Book Club…

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008

As much as I hate to do it, I’m going to but the book club on hold. I have gotten no firm commitments on attendees. Perhaps we can pick it up later, but it seems like we just can’t squeeze it into schedules this month.


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  1. arthur says:

    try picking better books

  2. cassandra m says:

    The books were fine, schedules are certainly tough right now (I was trying to get there tonite).

    But as I suggested in an email to you LG, I wonder if we want to take advantage of the fact that we are all online periodically throughout the day and conduct this book club right here. I’ve been involved with online reader’s groups at Salon back in the day and the online model works pretty well as long as we do the work of keeping a discussion (rather than static book review) going.

    Any thoughts?

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, I thought that it might work, but I was really hoping for it as a social event. My heart really isn’t in it if it’s isn’t at least real time… But that’s me.

    Would you be interested in running it that way?

  4. Disbelief says:

    I’ve always thought of reading groups as an excuse to go out and get legitimately drunk. I can do that at home anytime. Agree with geek that it should be more social. I mean, would you rather have sex with another person or look at internet porn?

  5. pandora says:

    Summer is crazy for everyone. Maybe we should look at September…

  6. cassandra m says:

    More social is fine by me. Starting a web discussion takes advantage of how we got here in the first place and is less demanding on schedules.

    Just keep us posted and I’ll keep trying to make it…..