

    You probably would demand that the health threats be remedied. Well, when it comes to the spreading violence in Wilmington, I suggest the same. But I will do everything I can NOT to become a Victim.

  29. mike w. says:

    Paul – remember your audience. To many rabid anti-gunners “refusing to be a victim” is the same as being a “paranoid nutjob looking to shoot someone.”

  30. Pandora says:

    Paul, I am a city resident as well, and I’m beginning to think we live in two different cities. Yes, urban areas have more crime – that’s a given – but I don’t feel under siege living in Wilmington.

  31. mike w. says:

    Pandora – it depends entirely on WHERE in Wilmington you live. Some areas aren’t too bad (relatively safe infact) and other area’s I’d avoid if at all possible, even if I was carrying a gun.

    My father owns houses in Wilmington where he flat out will not go to pick up rent money. He pays someone else quite a bit to go into those areas so he doesn’t have to.

    There are areas of Wilmington where if you look like I do (skinny white kid, walks with a limp) you are pretty much asking to be robbed.