Same World, Different Realities

Filed in National by on July 23, 2008

Here is an interesting blurb which kind of explains why the press has been so wrong about Bush and the GOP trashing of this country for so long.

Columnist Rober Novak just hit an old man with his car as we pick up the story…

“I didn’t know I hit him. … I feel terrible,” a shaken Novak told reporters from Politico and WJLA as he was returning to his car. “He’s not dead, that’s the main thing.” Novak said he was a block away from 18th and K streets Northwest, where the accident occurred, when a bicyclist stopped him and said he had hit someone. He said he was cited for failing to yield the right of way.

The bicyclist was David Bono, a partner at Harkins Cunningham, who was on his usual bike commute to work at 1700 K St. N.W. when he witnessed the accident.

As he traveled east on K Street, crossing 18th, Bono said “a black Corvette convertible with top closed plows into the guy. The guy is sort of splayed into the windshield.”

You might think, what does this have to do with the press being wrong about George Bush?

Well here is the thing, Novak’s claim, “I didn’t know I hit him…” is so at odds with the first hand witnesses observation that, ” (Novak’s) Corvette convertible with top closed plows into the guy. The guy is sort of splayed into the windshield”  that Novak’s take on the event is either pure bullshit or he lives in an different reality in which hit and run vicitms are invisible.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Rebecca says:

    Interesting the Washington police are charging him with failure to yield instead of leaving the scene or a hit and run. I wish somebody would report what happened to the victim. Getting splayed across a windshield can’t be good for one’s health.

  2. RSmitty says:

    …and from CNN, there is this take…
    (snip from article)

    “It was a slight clipping. The pedestrian hurt his shoulder. It was a slight injury, nothing serious,” the police spokesman said.

    Quite a departure from:

    “a black Corvette convertible with top closed plows into the guy. The guy is sort of splayed into the windshield.”

    Of course, his wallet is fat.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    “I really hate jaywalkers. I despise them. Since I don’t run the country, all I can do is yell at ’em. The other option is to run ’em over, but as a compassionate conservative, I would never do that,” – Robert Novak, quoted in the Washington Post in 2001

    h/t Andrew Sullivan

  4. Dist says:

    Gee, I wonder if that quote will be admitted into evidence during the lawsuit?

  5. Truth Teller says:

    Look I hope they toss the book at him he speeds around Fenwick island like he owns the place

  6. Dana says:

    The pedestrian was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Now, we have CNN saying it was a “slight clipping,” and someone else claiming he was “splayed” all over the windshield.

    Which one is consistent with minor injuries?

  7. jason330 says:

    …he speeds around Fenwick island like he owns the place

    More evidence. I think I could get the plaintiff a tidy sum and I don’t know from lawyering.

  8. Al Mascitti says:

    If it was a slight clipping, how did he hurt his shoulder? Falling down? Doesn’t sound that “slight” to me. The bicyclist saw the incident; the police didn’t. I realize you authority-loving conservatives love law ‘n’ order, but what police say in these situations isn’t exactly holy writ.

  9. jason330 says:

    Dana –

    Of course the media is going to circle the wagons. If one of them is forced to follow traffic rules, they all will. They might hate Novak, but they hate stopping at red lights more.