Lifflander to Run Again

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008

After Republican John Atkins was forced to resign from his office in disgrace, Democrat Barbara Lifflander and Republican Greg Hastings ran in a special election to fill the 41st District’s seat.   Hastings won.   Now Atkins claims he is a Democrat, and wants to run as a Democrat to get his old job back.  

Thank God we have a real Democrat to challenge this drunken power hungry fake one.   For some unknown reason, people claim Atkins is popular in his district, and he may well win the primary. 

Well, let me ask him one question:

Mr. Atkins, who are you voting for and supporting for President: John McCain or Barack Obama?



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  1. meatball says:

    Traveling through the 41st I saw quite a few Atkins signs last night. There were no other candidates’ signage to be seen. Atkins’ signs are void of any party affiliation and in the radio spots I’ve heard, he basically says he is a conservative who will vote conservatively.

  2. AtkinsWatch says:

    Great campaign strategy for the Democratic primary, John.

    Big question: who do Carney, Markell & Denn endorse in the 41st primary?

  3. liberalgeek says:

    I thought that Hastings beat a former cop.

  4. meatball says:

    Lynn Bullock is retired DSP captain. He was also mayor of Millsboro for a couple of terms.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    That’s him. Thanks.

  6. M.Opaliski says:

    It was a three-way race in the 41st Special Election but Lifflander wasn’t involved in it …

  7. OldHickory says:

    Didn’t Atkins run a write in campaign? I thought with him there were 4 altogether in the special election.

  8. M.Opaliski says:

    He has stated that he had no involvement with that effort, the write-in effort …

  9. dorothy boucher says:

    Who are you delawaredem? Care to leave your name? Just like to know who is bloging.

  10. delawaredem says:

    My real name is Jason Melrath.

  11. OldHickory says:

    No involvement? OK. In that case I’ve got a bridge to sell you….

  12. arthur says:

    politicians are only concerned with themselves. there is no other ‘job’ that you get from winning a popularity contest. no who else besides ego maniacs would want to get a job based on how many people like them?

  13. annon2 says:

    Poor Adkins. No job, nothing to do. Gee, that legislator job made me important.

  14. meatball says:

    John Burton was the Indy candidate. Atkins denied involvement, but became a regular caller on local talk radio. The financial backing came from the head of a prominent farming family from the Seaford/Laurel area who claims he is a Dem. David Horsey is his name.

    I believe Atkins owns the vegetable stand on 113 in Dagsboro.

  15. Badmon3333 says:

    Barbara Lifflander can claim one thing on her political resume: getting beaten soundly by John Atkins (70-30 in ’04, 65-35 in ’06). True, he didn’t have DUI and domestic violence controversy on his record back then, but I have a bad feeling he’s going to beat her again.

    As for beating Hastings, well, we’ll see how the 7/28 debate goes in Oak Orchard.

  16. potnetsgal says:

    Lifflander has stated in past campaigns that she would introduce same sex marraige, and abortions without parental consent for minors as young as 13. She is from Yonkers, New York and too liberal to win in Sussex County. The Local D’s didn’t endorse her in the last two general elections when she was the only democrat on the ballot. Alot I mean ALOT of Atkins signs in front yards in that district!

  17. Politico says:

    I didn’t like how Adkins acted when he got in trouble, but, he was always there for his constituents and that is what wins elections. If Rep. Hastings has not been doing his constituent work he is going to be in trouble.

    What I find interesting is that the Dems in the Del. House went after Adkins when he got in trouble. He wasn’t fit to hold office. Now, they love him! It is funny has opinions change when looking for that magical number 21!

  18. barbara lifflaznder says:

    I consider myself a Loou Dobbs conservative with a brain, although I have been anactive Dem all my life, even bfore I was able to vote. This is a challenge of principle. Once again,no one in 41st wanted the spot, so a deal was convneinelty cut. This is an impotant seat for both parties. Late as i was for filing, my campaign is in fulll swing and I welcome all registered Democrats of the 41st to jump on board. Liars to the Ethics Committe and wife beaters not welcome. bbl