Mike “Pocket Change” Castle Strikes Again

Filed in National by on July 18, 2008

National Parks bill passes House

griz170.jpgA bill calling for honoring National Parks on the U.S. quarter dollar coin beginning in 2010 unanimously passed the U.S. House of Representatives July 9.

Huzza! Three cheers for a guy who worked hard to get George Bush elected TWICE! and voted with Bush on Iraq 95% of the time!!

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. anon says:

    Those bears look like they got busted just as they were getting ready to do the wild thing.

  2. even sweeter, Delaware doesn’t have a national park. Castle hopes we will by the time we get our shot at one.

    to be fair, the state quarter thing actually MADE money for the government….

    It is sort of actually, kinds not a bad thing…

  3. Disbelief says:

    Are those two bears the one’s that donviti saved from extinction on his way to work yesterday?

  4. Al Mascitti says:

    DTB is right. Whatever else you don’t like about Castle, this is a rare example of a politician coming up with an idea that makes the government money instead of costing it money.

  5. anon says:

    this is a rare example of a politician coming up with an idea that makes the government money instead of costing it money.

    Casinos and lotteries are a much more efficient way getting poor people to spend money they don’t have on stupid stuff.

  6. Disbelief says:

    anon, you’ve pierced right through it again. How about putting political candidates on a slot machine; you put in money and keep pulling the lever until you get a candidate that ‘wins’ for you.

  7. anon says:

    you put in money and keep pulling the lever until you get a candidate that ‘wins’ for you.

    How is that different from the system we have now?

  8. Al Mascitti says:

    Casinos and lotteries are not federally chartered. And collecting coins, strictly speaking, is not “spending money they don’t have on stupid stuff.” The revenue to the government comes about because of people holding onto the coins rather than spending them. And, if you ever decide to get out of collecting the coins, they’re still worth face value — which is all most people have paid for their quarters. Even the coin shops are only marking them up to 30 cents.

  9. CJO says:

    Oh shit, I’ve been paying $1.50 for those quarters!!

  10. DTB is right


    now get me on your radio show to do sidebar comments for an hour! come on AL….

    Shameless Pimping I know, but listen as DTB, DHB, DMHB I’m a commodity that should no longer be overlooked by traditional media!

  11. RSmitty says:

    Mike “Pocket Change” Castle Strikes Again

    Careful, J. You actually owe him a little thanks for making your finally-attractive title-banner even possible.


  12. Sticks 'n Twigs says:

    Hopefully, the ‘quarter’ offsets the cost of making pennies (2 cents each).

    All in all it’s a weird claim to fame.

    BTW I think the Mickey (Mouse) voted w/Busco 93% of the time.

  13. DJK says:

    HAHAHAHa It’s rare for ANY politician to come up with anything that really matters or makes a difference.