This is the Face of Hate

Filed in National by on October 8, 2011

This is the face of pure evil. This is the face of pure hate. This man is not a Christian in any stretch of the word.

I’m speaking about Bryan Fischer, a “conservative radio shock jock.” Here’s what this “Christian” had to say today about Islam:

“Christians and Muslims do not believe in the same God.”

“I believe it’s important that we have a president who understands that Islam is not a religion of peace, but a religion of war and violence and death.”

“Every single Mosque in America is a potential recruiting or training cell for Islamic terror.”

“The greatest long-term threat to our security and liberty is not radical Islam, but Islam itself.”

“This is not Islamophobia, this is Islamo-realism.”

“The more devout a Muslim becomes, the more of a threat he becomes to our national security.”

I’m afraid to find out what he thinks of Jews. And his other wild claim is that the only reason there haven’t been any more “Muslim attacks” in America is because “people are singing G-D Bless America” at baseball games instead of Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Really? So it’s not because the NSA and CIA have been doing a better job of reacting to intelligence? And it’s not because we’ve almost decapitated Al-Qaeda? Just some song? Hell, it that’s all it took, we’d better watch out when all those good Christian white men south of the Mason-Dixon line start whistling Dixie.

You know, if you put about 150 pounds on this guy, you’d have Sussex County’s resident racist with a radio mike.

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A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. Geezer says:

    I want to know who he thinks Muslims are praying to. See, if there’s only ONE GOD, and theirs is a DIFFERENT GOD, then obviously there is more than one God.

    These people are so stupid it makes my brain hurt.

  2. anon says:

    Muslims pray to the same God only they refer to him as Allah. They also believe Jesus was a prophet. Islam is one of the miss understood religions by Christians and Jews. Its time to put down the Bible, Torah and Koran and pick up the consitution, that is the only document that represents the collective we the people.

  3. Geezer says:

    Yes, anon, I know that they’re the same God. I just want to know who this wingnut thinks Muslims are praying to. Could it be … Satan?

  4. anon says:

    I want to know what God christians are praying too…since they seem to be quoting the Old Testament, not the New after Christ. Peter King on Laura Ingraham show not only demonizes all muslims but the occupy movement claiming they are “anarchists, and a mob that must be quashed. The righties are working overtime to demonize this movement, as it grows stronger every day. In Atlanta, Occupy wouldnt permit John Lewis to speak. They voted against him because he is a democrat, further proof that this is not a movement funded by “demorats, or George Soros” as the righties claim. There has never been a movement like this and the righties are freaking as it proves they are a small minority of big mouths that corporate media made possible. Dont you think it strange when the baggers were protesting they were provided with microphones, bandstands, portapotties, and this movement has all the electric shut down forcing people to repeat and repeat the message?

  5. Liberal Elite says:

    No man has the same God as his neighbor’s.

  6. anon says:

    We have separation of church and state in this country. Who cares about your religion or the lack thereof. These religious zealots are responsible for the hate in the world. My God is better than yours…its all fairy tales. Lets move on to the bigger picture of uniting as WE the people. Every religion has its zealots unfortunately we give them credibility because we don’t challenge them or remind them religions have no place in politics. And if they continue to interfere in our democracy, then start taxing them like corporations.

  7. JustSomeGuy says:

    Today’s rant from the WGOP bigot:

  8. Free Market Democrat says:

    “One man’s religion is another man’s bellylaugh.” – Robert Heinlein via Lazarus Long

    Even my deeply held beliefs make someone else laugh (“You have got to be kidding me!” – when Cartman learned about Catholic ideas about transubstantiation). Or as the Sargent says in STRIPES, “Settle down, Francis.”

  9. Dana Garrett says:

    When Christianity dominated the political and cultural life of the western world, it was called the “Dark Ages.” Fascinating that many people don’t reflect on the significance of that fact.

  10. Crunchy says:

    Great point, Dana.

  11. Miscreant says:

    “Great point, Dana.”

    Sounds more like the point of a sad, bitter atheist.

  12. Dana Garrett says:

    Miserable-creant, you would humiliate yourself a lot less if you addressed the things you do know and not the things you don’t know. So when DL posts something on NASCAR, your opinion will matter.

  13. Miscreant says:

    NASCAR is for simpletons. Are you a fan?

  14. Don says:

    “This man is not a Christian in any stretch of the word.”

    Ah, the good old “No true Scotsman” fallacy. ( REAL Christians are the ones who agree with me.

    (I’m not trying to support Fischer in any way here; it’s just that I’m borderline anal retentive about the “no real X would do Y” argument…)

  15. Truth Teller says:

    I never knock folks who still believe in Fairy tales

  16. Liberal Elite says:

    “I never knock folks who still believe in Fairy tales”

    …unless they insist that we all live their fairy tale!

    THAT’s the real problem with religious wackos everywhere, whether Christian or Muslim… (remarkably little difference there).